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Project LC

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Everything posted by Project LC

  1. Hmmm worst ip possible which is mildly related to water. Ah must be a sponge Bob themed ride.
  2. Well loggers at Thorpe. While it was a harsh comment it does have some truth behind it.
  3. There is no financial sense in spending hundreds of thousands on poor animation to add to a ride where doing so would bring in almost no new guests at all. Meanwhile filling up hard drives of the tech and making the VR even more complex. Either it would be a full update to the entire attraction or nothing at all happens. Animation is expensive, that's why it looks so poor. So unless Thorpe in the future want to spend the amount of a new attraction on an attraction loosing appeal I don't see it ever happening.
  4. Wow actual physical changes to the VR then. Never thought we would see that. Unless for reasons only know to Alton there is no way of providing software updates with it all on the trains.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-36803544 Would you like some more fear with your fear? I'm sorry but I don't see how an independent news reporter can honestly consider publishing an article linking a leave vote with believing in the death penalty. I don't care if a survey of people showed statistics like that it's not news. On top of that the statistics are clearly being shown in a light so it benefits the story. I'm quite sure 70% of people who believe in the death penalty voted leave but the way it's written suggests 70% of leave voters support the death penalty. Any person who knows something about statistics can tell you that isn't the case. Not a single positive story from the bbc about Brexit. No mention of the ftse on an 11 month high or multiple requests for trade deals from around the world. Just fear fear fear.
  6. The last hour can't be beneficial to the park. The tiny boost in attendance will be vastly outweighed by the running cost.
  7. If the ghost train is looked after I will be amazed. The headsets will remain the same for the next 10+ years and the animation will remain the same for even longer. As for the actors they will disappear anywhere from next week to 4.5 years.
  8. I gave up visiting. Far too many issues. Starting to miss slammer and stealth though. I need a good launch coaster in my life.
  9. How often do you go to Thorpe Jaime? I swear you were there the other day. Glad to hear good operations.
  10. It might be but that has been on the map for years. An investment that was clearly put on hold but oakwood didn't want to admit it.
  11. Hex isn't actually in the towers it's in a building behind it. That being said I expect it to be on about Charlie.
  12. July is an odd one. Often what happens is as lots of schools are going during the week or have been recently the number at weekends dips a little to what it would otherwise be in late august. Also as its early summer the major crowds are not yet pouring into Thorpe. You will be looking at queues of around an hour but if you get there early, go round the park right, keep looking at the queue times and heading to the shortest you will easily get it all done without the need for fastrack. The distances are small so slow walking is hardly an issue. As for your full throttle rotating free fall experience of slammer (think they might have dropped the full throttle bit when they changed the announcements) best of luck, maybe it will be nice and open for you.
  13. Swansea is about 1hr 30 away but is a very manageable drive. Cardiff is about 2 hours 30 away. A good weekend is spend the day in Cardiff, go to Swansea for the evening then oakwood the next day. Just avoid a hotel on wine (wind) Street in Swansea as I can assure you you won't be sleeping.
  14. Nah boris will go for PM and go forward with article 50. He will find a middle ground keeping us in the single market but control over our laws and the ability to make trade deals. As a result he will be supported by people who voted leave and get some support from people who wanted to stay. Meanwhile labour falls apart with this stupid no confidence vote. Also UKIP vote dwindles and gets distributed back to the party's they got them from (mainly conservatives). So all in all it will play out quite well for the conservatives.
  15. I do believe they have a plan but it's behind closed doors. They have to portray to the uk people the plan meets their needs while at the same time the plan must put the global markets at ease. All of which needs good PR. When boris is put in charge then article 50 will be put in motion and the plan will be briefly laid out. It will lack details as they won't want to seem weak by not getting anything.
  16. Completely had enough of the life span argument. It is outrageous that because you disagree with the outcome that suddenly your opinion is more important than someone else's. Democracy means everyone is equal. Everyone has one vote regardless of background. The 16 year old vote isn't in place because hardly any 18 year olds vote so I can assure you even less would at 16. A majority of 16 year olds are not interested in politics they have little engagement in current affairs and as a result they don't have a vote. Yes it will effect them and the decision has been made for them but so has everyone under 18. You have to draw the line somewhere. Scotland will push for another referendum but it will ruin them. They would be forced to adopt the Euro, they would have to take some out the UKs debt, the economics of the country don't work as they spend far more than receive in tax and the SNPs only answer to money is north sea oil which belongs to Westminster anyway.
  17. I would like to point out the value of the pound is not a measure of the economy. They rise and fall and while yes it has fallen a lot it is now rising again. Exports are far more favourable with a weaker pound. The ftse 100 was predicted to be down 9.8% however currently it's only down 2.2%. The markets don't like risk which is why they are all over the place. Once a plan is set out then stability will be brought to the markets. Brexit was always going to be damaging short term, however it allows great growth in the long term as we are no longer letting the slow EU set up poor trade deals for us.
  18. Perhaps the heat was the issue with the launch system that delayed it's opening.
  19. Really worried I was going into the polling station on Thursday not knowing how David Beckham was going to vote. The media and the UK population are a joke if we seriously considered how a footballer is going to vote is actual news. 2 days to go and the best article the BBC has to offer is David Beckham is voting remain. If that influences anyone's decision they probably shouldn't be voting. He has the political expertise of hamster and spent most of his life kicking a ball up and down a field. People's opinions should not be influenced by celebrities where most are evidently out of touch with society as they have everything done for them and they have crazy amounts of money.
  20. Project LC

    Doctor Who

    It worked well with badwolf as it was a very minor role in the series and hardly noticeable unless you were looking for it. It made sense for the overall story arc to be there and added a layer of depth to the series. The problem with moffats overall stories is that they are the main story and not a subtle thing in the background. Also on many occasions he just rams in scenes that don't need to be there which ruin the episodes. (Into the dalek comes to mind)
  21. Its pretty similar to that image to be honest. It is missing the kink in the coaster though.
  22. The support structure is the most efficient they can get. Stealth style wouldn't work as the stress and strain on the track would be too large. It is Europe's tallest and fastest but why is that what they want. Coasters should push the edges of fun and some coaster that is just a smaller version of an American coaster isn't something I think PA should be doing.
  23. Ticket sale sites have the bandwidth and processing to deal with large amounts of traffic. Regardless of how good the tec, it will be slow but normally they stay up. When they don't have the gear they should try other promotions or variations on them. Otherwise they will crash and you get a load of people who don't understand how the internet works moaning because they missed out on 50p tickets.
  24. I still don't understand the point of this ride. It's acceleration won't be very good the top speed isn't very impressive and its height is a tad underwhelming. I have faith it will be popular for the park and offer a decent experience but I can't hep feeling it will be a bit of a let down.
  25. I thought IAC is still run by Merlin. When it hands over to Thorpe's operations I suspect there will be less actors. The same story for DBGT. The bottom line is actors are expensive and Thorpe are a business to maximise profit.
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