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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. I thinks it's definitely for something Fright Night related, as least for now.

    Surely it would be inconvenient to begin construction for a ride right next to a new scare attraction during Fright Nights?

  2. Off topic I know, but you know I said me and my friends had booked the Face it Alone for Cabin in the Woods? Well now I'm regretting it. I was reading an article from the Metro last year...



    For an extra cost, the Face It Alone experience lets you take on the challenge by yourself, once the park is closed and eerily deserted. My friend Ashleigh and I weren’t quite prepared for what came next.

    After a champagne reception tainted by two actors hell bent on verbally abusing us, we decided upon individually navigating the Cabin In The Woods.

    Bad choice.

    What ranks as one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life included being forced to crawl around, face sexual slurs and be told to open my mouth as I’m about to ‘take something’.

    Others who tried a different maze said they were spat on but seemed happy about it.



    Oh dear god. Has anyone here experienced it? If so feel free to drop me a message :o

  3. Have to admit that's one thing that has made me think about not getting the apple watch is that your advertising what you have on you.

    I think the thing that has swayed me to yes now is I'm older so less chance of a mugging, plus I'm generally in a car or with a group of people - so gonna take me chances ^_^


    But then you're not always with others, although I get what you're saying!

    Also, being older doesn't mean you're not at risk! If there's one of you and 4 of them (like what happened to me), you haven't really got much chance.

  4. ^ That must have been so annoying! 

    At both Pizza Hut at Thorpe and the one at Alton Towers, there's always been more than enough pizza whenever I visit! Maybe it's just down to the staff on each day!

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