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Everything posted by paige

  1. paige

    The Banning Game

    Banned for killing his dreams
  2. paige


    Even on a day as busy as FN? I can't see them having that much spare on a day like that...
  3. paige


    Does anyone know how Thorpe actually estimate their queue times?
  4. paige


    I've never quite understood why Thorpe sell fastrack at the entrance of a ride if the queue time exceeds 90 minutes. This happened when I went back in April, the queue time for Inferno was advertised as 90 minutes, and, as my friend had never been to Thorpe before and she wanted to ride it, we bought fastrack. We were let pretty much straight though up the stairs when we got to the fastrack entrance which shocked me a bit; yeah okay that's pretty much what you're paying for but the fact we got let straight into the queue seriously made me question how 'fair' the normal:fastrack riders ratio really is... I saw multiple times fastrackers being let straight in both before and after I went on Inferno and I know from my own experience in October that, on Inferno atleast, when fastrack is sold on the entrance 1) more fastrack is sold, obviously, and 2) way more fastrackers were being let in than what I would imagine they normally would. On that occassion I spent over 2 hours queuing for Inferno (although someone was sick on it and the park was busier due to FN) yet the normal queue hardly moved, whilst I saw a constant flow of fastrackers going up the stairs. I'd say that when Inferno's queue gets 'big' and they start to sell fastrack at the entrance atleast 2-3 rows are fastrackers alone per ride. I understand that, usually, those who buy fastrack are either those who have never been, or hardly go to Thorpe (in the case of my friend), or, are tourists, but I don't agree with the fact that they try to sell fastrack at the entrance, they literally stopped us and asked if we wanted to purchase fastrack as it'll take 'a third of the normal queuing time' yet we got on in 20 minutes front row, I personally find it rather ridiculous.
  5. paige

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having an avatar that freaks me out ever so slightly.
  6. paige

    The Banning Game

    Banned for using the pun I planned on using on you. EDIT: Liam is banned for queue jumping!
  7. I think that it'd be used mostly by those who are staying at Thorpe Shark, to me it seems like great fun but you'd obviously get soaked, and as a female that's the worst thing that could happen really. I personally wouldn't want to walk around Thorpe for the rest of the day with wet hair etc. So I think this'll appeal more to those who'll be staying overnight- as they don't have to travel far to have a shower/dry off and stuff, or boys to be honest. But I'm sure Thorpe will still make quite a bit from it and it's a great addition for summer!
  8. If they had done in the right way, using the logos could've looked pretty good, but I think that it could look a bit naff had it not been done right, they've taken the safer option, which I think has worked better in this case, plus it 'matches' the map and signs around the park, thus keeping a constant 'theme' albeit a basic, corporate one. Although it'd be nice to see a developed version of this video next season maybe- or even for Fright Nights.
  9. paige

    This Or That

    AQA Swag or YOLO? Yes, I did just say those words, sorry.
  10. I like the fact they've kept the captions in a plain and simple font, and they haven't tried to make it 'gimmicky' in any way; they've just shown what the park has to offer. Looking forward to seeing this when I go next week!
  11. The colour scheme isn't too bad, as I guess it fits with the 'bright' tropical vibe they've tried to create. But I think the colour scheme Ryan has suggested would make it fit into the Calypso Quay area much better and it'd be more obvious that that and Inferno are both in the same area, as to me I feel as though there's just Inferno, then Rumba Rapids, not Inferno and Rumba Rapids as a collective; a similar colour scheme would definitely make the association more noticeable.
  12. Maybe she flung her head against the headboard or something? Cannot see how you could sustain a head injury off-ride unless it done a Rush or she was in the ride area.
  13. Oh well there goes my childhood.
  14. I can't remember the starflyer if that was the one . Some people at school were saying how they went, didn't seem like anything special though! Sometimes we get decent fairs, but most are pretty naff. Did you go to the one at Northlands last year? I went and the man ripped me off at the fun house, charged me £2.00 when he initially said it was £1.00, but when he saw I only had a note, he decided it was £2.00 . Things like that have really put me off fairs in general, but that's Essex for you I guess.
  15. Yes! That's the one! It was a few years ago, but at Glouscester Park (before it all got built over), fairly large and you just purchased a wristband. I heard there was one there, was considering going as it's literally down the road, but it didn't seem that great, so I didn't bother . How much was it?
  16. I definitely can't make the 9th as I'm on holiday; but I have a feeling I might be away on the 2nd aswell. If I'm not away on the 2nd I will go most probably though- although later in August would've been a bit more convienient EDIT: It appears I get back in time for the 2nd, so I can most definitely make it- only if the meet's on the 2nd that is
  17. I remember a few years ago this huge-ish fair came to my town and I remember this one ride that was so painful. It was like a waltzer, but the actual platform or whatever the waltzer cars spun along- not the cars individually, but the whole thing- went completely vertical! (I don't know if I'm explaining this very well) All you had were lap bars and I was quite a bit smaller than I am now (but I was above the height restriction!) and I felt as though I was going to fall out- it seemed like a total death trap to me! I know that was an awful explanation but has anyone else ever ridden a ride like this/knows of it?
  18. paige


    *Revives* Like Pluk, I also have the unfathomable joy of living in Essex. Although I don't really have an accent, and I own no tracksuits or fake tan; sorry to disappoint.
  19. paige


    I've felt the restraints move slightly on Samurai, but I assumed it was the norm for the automatic OSTRs e.g Vortex, Dragon's Claw (AI) etc. Also, I've never noticed an audible creak if and when the restraints move, possibly as I was blissfully ignorant of the fact they do that and it's apparently unusual. As far as I'm aware it's nothing to be concerned about anyway(?)
  20. With Stealth; they don't have to sit at front row, which further reduces the chance of being hit by a bird , and it's designed to do things such as having a rollback (best not to show your friends that though!) and with Saw, advise them to do what I done when I first went on it because I was scared witless by the indoor bit- close your eyes! Or if they have a hood, put that up over their face until they've reached the outdoor bit. Alternatively, you could do what I do and just ramble about Thorpe and it's ride and it's history and throw in so many facts that they're too busy moaning about what a nerd you are to be scared! But I hope you have fun and they go on all the rides, whether you have to drag them on or not
  21. paige


    Maybe they'll try to get it open at the same time as AB Land?
  22. Despite the fact I'm not really warming to the idea of it yet, Thorpe seem to be working rather quickly and dare I say they may actually have it all completed on time!
  23. They will be added later on I should imagine.
  24. paige


    Even if they dio get it up and running again, I can see it getting so worn out over summer that it'll be dead again by the end of the season.
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