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About JoshuaA

  • Birthday 08/15/2002

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  • Favourite ride
    Steel Vengeance
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Europa Park

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    Scare Attractions, Books, Music.

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  1. I guess if you think about it, Sub Terra was a much cheaper attraction. Basically just a fake lift, and a tiny drop tower. The Ghost Train is much more complicated and expensive, being a overtly complicated simulator that uses VR. Sub Terra had much less going on but actually was still enjoyable when it had actors. It cost a fraction of what DBGT cost, so it wasn't as bad. Even if it was a failure in itself. Sub terra did actually have the finale added on shortly after opening, so some money was spend on it post opening. Though it probably wasn't much. The Ghost Train is harder as they spent so much money on something problematic. So if they do close it thats a lot of money down the pipe. I think Merlin in general does stretches. Wickerman being the most hilarious (Wodan has a fire effect as well! So does many other wooden coasters).. Maybe a bigger GCI with the 'biggest wooden coaster in the UK' or something like that. Honestly even Alton seem to have given up with worlds firsts. Wickerman being the example. I do think GCI, B&M, and Intamin are the biggest contenders here. Though Merlin haven't worked with Intamin properly for a bit, Thirteen as well. Which is one of the more unreliable rides at the park. And they also had their part in the Ghost Train somehow, which again is not a positive. I'd say a GCI on Loggers plot is the most likely. I don't think we'd see anything too innovative either. I think the island sitting there is bad, though I do think Loggers plot is worse. The park probably at the time thought they'd be building a coaster very soon, and Loggers was open at that point as well. I think Old Town is more in need than that new island. Which could be saved for a future investment. And yes, I think Swarm really opened in the wrong year. Its a crowd pleaser, and had a good campaign. 2012 was just not favourable.
  2. Lol I'm not a Shawn fan, but the witch hunt certainly isnt justified. Shawn's core content is vlogs, vlogs, vlogs. I don't watch him very often, but that is what his is known for and what the people watch. So I could see why he would travel for work (TPW) even if the videos are god-awful. Also the park is not to blame (lol no business checks the address of every vistor lol) This is a horrible virus and and we should be careful, but being the covid police is not the answer (there is no law against what talkwide is doing so..)
  3. It sadly makes a lot of sense. I'm guessing travel being hard at the moment also being a major problem. Europa Park is not just a park that appeals to people nearby, its a destination that you go to (like DLP). I really hope the park rebounds. I also feel bad for the town of Rust, as Europa creates so much business for nearby family run hotels and eateries. I hope next year proves a better year.
  4. Seaworld/Busch are their own mess. The reason the prices are so cheap and they have so many additions is that the company are frantically trying to change their image and the point of their parks post Blackfish. The current additions they are doing is unsustainable, RMC and B&M both demanded payments earlier this year. They are a company that are adding these coasters as a last ditch effort, the prices reflect that. I have heard the parks aren't performing as well as they should be, so Seaworld/Busch are the last company Merlin should aspire to be. They have good parks, but business wise they are a mess.
  5. This is fair, though I understand why people would be critical and still visit the Merlin Parks. If you're not in the north, then basically its Merlin or drive to the other side of the country lol. I also don't get too much of the hate anyway, Merlin have their faults, some big downfalls, though they are not the worst thing in the world. They sure do have an annoying obsession with worlds firsts, Thorpe Park is pretty neglected, but they do treat Chessie and Alton pretty well, and their Legoland properties are usually well kept and well invested in. There is many parks ran worse, look at Six Flags parks. Portaventura, I feel like people are overly harsh sometimes. Including myself. Merlin do a lot of things right. Though it would be nice to have some independent parks down here.
  6. When you get to watch Terror Tomb and the RMC being built on the roof open next year you'll disagree.
  7. when alton is more likely to get another coaster before Thorpe gets a new proper new ride period..
  8. Okay so for people in the midlands/the north of the country, yes there is a fair amount of other options. Lightwater Valley, Flamingo, BPB, and a couple more. But down here in the south east its kind of the only option for parks. The only park down here is Paultons, which is nearly two hours away from me, and a 3 hour train journey. Paultons is a great park, but not quite something that I could go to year round for thrills as great as it looks. Thorpe Park, Chessie, and Legoland are my nearest parks. Besides Paultons the only other option I really have is Brighton Pier for a spinning mouse and a Pinfari looper. Merlin around the London and surrounding areas kind of own the monopoly on theme parks. I would totally visit BPB more if it wasn't 4 and a half hours away. And the only merlin park I actually like is 4 hours away (Alton). If there was a big non Merlin park that had some great coasters I would totally ditch Merlin, but sadly if you want good coasters Thorpe is really the only option for people here.. I don't think Merlin are all bad as well, Six Flags do a lot of things WAY worse. But its not quite as well ran as a Cedar Fair park. If Thorpe wasn't such a mess I would have a better outlook on the chain, Chessie and Alton are both respectable IMO. Even if a little rough around the edges. These passes are kind of bad, I do think the park should compensate for charging more for less. Even if its just 30 minutes exclusive rides on one ride. I also think for people like me, what are my options? Paultons is a good two hours away from me, there isn't a huge amount of options. Unless I wanna fly, which is hard at the moment. So yeah..
  9. You also get a prime view of the mass refurbishment that is happening to transform Tomb Blaster back into Terror Tomb for the 2021 season.. I heard dan from the donut stall is happy to give more info
  10. Its miles better than Black Mirror though. Also Chessington don't really get much in terms of gate figures anyway. IMO I would much rather this than what replaced Ripsaw..
  11. JoshuaA

    2021 Season

    Overall I understand this, though I do think they would have to improve their current booking system so people don't get pis*ed again. 120 is okay I guess, but if you can't book half the time, then it will be seen as a rip off and will be torched by current passholders. I think the booking system should allow more passholders in line with this price hike, and on off peak days, IMO they should maybe even make the limit sky-high. If there is a ton of normal tickets available, why should a passholder not be allowed in? Passholders tickets might be completely sold out on a monday in September, but the park could easily take another 100 passholders because the park's dead anyway.. I do feel that the park should really bring back some things for loyalty (like passholders day, maybe ERT). Make it feel like a loyalty card, you feel like you got what you paid for. Even small things like a half hour ERT on one coaster can make the pass feel so worth it, I remember getting it on Wickerman a year or two ago. It is something simple, but damn good! I do wonder how they price/priced Alton/Chessie/Legoland in comparison though. Considering they actually have had investment recently..
  12. I doubt they will touch Tomb Blaster, though Blue Barnacle and a new drop tower are good enough investments IMO. It seems Merlin are taking interest in Chessington so I hope it pays off. With names, sure it might annoy us enthusiasts. Though I don't think the general public care all too much, look at parks abroad. With roller coasters named 'roller coaster'. Sure a cool name and good theming are always neat, but I don't think the name here is life or death. Look at Six Flags parks, they basically just name everything after The Joker. I don't know, maybe I'm just happy the park is getting anything anyway. They could of replaced this a stall or something like Ripsaw or just left that plot to rot.
  13. Top ten parks: 1. Europa Park 2. Cedar Point 3. Phantasialand 4. Alton Towers 5. Six Flags Great America 6. Six Flags Over Texas 7. BPB 8. Universal Studios+ IOA (this was agessss ago tho lol) 9. Disneyland Paris 10. Portaventura So Universal Studios definitely would go up if I went back. I decided not to rank Seaworld and the Florida Disney parks as I have no memories of either of them. I had trouble with 5 and 6, Over Texas is more beautiful and has texas charm, though Great America has the superior coaster lineup.
  14. JoshuaA

    2021 Season

    Honestly is opening this even worth it? Assumed bad throughput, a 'live experience' rather than an actual ride, this has failure written all over it.
  15. there once was a ugly barnacle that was so ugly everyone died. Anyway cool they are getting it replaced, that is a dream for most Merlin parks with flats these days. The name though, lol interesting.
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