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  1. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshC. in Being an enthusiast isn't what it used to be - a nostalgic ramble   
    I do miss the old days however I'm very appreciative of the accessibility of theme park enthusiasm now. When I first got into rides it was a very white male dominated environment. Whilst that is certainly still true to some extent, I'm glad that meets through Towers Times for example seem much more diverse then before.
    I miss the discussion on forums though and twitter is certainly no replacement as opinions there are very much ingrained. The amount of people that tell me Zadra is top tier RMC... it just baffles the mind
  2. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Inferno in Being an enthusiast isn't what it used to be - a nostalgic ramble   
    I do miss the old days however I'm very appreciative of the accessibility of theme park enthusiasm now. When I first got into rides it was a very white male dominated environment. Whilst that is certainly still true to some extent, I'm glad that meets through Towers Times for example seem much more diverse then before.
    I miss the discussion on forums though and twitter is certainly no replacement as opinions there are very much ingrained. The amount of people that tell me Zadra is top tier RMC... it just baffles the mind
  3. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Matt N in Matt N's Solo South East Jaunt 9th/10th June 2024 (10th June 2024: Thorpe Park)   
    Your experiences on Inferno and Stealth kinda reflect the years they are having so far. The operations on both have been stellar so far so it feels like something has changed in management for them both to be nearly flawless. Inferno is probably at the peak of its thrill levels now, it is running beautifully at the moment and is feeling very intense. 
  4. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshC. in Californias Great America - Invest now   
    I guess when I said at the start 'wouldn't say its a park that anyone has a huge itch to get to' I guess Cedar Fair agree too. What a shame and probably been on the cards pre-pandemic hence why Orion went to a different park instead.
    I can see Rail Blazer moving to another park in the chain and potentially Gold Striker. But Patriot, very unlikely and Flight Deck has limited options within the Cedar Fair chain.
    Demon and Grizzly are toast. 
  5. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Matt N in Alton Towers 19th/20th June 2022 (20th June 2022: Alton Towers Day 2)   
    I find the Nemesis commentary quite funny actually. I don't know many rollercoasters that have reached nearly their 30th year that don't have a couple of rougher moments. It's almost like Nemesis is held to this god like standard and if there is ever a slight rattle has to be commented on.
    Wicker Man always surprises me. In my head its a middle of the road woodie but after getting off, I love it every time. GCI woodies are pretty special.
    Just a small piece of advice on your reviews, I've read quite a few of your trip reports and for each ride you repeat the line 'we decided to give it a go'. Try changing that description because as I'm reading through, its all I've noticed and it becomes repetitive. 
  6. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Matt N in Matt N’s Europa Park Initiation 26th-30th April 2022 (29th April 2022: Europa Park Day 3)   
    Sounds like you had another great day. Silver Star is an interesting one and I can see why it would be a number one as its just so 'nice' to ride. Everyone can enjoy Silver Star despite its intimidating look because its a lot of fun.
    I feel like you've missed a few attractions across your visit, easily done as there's just so much there. Will you be visiting again in the future?
  7. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Matt N in Matt N’s Europa Park Initiation 26th-30th April 2022 (26th April 2022: Travel)   
    You're staying in the best hotel, have a great time. Looking forward to part two.
  8. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshC. in Storm Clouds Over Hamburg - Day 1, Heide Park   
    Flug must be the most marmite wing-rider in Europe. I personally loved it and really liked the different order of the elements and how it uses the hill around it to gain momentum and create a different kind of pacing.
    Krake is okay, bit bare bones but its success clearly prompted the dive machine rise in popularity with its smaller trains and snappier inversion style. 
    I generally had positive feelings on Heide. it's a good day out if not outstanding.
  9. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Inferno in Seven Rides That Summarise 2020   
    Furius baco screams 2020 to me. Nice monkey, lots of alcohol. Then an absolute car crash and the only redeeming feature being a wine shop at the exit.
  10. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Matt 236 in Chocolate, Cologne, and Taron II   
    Agreed on most of your review. Phantasialand has moments of class mixed with areas of complete rubbish. For every Taron there's three rides begging to be destroyed. I can't say the same for Europa Park where every ride has a purpose and is looked after to the highest degree. Yes even snow bench the ride. I value capacity highly and I could rip my hair out waiting for either of the Winja brothers. 
  11. Thanks
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshuaA in Chocolate, Cologne, and Taron II   
    Agreed on most of your review. Phantasialand has moments of class mixed with areas of complete rubbish. For every Taron there's three rides begging to be destroyed. I can't say the same for Europa Park where every ride has a purpose and is looked after to the highest degree. Yes even snow bench the ride. I value capacity highly and I could rip my hair out waiting for either of the Winja brothers. 
  12. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Matt 236 in Current Thorpe Park Attractions Ranked Worst To Best   
    I think you just stole my top list from Thorpe Park and put it as your own. I first got wind when Quantum (god tier attraction) was at number 6. 
    I pretty much completely agree with this order. I can't decide if its damning or its amazing that two Fabbri rides are near the top.
  13. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshuaA in Six Flags Great America Review: Have a Six Flags Day!   
    A lot of my opinions are completely opposite to yours. I find Superman proper dreary compared to Air. Considering what it could do and what it does do, it's a real let down for me. Especially as its one of the busier rides there, it doesn't deliver. I liked Raging Bull and was gutted we only got on it once. Different enough from the other hypers to make an impression. V2 is tedious to me. Goliath on the other hand excellent, Batman the Ride sublime.
    We suffered a power cut unfortunately so will have to go back..
  14. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Coaster in Cedar Point - June 2019   
    It's fascinating how many of us have now managed to get over to Cedar Point over the last year and how all of our experiences have been so completely different. It really highlights how unique all our coaster experiences are. Whilst I'm not necessarily in line with your views (TTD really annoys me for example), I have huge respect for your love of Arrow rides. When I rode Magnum, at first I was terrified but on the second each air time filled moment was filled with joy and I came away with it being a highlight. 
    What other multi launch coasters have you done? Whilst Maverick is a great ride, there are elements of it I find.. frustrating.
  15. Like
    Mark9 reacted to Mattgwise in The new Germany   
    A great read! Am very much looking forward to getting to these parks in the future starting with Toverland in a few weeks. 
  16. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshuaA in Europa Park in 2019- Every Area Review   
    The more I ride Wodan, the more it cements itself as my favourite wooden coaster. It's just utterly relentless. It's the perfect antithesis to Blue Fire which feels so controlled and perfected.
  17. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Coaster in Seeing The Point: Creek goes to the USA Part I   
    it's most useful at CP I find, when I was at Canadas Wonderland, the top tier only had Leviathan and Behemoth but they had shorter queues then the next tier down rides anyway so it made it a bit of a waste. The only reason it really works at CP is because the higher fastpass is on the lower capacity rides. Even though CP run rides well, Maverick and TTD can't shovel through people like Raptor, Rougarou and Gatekeeper can.
    Agreed about Port Aventura if only because I genuinely hate Spanish theme parks and I'd rather be the one doing the queuejumping then being incredibly miserable in their standby lines.
  18. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Coaster in Seeing The Point: Creek goes to the USA Part I   
    Four months late sorry. I think the CP Fastpass is excellent value personally, particularly the higher tier one. I didn't get it and I kind of wish I had. The silver tier was only on rides that had 5 minute queues anyway so was pretty useless, but being able to unlimited skip Steel Vengeance, Valravn, Maverick and Top thrill dragster would have made the days much easier.
    It's the one time I would have broken my no pay fastness rule.
  19. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Coaster in Launches, Freefalls and Airtime in Sweden - My Liseberg Review   
    I pretty much agree with all your viewpoints here, Helix in particular is a good ride but I've never found it to be the amazing ride that others do. I too prefer Icon. 
    I think stacking is just an inherent trait of dive machines, I'm yet to ride one that doesn't stack in some way. I find Balder incredibly repetitive and I don't find the air time that interesting. I think I prefer the out of control woodies like Wodan and Wicker Man too the more controlled way Balder rides.
  20. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from Mer in Europa, again   
    So glad that you've finished this trip report Pluk. I don't know anyone that goes to Europa Park and doesn't fall in love with the place. My partner and I visit every two years and never fail to have a great time. I'm not sure if you mentioned if you stayed in any of the hotels, if not I'd recommend staying at any of them. Bell Rock is probably the least interesting to me, but even that is of supreme quality for a theme park hotel. 
    SO looking forward to my visit in May 
  21. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from BenC in Canadian Caper: Marineland, Fantasy Island & Darien Lake   
    Great trip reports as always BenC, whenever I read your reports, I always get insprired to go to a park, Darien Lake has never been on my radar but, its certainly of interest now.
    To the Intamin hyper thing, maybe the spate of incidents back in the noughties created a bad atmosphere around the ride type. Could only be a coincidence though. B&M hypers have never had trouble selling, as you know some parks love them so much they build bigger ones..It is a shame Intamins kind of stopped, whilst I never really felt the love for Ge Force, Piraten is such a joy to ride. 
  22. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from EC! in Six Flags Discovery Kingdom 2016   
    I'm one of those that loves Medusa. I'd heard so much negativity about it that it made me sympathetic to it. 
  23. Like
    Mark9 got a reaction from JoshC. in Closed Season Part 1   
    Soon (I didn't realise it had been a month since I wrote the Denmark one.) 
  24. Like
    Mark9 reacted to JoshC. in Closed Season Part 1   
    Any idea when a Part 2 might make an appearance?  Always love your blogs to provide some inspiration!
  25. Like
    Mark9 reacted to BenC in Closed Season Part 1   
    I share your love for Denmark @Mark9!
    It really punches above its weight on coasters given its size (the UK is 11 times more populated...), and is a lovely place - clean, colourful, friendly - to boot.
    Juvelen, Piraten, and Orkanen are all superlative rides in their respective categories.
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