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Thorpe Park Trip Reports

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Slightly busy today stealth opened around 11, got on straight away but it then shut at 1 for the rest of the day. Rush operating on 2 swings then 1 for the rest of the day. Fish had a few break downs, loggers had no water and it looked liked the boats had crashed, tidal wave had a few problems threw the day and detenator looks like its going to be out for months, slammer was testing but it got stuck upside down oh yeah and in the morning Colossus was shut because their were ducks near/on the track so they called the rspca to rescue them. Good day though, we had a good ride on samurai.ride count:stealth x1rumba rapids x3flying fish x5xnwo x1vortex x1rush x1samurai x4canada creek railway x1 (;))tidal wave x1

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  footywoods said:

Slightly busy today stealth opened around 11, got on straight away but it then shut at 1 for the rest of the day. Rush operating on 2 swings then 1 for the rest of the day. Fish had a few break downs, loggers had no water and it looked liked the boats had crashed, tidal wave had a few problems threw the day and detenator looks like its going to be out for months, slammer was testing but it got stuck upside down oh yeah and in the morning Colossus was shut because their were ducks near/on the track so they called the rspca to rescue them.


That's pretty awful, you should complain.
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Good day today, loads of fun and detonator opened for like the last 2 hours ;) Slammer testing all day.ride count:samurai x3loggers leap x1stealth x3 (x1 pole postion)detonator x1rumba rapids x4rush x1pirates 4d x1 :DColossus x1vortex x1depth charge x1xnwo x1oh by the way their was no point in complaining the other day as seb said, most of that wasnt their fault plus I'm a annual pass holder so it doesnt matter.

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Well Detty was closed all day today, and thorpe are expecting it to open arounf thursday. Slammer was testing all day today, at full speed, and it didnt brake down once, so it should open tomorrow or monday. Ride count:Stealth x5Colossus x1Nemesis Inf. x2X:\WTF x2Samurai x2Vortex.. x2Quantum x1Rush x4 (was on 2 swings all day ;))Loggers x1RR x1Tidal x1As I had to leave early I wanted to get on everything, and due to good queues, I did. Highest queue was about 40 mins for Colossus. Ill be going back to the park soon! (Monday or Tuesday).

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well thorpe another great day.Got there and checking the website it still saying (this is at 7 in the morning) slammer and detty were closed. But when I get there...please be aware the stealth and flying fish are unavailble NOOOOOOOOOO AGAIN?????? thatsh the thrid time that has happened.Well after moaning got into the park and had a go on depth charge and noticed that for some reason the water from the slide next to me was....going into mine (obviously fat) and I got SOAKED. The it was detty and I really like how you can not hear the music from up there so you really don't know when your going. they had to close detty half-way thoguh the day because the lights to check that the seats were okay were flasing RED. Also when I went on it he really had to tug on the restraint to get me out.. :D Well after the good ol' go on nemesisi and Colossus went over to lost city and rode RUSH ONLY because it had the shortest queue and it was really good today the speed and the atmosphere is just amazing on that ride. While walking for another go on detty I noticed STEALTH IS OPEN AHHHHHHH legged it over there queued for half a hour AND RODE THAT SON OF A B####.YES I got on it ;) But sadly that was the only ride as they were not allowing you to but fastracks and the queue was 100 mins long.overall it was a great day won a sonic in the crane machine(luck) and had a go on stealth.Favourite ride of the day:going to have to got oo rush today great ride and still makes me swear.Least favourite:Stealth because the reliability on thath thing whenever I go there is stupid and they were only running one train ona very busy day,.....but still good ride. :D

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Detonator music is too quiet tbh. Slammer is too short aswell. Loved it when Loggers boats came shootign down after each other, every 3 seconds. God, that was scary.X EVAC!Me, Joe and Beth where on the X evac. We jumped into the car, on second to back car, with two girls in far back. *Error...Do not proceed*, and train starts. Bang. It stops. The back of teh car got about a foot out of the station. Oh. *X No Way Out is currently experiancing technical difficulties* We where told by the operator, taht 2 people would come and talk to us. He said they where just walking down the station. Was this bloke stoned, seeing things, or just taking the piss? There wasn't anyone there. So the TL came and told us they'd just gotta evac the pyramid, and be back for us. Then, after a bit, theyc ame back, and stuck a pole in us. Ooh err missus, I meant the train. We got exit passes, which we then tried to whore more. Did like getting poled though :DRide count:Slammer x1Rush x2Detonator x1Inferno x1X x6[+1 Evac]Colossus x2Tidal x1Zodiac x1Quantum x1Rocky x1Rumba x2SIAT [Cup 3...legendary] x1Loving the polish girl in BK1...Coke please...DRINK*does hand gesture of drink* Nice one Jack ;)

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I went to Thorpe Park on Monday 23rd of April, it was really good!Rush was working with 2 swings, noise level of the grey tanks reduced and 3 full swings!X:/ No Way Out New Themeing is great!Flying Fish id having bushes palnted around it but that means it was shut all day with stealth! and water rides apart from tidal wave were shut tooride Count:Depth Charge x1nemesis inferno x1(frot row!)Rush x1zodiac x1quantum x1vortex x1Colossus x1samurai x1slammer x1

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slammer had no break downs (that I saw!) and the longest we qued was 15 mins for rush at 10 to 12 PM and Nemesis Inferno was going mostly empty apart from the front and couple of other rowws were filled it also took 3 and 1/2 minutes for the front and it was the best experience on it ever! oh I 4 go it was only rumba and loggers! sorry joe

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Sunday arrived at the park at 1pm went straight to kfc *hungry!*, very busy day, inferno was coming out the queue line etc. good point was that everything was open! oh and someone threw up on the bus lol.ride count:samurai x2rush x3slammer x1quantum x1rumba x2flying fish x2

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I can't be assed with a full one, just to say that the 'bloods' and 'Bruvs' are starting to piss me off. I won't say anymore, but it speaks for itself. Did like it when stealth started steaming, oh, and the rain. That was cool! Knocked visitor numbers down from 10,000 to 4,000 in 2 hours. Boarholes are being dug on CCR, which is presumably why it was closed last week. Oh, and I hope they keep Samurai. It's mental. It has a setting that lasts more than 3 minutes. It can't even find it's own seat numbers. But meh =)X x4Inferno x1CCR x1Samurai x3Rush x3Slammer x1RR x1Fish x6DC X1LL x1SIAT x1

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Yesterday I'm happy I just spotted something joe didnt :o. Which was tidal getting stuck at the top of the lifthill when it was pouring down with rain. :o. Stealth and inferno were running 2 trains, and I'm not sure with Colossus as it the queue was like 90 mins or more the whole day even when like half the people in the park left due to the rain.Seb, I dont know if you saw me looking at you in the inferno queue? Well I met up with joe a few times which was good so I wasnt on my own teh whole time which was good.But anyway it was a good day today. The queues werent at all as bad as everyone said they would be especially after the rain!Ride count:Stealth x5Nemesis x1Vortex x1Rush x4Detty x2Slammer x1Samurai x1RR x1Depth Charge x1When uploading pics they got the wrong way round so the last ones are at the front and thr fisrt ones on page 4 at the back so if you really wanna start at the back do so, otherwise you could get confused as to why 'stealth20' is at the front.Anyway Pics!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thorpe yesterday, t'was good, with Marc, and Ian. Liking how people can't grasp teh idea of having rows on Samurai. Row 1 to Pod 1. It even has the number on the floor of teh pod if you forget your pod number. Now people just sit where tehy want, and the poor attendant got a lot of s**t yesterday from some **** who doesn't get it. Security where called over, and being with an ex staff member, we waited aroudn to see if they wanted an incident report filled out. The bloke was just sent to GS, and personally, I feel sorry for the poor attendant, having to batch 30 people, and doing all the restraints. I think it was pretty disgusting that Thorpe put only one attendant on it, when it really needs 2 as a minimum, so if the bloke did punch/kick, somebody would have been able to restrain him. Great day, loving the Slammer op at end of day. Staff where really great today, thumbs up to them.Slammer x3CCR x1Inferno x1Stealth x2Rush x2Samurai x1Detonator x1 RR x1Samurai x1SIAT x1

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Went Sunday, seemed to be busy but every ride I went on I got straight on! only ride I had to wait for was a hour wait for stealth then at 25 minute wait both pole postion oh and a hour and a half que for Colossus but it did break down so I had to wait for that.Vortex x1samurai x1loggers leap x1slammer x2inferno x1detenator x1stealth x2 (both pole postion)Colossus x1rumba rapids x1rush x2

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Visited Thorpe Today for the 5th time this year and it was a suprisingly(sp?) good day out. Arrived for opening and headed over to Colossus which offered a very good ride. Then headed to Detonator. While we waited, we noticed Stealth rollback at around 10:15. Detonators music has also changed to a similar soundtrack like Scream at Heide Park. Ride avalibility was reasonable with very few breakdowns of which I saw. All I did see was Detonator constantly breaking down all afternoon and stealth having temporary(sp?) problems at the end of the day.Ride Count.Stealth X5Colossus X3Inferno X7Rush X1SIAT X1Loggers X1Rapids X1Detonator X1Flying Fish X1

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