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Theme Park Documentary


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If anyone shouts at me this was JoshC.'s idea to put it here. If you shout you get no sweets!!

Long story short, for my Media BTEC I'm doing a documentary on Theme Parks! Specific topic? Not too sure yet, that's where you come in *opens arms*

It would be an absolute honour to have input from big fans of theme parks! I want to do interviews etc, also get footage from other parks that you've been to. Expiriences and what not. Forum discussion groups is the main aspect of resources for this topic and you're all lovely *bats eyelashes* so help is much needed. :) it's in general as it's not specific to one park or attraction as such, was thinking about doing them on ride accidents or maybe just history and development. :)

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Well electricBill's already onto a documentary regarding dark rides...so that gets crossed off the list.


So a here are a couple of options:

  • Rollercoasters with heavy themeing that create unique experiences (ie. Nemesis)
  • Themed lands (They could be anywhere in the world - Islands of Adventure for instance, as the themed lands over there are amazing)


That's all I can think of so far. But just regarding themed experiences (not dark rides of course!) :)

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History and Development of a particular park if possible would be arguably one of the more interesting things, especially for a park like Chessie or Towers...


Or even go to one of the smaller parks, like Drayton or Paultons, more likely to get some face-to-face interviews/history notes...


Ride accidents I don't personally think is an avenue to go down, rides should be celebrated, rather than have morbid curiousity (especially when most accidents are either down to guest stupidity or technical issues)...

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  On 12/21/2014 at 7:44 PM, Altitude said:

^ Just because some other person is doing a little film on dark rides, it doesn't stop anyone else from doing it too!

Yeah I suppose. I think electricBill's doc depicts the UK dark rides that got revamped, hopefully ending in some sort of conclusion to why they were revamped. So in the case of Amarghh's doc, maybe just something on dark rides in general? (ie. themeing/transit systems and how they engage the rider and let them be absorbed into the experience).


But those points made above were just made in hope that electricBill keeps up the good work with this documentary he's working on. :)

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If you want to include something about ride accidents at any point, you could look into an incident where Zodiac at Thorpe had a gondola almost fell off - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/southern_counties/3579359.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/southern_counties/3397847.stm .  There's enough stuff online to get all the information you'd ever need, and then get some footage of the ride in action today, explain the history of it all and how the ride is safe today, etc.  Do agree with Benin though that maybe it's not the best route to go down as a sole focus for it.


History and development would be interesting, but maybe harder to do if you want to go a long way back.  What I think would be quite cool is focusing on the past few years - you can easily show how the UK parks have changed the past few years (Thorpe have islands now which didn't exist a few years ago, Chessington managed to completely change multiple sites, Towers went from a disused tent to Smiler, etc. etc.).  Could make for some interesting stuff for a documentary style thing.  Could even add a bit about the future and use Thorpe's dark ride as an example.


Another option - which I think was mentioned in Chat earlier - could be to do it about theme park enthusiasts.  Given that discussion groups are meant to be a key resource for your project, it would be a nice way to really get that into it.  Might be a bit tricky to execute though.



Hope that gives you some ideas.  Need any more help or whatnot, just shout!

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I don't know what I could contribute, but am happy to if I could be of any use.


I think you would have trouble getting any cooperation with pretty much anyone in the industry with the ride accidents thing, it's not exactly something they are going to be keen to bring any attention to if they can help it. Unless you turn that on its head, start with something from looong ago (such as the the Battersea Roller Coaster incident) and set out to focus on all the things in place now that prevent anything similar happening again. 

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Yeah I think on the topic of accidents it would be more showing how these are extremely rare now, also showing the difference between theme parks and travelling fair things as doing a small survey in my class many don't actually go to places such as Thorpe due to bad safety expiriences within carnival fairs! I obviously have to show a positive side and negative side to fit my brief :)

Maybe themes etc would be good? I was going to base it around Fright Nights but realised it would be hard as this has to be completed before May, let alone October ;) even just about enthusiasts would be great, the whole concept of this is very diverse and I think dwelling on different sub topics would benefit :)

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I prefer the history and development idea. Certainly more jolly and as stated the parks will be much more willing to discuss their own history. Also you could have interviews on how past investments and developments have had an effect on the fans. Afterall no nemesis could mean no alton towers. Lots to go into with the history.

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  On 12/21/2014 at 10:13 PM, Project LC said:

I prefer the history and development idea. Certainly more jolly and as stated the parks will be much more willing to discuss their own history. Also you could have interviews on how past investments and developments have had an effect on the fans. Afterall no nemesis could mean no alton towers. Lots to go into with the history.

I agree. Chessington and Alton Towers really are the ones to go for in terms of history, as they were part of the whole 'bring-the-theme-park-to-the-UK' process. Maybe John Wardley can be involved in this? :)

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Sorry Ryan your selfie is portait not landscape. My video must have quality.

If any of you are fine with being on camera then interviews are one of the main points I need to execute well within the video, I'm up in Surrey a lot and have connections with Google/YouTube HQ in London if you want free food (not to mention the studio is perfect for interviewing... But free food...)

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  On 12/21/2014 at 7:44 PM, Altitude said:

^ Just because some other person is doing a little film on dark rides, it doesn't stop anyone else from doing it too!

A little film that has cost me over £1000 so far and has taken years of research and has taken me around the country to discover treasure troves of history not seen for decades, and has reunited the original creators of the attractions who have not seen each other for years... But thank you for your optimism.
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^ How is this even a thing? She's doing a college project, they're not going up against eachother at the Oscars. No one has doubted the quality or effort put in by electricBill for his own project, and if Amy wanted to include anything on dark rides she'd be perfectly entitled to.

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This is literally just a college project but the reason I wanna make it so correct and professional sounding is because I'll more than likely use it in a portfolio, also it'll be nice for people to watch I think :) I don't want any trouble happening!! If anything is included in dark rides it won't be in depth plus mine is literally just compulsory work, I wouldn't want to offend anyone by using an idea when effort has been put in by someone who is very dedicated :)

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My advice would be to trust in your idea and have ambition with whatever your projects are, as some people will continually doubt you. As is the way with things, not just theme parks or media projects!

Altitude your comment was plainly somewhat cynical and you have called me pretentious with regards to my views on dark rides in the past, so I was simply pointing out that your comments were unnecesary as, yes, of course people can cover whatever topic they like. :)

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