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Hyperia - New for 2024

Mysterio Ka

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Broken clocks tend to be right twice a day.


Reference to spinning cars, well Mack are doing them on other rides.


Could open in May? Well if not March for presumably the 2024 opening will likely be after Easter holidays as seems to be the new normal these days. Ergo May isn't exactly a difficult guess.


Logical guessing with a side order of utter tosh that got old about a day after it started that none of the Mods can be bothered to do much about. Which leads me to presume it's something encouraged by the Mods in the name of engagement or they can't be bothered to do anything.

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16 hours ago, Benin said:

Logical guessing with a side order of utter tosh that got old about a day after it started that none of the Mods can be bothered to do much about. Which leads me to presume it's something encouraged by the Mods in the name of engagement or they can't be bothered to do anything.


Ding dong, your opinion is wrong.


But seriously, a couple of points:

-I've had chats with Parma Violet and have removed some complete nonsensical rubbish they've posted. 

-Parm Prat's posts are every once in a while, and not constant/every other post

-Parmesan Pamela posts at this point are a running joke post. In the past, we've had "Topspin", "4.5/10", "If I wanted to look at trees, I'd go to a garden centre". More recently we've had "Jart" and "Tidal Wave's fire"

-More importantly, I think the sense of relief we'll get once Exodus opens and Parma Ham's posts become less frequent and annoying will be much more satisfying than us banning Ramp App (and them inevitably coming back as Parm Pap 2: Electric Boogaloo).


It's a bit annoying, yes. Personally I find it significantly less annoying than the people on Twitter who are "in the know" and post future stuff as "#spectulation" and going 'it's just my opinion,👀 #Newfor2024'.

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I know everything about "Exodus" as you call it, but I don't want to post because no-one realised I knew what I was talking about when I said DBGT construction "looked like a train tunnel" long before anything was confirmed.


Piff paff wiff woff I'm the bad guy duhhhhh, flying high through the sky, is it a Bird is it a plAne or is iT Superman.

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Few points


1. Most recent JS update (filmed last Tuesday) clearly showing the increasing volume of supports on the island… also interesting that they are arranged with numbers, also suggesting the order they will be brought to the construction site for erection. 

2. JS also stating that site manager has stated mid -end of September for ride supports going vertical which takes this week and next week out of it, and thus the vertical element being spoken about must be either ride station or maintenance hub. 

3. From the 2 points above, clear deviation from the original plan in terms of site priorities which makes it difficult to track actual progress against the plan. Hunch says behind by 4-6 weeks based on it, however the station/maintenance is ahead which may allow the systems install to stay on plan. 

Concious all of the above very boring points, but interesting at the same time 😂

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This really is getting there now isn’t it.  Still can’t quite believe Thorpe are getting a new coaster tbh 


Really looking forward to seeing how massive this is “in real life”.  I did my usual peek at Stealth on the M3-M25 junction yesterday and it occurred to me just how visible the new one would be from there, let alone from inside the park.


Going back to the name trademark business - that was a great find @coasterverse
Hyperia is an odd one, but with names I always think it’s difficult at first.  I remember the smiler was questioned a lot, but it’s the perfect name for it isn’t it- it just is the smiler.

If it does turn out to be the name, it will settle in and become as fitting as any other.

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It's been pointed out to me since that Hyperia is the daughter of the river god Inachus in ancient Greek mythology, so whilst I still think it's a bit of a cop out (loosely connecting ancient Greek mythology with the fact that Exodus is a hypercoaster) this does certainly make it at least a little better in my book.


This ticks a lot of boxes...

  1. Exodus either being themed around Ancient Egyptian or Ancient Greek mythology
  2. Exodus being built on a lake therefore naming it after the daughter of a Greek god that was 'the river god'
  3. That weird angel thing that was left over from Loggers Leap looks like it could fit in with Greek mythology

As far as I'm concerned, the name is 100% going to be Hyperia at this point - all signs point towards it.


To be honest, I'd have preferred 'Inachus' if I was making the decision - but I suppose that doesn't give them the double-meaning that Hyperia does.


It'll grow on me, I'm sure... but at the minute I still think Exodus is an infinitely better name.

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I would definitely prefer the name exodus too but there’s not really a theme I would associate with that name that much. Hyperia definitely gives egyptian/greek vibes, that I don’t think exodus could give to a theme. 


I know it’s almost certain that it’s going to be an egyptian theme but I’m just a bit skeptic about these new signs that are now apparently on park (haven’t been since they have been installed so can’t confirm yet) that show a mountain with exodus. I guess this could possibly suggest a mountain theme, which was also a contender for the theme that people were talking about.


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2 minutes ago, tactic said:

I would definitely prefer the name exodus too but there’s not really a theme I would associate with that name that much. Hyperia definitely gives egyptian/greek vibes, that I don’t think exodus could give to a theme. 


I know it’s almost certain that it’s going to be an egyptian theme but I’m just a bit skeptic about these new signs that are now apparently on park (haven’t been since they have been installed so can’t confirm yet) that show a mountain with exodus. I guess this could possibly suggest a mountain theme, which was also a contender for the theme that people were talking about.



There's a sign for each coaster that follows this exact style - Exodus' sign isn't unique so I wouldn't look too deep into that. It's just supposed to look like signposts that describe how difficult a hike would be... how that fits in to absolutely anything going on at the park at the minute is anybody's guess 😂


100% going to be Greek themed, 100% going to be called Hyperia.

(Obviously not officially confirmed, but may as well be at this point)


I agree that Exodus doesn't fit in with the Greek theme, however I would definitely take a theme change in exchange for it... although the only theme that I could imagine it correlating to would be aliens and that'd definitely be stepping on SWARM's toes.

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On 7/7/2023 at 10:55 AM, MattyB said:

Makes sense from a marketing perspective.  What's shocked me is how many channels there are now that are covering theme park content.  I remember it used to be mainly Coasterforce and Theme Park Review.  I also remember the old UK sites Coaster Kingdom and Rideas - think John Wardley used to post on Rideas.

There’s a lot of channels because you need a channel as a guise to be invited by friends to a press event

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11 hours ago, coasterverse said:


There's a sign for each coaster that follows this exact style - Exodus' sign isn't unique so I wouldn't look too deep into that. It's just supposed to look like signposts that describe how difficult a hike would be... how that fits in to absolutely anything going on at the park at the minute is anybody's guess 😂



I think these signs are supposed to be ski slope related which is vaguely ish related to Oktoberfest as they have some skis dotted about the area and a ski lift you can sit in.

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I'm very busy.



I want to break free, why is it taking so long, I work and work but nothing turnips. it is tiresome, they do oh they do.



my clues are steeped in a steep drop, if no clues need clueing, then it will be left in the dark.



OH NO. a spanner is in the works. I give up a bit. does somebody want HURGH. two at once?

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1 hour ago, MattyMoo said:


No problem, I'll be uploading a 15 minute video about these new ski-slope themed signs on my Youtube channel this evening.

Ah great thank you - see you at the pre-video live stream.


I hadn’t realised Oktoberfest was anything to do with skiing to be honest! All of this had completely passed me by

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It’s always a bit like this with coasters isn’t it.


I remember visiting Thorpe while the Swarm was going up and seeing the single piece of track in place at the bottom of the drop, then a week later on my next visit nearly the entire coaster was up (at least to my memory anyway).


It seems that track and supports is “the quick bit” on these builds!


Looking forward to seeing it go up 

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