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Hyperia Speculation and Construction Thread

Mysterio Ka

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I think since the start Jack has been some sort of marketing for exodus. In the description of all the construction updates there is something along the lines of ‘this video is made in cooperation with thorpe park therefore I class it as product placement’.

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  On 7/4/2023 at 4:50 PM, tactic said:

I think since the start Jack has been some sort of marketing for exodus. In the description of all the construction updates there is something along the lines of ‘this video is made in cooperation with thorpe park therefore I class it as product placement’.



Yep, this is the key point:



Thorpe Park have not paid me to create this content, however by allowing me access to areas that are not available to the general public and because I am benefiting from said access - this is deemed as product placement.



Jack, and Kieran, are not - to the best of my knowledge - directly employed by the park / Merlin. They effectively operate as contractors. This isn't too dissimilar to how Thorpe work with other companies, such as Unique Concepts. In short, by hiring them as contractors, Thorpe get their expertise, whilst the contractors (in Jack's case, himself) can get more money than if they worked solely for Thorpe, and are free to work for other companies too. If anything, Thorpe are the ones who lose out slightly, but that's the way they go about things.


  On 7/4/2023 at 2:17 PM, Glitch said:

I do feel sorry for the other UK youtubers, why does Coasterstudios get to go on site but Legends like DGOfficial who have been putting in a load of hard work arn't getting any access, seems like access is being gatekept? 



Access will in part be restricted for H&S reasons. I think it's notable that during Jack's on-site construction updates, it is only him (and not him and Kieran) on-site. There's a reason why we rarely see such in-depth coverage of coaster construction. I expect that the signing off and training process that Jack had to go through to be allowed on site is a lot.


When Coasterstudios did their update, I noted that they were only ever on the viewing platform above the offices. So they likely went through a different H&S sign off to be allowed on site. I'm certain that their presence was pre-approved by Thorpe, and not Jack just having a jolly with mates and letting who he wanted on site.


As for why them and no one else. Ultimately, Coasterstudios is huge across the pond, so will get a little more enthusiast buzz created in America, for very little cost. 

Now here's the thing, with the more Thorpe / UK centric sites. Who do you choose outside of Jack?

Do you choose DG95, who is clearly very passionate, but has a limited fanbase and who's videos are more rough the edges?

Do you choose Attraction Source, a large fansite who work with Merlin for paid extra events and produce higher quality videos?

What about ECC, with their broad reach?

Or CoasterForce; again somewhere with broad reach, one of the longest-running fansites about and who produce quality content? 


And what about TPM? We're the only sole-Thorpe-focused fansite around now; our reach on social media is very big (and our Facebook, in particular, attracts people far beyond the usual enthusiast circles).


So yeah, how do you choose? Why should any of them get access?

Maybe it's just a case of asking - I don't know if anyone else has, but I know TPM hasn't. Ultimately, as awesome as it would be to go onto a coaster construction site, I don't know what TPM (or anyone else) can offer that's different to the content that's already been produced by someone else. So why should anyone else get access...

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  On 7/4/2023 at 2:17 PM, Glitch said:

I do feel sorry for the other UK youtubers, why does Coasterstudios get to go on site but Legends like DGOfficial who have been putting in a load of hard work arn't getting any access, seems like access is being gatekept? 



It's reach surely. DG95 has 1.32k subscribers, Coaster Studios 234k, many of whom are American and even before his visit to Thorpe, he was referring to Exodus a lot in his content when talking about any Mack ride. Also, why are you acting like Coaster Studios is new to the scene. He's been producing videos for a decade.


DG95 seems more more interested in pushing Prime drinks at me frankly..

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Makes sense from a marketing perspective.  What's shocked me is how many channels there are now that are covering theme park content.  I remember it used to be mainly Coasterforce and Theme Park Review.  I also remember the old UK sites Coaster Kingdom and Rideas - think John Wardley used to post on Rideas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the icarus sun is the best because it has everything. that's why it's my favourite of the one




I'm the cat with the base and poles going around like build build build




what's grooving? we're building I like your style of clue-ing




how charming just a vlogger film him up and get exposure




I want sixteen lorries now and then we go build build




the icarus sun is the best because it has everything. that's why it's my favourite of the one




glowing up in the dark in the night and so we go build build build build build build




I've brought a pie in my pocket pie in my pocket to have on my lunch break




you got track we got poles me got nothing on the ground




but we're so cool and we're so groovy when we go BUILD BUILD BUILD

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  On 7/18/2023 at 1:50 PM, tactic said:

Does anyone know why the supports look grey? I thought the track was a gold to white gradient.



As far as I'm aware the supports delivered yesterday were (for some reason or another) the tops of the supports. I suppose there's probably a good few trucks enroute already so I wouldn't look too deep into the order, I think it just so happened that one truck arrived first 😂


The plan is definitely still gold to white!

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Likelihood is that they are delivering the tops first so that the bases are closest to access first later on. All these things will be taken into consideration for ease of vertical construction. 

Got to say from Jacks video, the supports look enormous! Gonna be some structure. I know everyone is suspecting top of lift hill, but they may be for the big turnaround for the back of the site. Two reasons for that. One it’s the first ground pins that have gone in and the cure will be first. And secondly from an access point of view probably far easier to put that up first. This of course is a complete Hunch! 

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I was thinking they looked massive but then haven’t seen coaster supports on their own before (I couldn’t find the nemesis ones when I went to towers 🥲) so I just assumed they were that size normally.


Are Mack supports usually bigger than like B&M supports or are they just this big as Exodus is such a tall coaster?

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And our first Exodus teaser is here I’m pretty sure! This is either a teaser for Exodus, or for an Exodus-themed scare maze for this years Fright Nights. The park did this at Carnival last year too to tease Survival Games (one of the tarot cards had the Yvel eye on it).


It’s also another hint towards the old ‘Tutus Revenge’ poster in Trailers that I speculated months ago will have something to do with Project Exodus.


I’m still sold on the Egyptian theme being the theme of the coaster, possibly named Tutu’s Revenge (but whether or not that’s too obvious is yet to be seen!)


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Kinda agree with above,

They teased survival games and project exodus last year using the tarot cards.


It would be cheesy to use the same method to tease something this year.

Again, the tease is much more obvious as people expect this to carry info.


as much as we saw the station design and plans. It’s very much like Thorpe to mess with people’s predictions and ideas and play along with the concept of it being Egyptian 


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I don’t know if it is really ‘obvious’ though to anybody that’s not an enthusiast. There’s still the other two tarot cards as well that currently seem to bare no real meaning right now.


Whatever it is though, Tutu’s Revenge being hinted at again is pretty cool! I just would find it extremely odd if all of the posters in Trailers meant something other than the one for Tutu’s Revenge, but only time will tell!

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Equally, it wouldn’t affect attendance. It’s hidden and out of the way, teenagers don’t want to watch the shows or buy the merch. I always walked past last year and it was always young kids watching the show, probably because of the lack of rides for them.  A fortune teller whilst cool, adds no meaning to the event and no one would be inclined to actually go in. 

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  On 7/23/2023 at 1:23 PM, Cornflakes said:

if it’s called something as naff as tutus revenge I’d be shocked 


After watching Dominic Gardeners recent Carnival video, the set of Tarrot cards he dealt leads me to feel the real name for Exodus could be Odyssey.


"Odyssey" meaning a long and adventurous journey, also very similar to the poster in trailers, X:\0dus.

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  On 7/24/2023 at 11:24 AM, MattyMoo said:

Would be odd calling it Odyssey considering Colossus was Project Odyssey - or maybe this will be "a nod" to Colossus if you will, or an easter egg zzzzzzzzzzzz


That makes more sense, and looking at the card on a big screen, the train looks a lot like the Colossus train, and being upside down nodding to the original record.

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