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  On 6/18/2011 at 5:44 PM, 'Mark9 said:

Why does every music video on you tube descend into a discussion slagging of match of Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga..

Because some people have nothing better to do than type "Lady GaGa is iluminato puppet" and "Justin Bieber iz GAY" ?Basically they're Trolls
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Chronic eczema and asthma. In all honesty when I go back to college in September these will be costing me 30 quid a month. I can get a pre-paid prescription card which is 30 for 3 months but it's still money that I shouldn't have to spend on medication that I desperately need. I have to get new inhalers every month and new creams every month. Add on the fact that my eczema gets infected most months that's antibiotics as well. Tallying that all up its:Blue inhaler - £7.30Brown inhaler - £7.30Diprobase (strong moisturiser) - £7.30T'other cream (name changes most months) - £7.30Antibiotics - £7.30In total that's about 30 quid plus antibiotics that's more. How is that fair that I would have to pay that much every month? Especially for something that I have no control over. Now onto managing it! Can't use certain creams because I'm allergic to aloe vera so that alienates most cheap products. I've been advised to get a oil based moisturiser and if I want to wear foundation that has to be oil based as well. Natural suncream as well. None of this is cheap. I'm in pain most days. It's on my face so I can't wear much make up and I have little self confidence in my looks. And then to top it all off I have to pay so much to not get it sorted. Doctors on Monday and I'm going to a dermatologist and if they can't sort it I don't actually know what I will do because that then is exhausting all possibilities including herbal remedies etc.

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So presumably at the moment Holly you get free prescriptions as you're on Jobseekers. Once you start college and come off it, you can get a low income form from the jobcentre, or ask your doc, they'll know what you mean. If you fulfil the criteria etc you can get help with prescriptions etc :lol:

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Still ridiculous because my Dad's diabetic he gets tablets every month for free and I don't see a difference because if he doesn't get his tablets it affects his health, if I don't get my inhalers it affects my health. I don't see why the government doesn't add asthma onto the list because we suffer just as much.

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  On 6/18/2011 at 6:30 PM, 'Holly9 said:

Chronic eczema and asthma.

My Brother-in-law used to suffer like that with eczema, had all the tests with Dr etc and got nowhere. He then tried one of those oriental herbal places, which I've always thought were some sort of legalised fraud, they told him to stop eating tomatoes, he did and eczema gone within about a week never to return. It's no exaggeration to say his life has changed since it was sorted, hope you get to the bottom of what's causing yours.-- --People ignoring blue lights and sirens. We don't turn those things on because they are pretty you know. Get the hell out of the way!
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  On 6/19/2011 at 4:55 PM, 'Sheepie said:

The heart-in-mouth moment when your best friend replaces you/ says they'll never do something again but then does it with someone else.Win!

Yeah, my best mate replaced me. With someone we both hated. It's cool though; Her new best friend will probably get her into drugs and crime and she'll be pregnant before age 16.
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This isn't gonna seem like a rant but it's a complete overhaul basically of my eczema.Went to the doctors and I have hayfever tablets because I have hayfever and they're anti-histamines which will (hopefully) reduce the redness. Betnovate for my body, Daktacort for my face. Oilatium as an oil based moisturisers.This tops it all of really. Special shampoo for my head because it's on my head too. Don't have anything the same. Had the cream for my face before didn't work but whatever.

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  On 6/21/2011 at 12:31 AM, 'Holly9 said:

This isn't gonna seem like a rant but it's a complete overhaul basically of my eczema.Went to the doctors and I have hayfever tablets because I have hayfever and they're anti-histamines which will (hopefully) reduce the redness. Betnovate for my body, Daktacort for my face. Oilatium as an oil based moisturisers.This tops it all of really. Special shampoo for my head because it's on my head too. Don't have anything the same. Had the cream for my face before didn't work but whatever.

I have oilatum tar based shampoo for my scalp. Almost twenty quid for a tiny bottle thats not even the quarter of a normal sized shampoo.
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Hypocritical, double-standard parents:I hate the fact that my Dad can do whatever he wants and gets away with being aggressive and making mistakes but whenever me or my Sister does the same, it works differently.My Dad forgot to put the handbrake on the other day and mashed up our and our neighbour's car and Mum threw a huge one that spanned 3 days. He got drunk and got near violent with me, the 2nd day after. A couple of days later, everything is forgotten but minor things I do, are never forgotten. He gets to shout and say nasty things (not swear words) that make me feel like crap but when I do the same, I get slated for not having respect for my parents. :) My Mum said how mistakes they make, are in the past, but they get to bring stuff up that I've done whenever it suits them. It's fantastic how things are so one-way in life. In addition, she gets to be a bitch and she is never wrong, even when she is wrong and she rarely apologises for hurting me or my Sis.And the best thing is, that if I don't like how things are, I can just leave the house because according to them, at 22 yrs I am not their responsibility. Though that said, my Mum always nags and moans about the littlest things, even things that have got nothing to do with her. And she says she nags because she cares. Ironic much?

Edited by Will
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I am sure the majority of cyclists are responsible, road safe abiding citizens who follow the highway code and never put themselves and others in danger.So why do I never meet any.


So many times in London, I am crossing a road at a pelican crossing and a cyclist comes right at you as he has gone straight through the red light. And they have the audacity to shout expletives at me for being in the road. Erm, you idiot, it's how traffic lights and crossings work, you douche bag.
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What a twunt...Cyclists complain so much that they don't get respect from other motorists, yet constantly flounce the rules of the Highway Code themselves... Then WE have to give up the pavement for them in some places cos the cycle lane is there... So even councils can't decide where cyclists should go...URGH... I hate people...

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The crap never ends for my family does it?The landlord wants to sell up. So we will have to move house again. For the 12th time! In the past I've never been too bothered by it and looked forward to the new place but I really don't anymore. I just want to stay settled now ;) I really like this house, my room, the layout, the location, the friendly people in the village and the local shops it's easy to get to work. Add the stress it's causing my mum, the reaction my brother will give when he finds out, and the poor cat, he gets stressed so easily, it's so cruel moving them around so much ;) I don't think I can take it!Oh and if we go through a different letting agency that's a ridiculous amount of fees, on top of the normal moving costs...This I guess is where it would be easier if my mum was on the council housing list. But, even though I'm not one to stereotype and stuff...90% of the council houses in this area are in rough areas unless you get lucky, plus we'd be waiting for years. Plus our very first house (when rents were together) was a council one and we were burgled, car broken into, car smashed into by drunk/stoned lads. So yeah, I think we've been sensible not to be on the housing list! We've been through enough without having to live in fear ;)And I'm not stereotyping there, I'm basing it on what I know about the rough places around here! It really is bad!So for now we're on a rolling contract and will get 2 months notice if he sells. Hopefully, with the way things are and hardly anyone being able to afford to buy, we will be here as long as possible. He tried to sell last year but there was no one interested, hence we rented it. I know it's a risk you take when renting (not that my mum can afford to buy her own place!) and we will have to deal with it but it came as a big shock! My mum spoke to the landlord not long ago and he said he wasn't bothered about selling and he hopes we will be here for a long time. Ah well!

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