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Tommy, Ian, Holly, and anyone else reading:

If you really want the truth, I'm concerned that any meet I attend, someone will come up to me before I speak to them, and question me over things I talk about here that people don't like. I'm worried about being set upon and targeted, I know people are made to feel welcome at meets which is good.

As a meet organiser, Peaj has been really supportive and offered lots of advice for a first-time meet for me, so many thanks to him for that, and to anyone else who may have encouraged me to come along. I'm a confident person, and in light of my actions that everyone doesn't agree with, this is one main reason I will not come to a meet to avoid confrontation that could turn nasty. I pdajj want to get along with everyone here and meet new people and make friends.

I may seem like a bastard at times. And yes I can be when I want to be. But generally I'm not, I'm a loyal, honest, entertaining guy who gets along with most people easily. I accept people for who they are, and if you ever met me, I'd like to think people would do the same with me.

Perhaps we should take whether I'm wanted at a meet to a poll, but people would have to vote honestly. From the results of that, I may change my mind about the upcoming meet at Chessington.

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I find it really frustrating when people think it is perfectly fine, funny even, to go around bitching about other people. Yet as soon as someone bad mouths them they throw a hissy fit, go around bitching some more, and then try to act like they are an innocent victim.

Grow up.

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  On 3/29/2013 at 11:04 PM, RideAddict said:

Tommy, Ian, Holly, and anyone else reading:

If you really want the truth, I'm concerned that any meet I attend, someone will come up to me before I speak to them, and question me over things I talk about here that people don't like. I'm worried about being set upon and targeted, I know people are made to feel welcome at meets which is good.

As a meet organiser, Peaj has been really supportive and offered lots of advice for a first-time meet for me, so many thanks to him for that, and to anyone else who may have encouraged me to come along. I'm a confident person, and in light of my actions that everyone doesn't agree with, this is one main reason I will not come to a meet to avoid confrontation that could turn nasty. I pdajj want to get along with everyone here and meet new people and make friends.

I may seem like a bastard at times. And yes I can be when I want to be. But generally I'm not, I'm a loyal, honest, entertaining guy who gets along with most people easily. I accept people for who they are, and if you ever met me, I'd like to think people would do the same with me.

Perhaps we should take whether I'm wanted at a meet to a poll, but people would have to vote honestly. From the results of that, I may change my mind about the upcoming meet at Chessington.

Honestly, if we ever were to meet in person, the first question I would ask would probs be your name and how it was getting to the park etc. I use the meets as a means of escaping my town and meeting people who are exciting and friendly and some on here are just damn amazing. Don't be put off by the attitudes of people here. You would be surprised at how many people are different on here than in person.

Hell me and Pluk had a little run in and were fine at the London meet.

We do want you there, any new person is welcome of course and you're going to be welcome just as much as any one else. I was nervous at hell at the London meet because it would be my first meet since being banned and I was a little scared of what people were going to say etc so trust me I wouldn't do that but please don't feel put off by this forum, come to a meet and you never know, you may meet some awesome people.

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Well as you know I've had a run-ins. Pluk and I didn't exactly see eye-to-eye at first but PM's soon made us aware of where we stand with each other.

I'll tell people exactly what I think to their face without being afraid of the repercussions. I I can also take an instant dislike to people within seconds, I'm always playing a sort-of detective game and fishing out the good and bad. If someone I hate likes me, I go all-out to ensure they eventually hate me and don't stop until they do. I find it irritating knowing they like me when I hate them, so I get even.

I have different views to others, views that others can't understand and find odd. I'm not normal. And I keep myself to myself here. A successful meet may change that and result in me revealing more about me.

  On 1/18/1972 at 4:13 PM, IanNem said:

Hey RideAddict

Sorry should have made that more clearer, I was starting a new line of conversation and had nothing to do with what you were already talking about. Just fed up of a select group of people here (not including you RideAddict) who think its fun and mature to go around bitching about people because of how self absorbed and ignorant of the world they are. But it's OK the rest of us can pay for them.

That's OK Ian, and I know what you mean about people bitching. I'm not pointing at anyone in particular here, but the people they are going on about are famous and well known, correct? I mean, going on about Hamza and Qatada, I guess we're guilty of that, but we've a reason to. But there's a difference when it comes to celebrities and intentionally seek the bad out of them when most would think they're good as gold. Take Pete Doherty for instance, I don't like his drugs habit, and he always looks a mess. I could write a lot but I can't be bothered with a time waster like him.

More importantly, I was touched this week by Angelina Jolie and William Hague's visit to Rwuanda.

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  On 3/30/2013 at 2:07 AM, RideAddict said:

I'll tell people exactly what I think to their face without being afraid of the repercussions. I I can also take an instant dislike to people within seconds, I'm always playing a sort-of detective game and fishing out the good and bad. If someone I hate likes me, I go all-out to ensure they eventually hate me and don't stop until they do. I find it irritating knowing they like me when I hate them, so I get even.

This seems like such a waste of energy in itself. I'm not digging or anything, but it genuinely makes me a bit sad inside that someone goes to such length to feel something like hate. Why focus so much effort on trying to hate someone? It seems like such a waste of your own time and energy only to put yourself in a bad mood.

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  On 3/30/2013 at 3:45 PM, Sidders said:

This seems like such a waste of energy in itself. I'm not digging or anything, but it genuinely makes me a bit sad inside that someone goes to such length to feel something like hate. Why focus so much effort on trying to hate someone? It seems like such a waste of your own time and energy only to put yourself in a bad mood.

Fair enough if you see it that way, but I don't exhaust myself. It could last from a few hours to a period of a few months. Bit by bit, they'll get the message.

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