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Theme Park bloke

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This is the topic to rant about anything that's bothering you - just get it off your chest right here, no matter what it's about!MODS: Would it be possible to pin this topic?OK, so I'll start - road signs. Everywhere I go, I see road signs that are twisted, wonky, fading or just not lit up well. And some are badly positioned! A lot of them definately need to be replaced.

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I don't like it when people walk up stairs really slowly, and there's loads of them walking in one long line walking really slowly. Taking up the whole stairway. Mainly at Clapham Junction when I need to get to Platform nine :PI also don't like it when people are shouting in bubbleworks station for no particular reason at all. And the sugar puffs advert on the Queueline TVs which is constantly playing.

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  James said:

SWT piss me off. Why have 3 trains from Staines to Waterloo within about 10 mins, and then no train for about 25 mins?!

You get this a lot, especially on the quieter stations.Also, Mario on this year's Big Brother was targeted because of his over-the-top health and safety. Well at least some sod spots it out, health and safety is something most of us don't look out for, and in this country, H&S is disturbingly appauling.
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  Matt said:

I don't like it when people walk up stairs really slowly, and there's loads of them walking in one long line walking really slowly. Taking up the whole stairway. Mainly at Clapham Junction when I need to get to Platform nine :PI also don't like it when people are shouting in bubbleworks station for no particular reason at all. And the sugar puffs advert on the Queueline TVs which is constantly playing.

ooo.... I hate that advert as well, it's anoying!. anyway, what's that got to do with the bubbleworks sponsor?anyway, the 2 things that anoy me are people that say they will do something for you, and when you're not looking they tell others that they don't like you and won't help, and also people that say they will arive at a certain time, and then come late or not at all!oh yeah, also when you're somewhere and you've payed good money to get in, and half the atractions are broken
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  James said:

No-one cares about Longcross.(Apart from the 2,637 people who used it in 2007).Another rant of mine is people who use an unrelated thread to whore up their other fanboyism outside theme parks.*cough* :P

I blame every single f**king one of those Longcross travelers for their s**tty thread whoring.
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  Peter said:

Guests opening gates and wandering through queuelines, and then moan about the ride being closed when it was so blatently obvious that it already was. idiots.

yes, and people who cause trouble on rides as well. I've been on rides where people have tried to stand up, break the rules, and 1 time even tried set fire to the atraction
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  Peter said:

Guests opening gates and wandering through queuelines, and then moan about the ride being closed when it was so blatently obvious that it already was. idiots.

I saw someone walking through the Rush queue on opening day this year...even when it was in pieces and no one in the ride area.
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OK guys, this is starting to go crazy. I literally come on after 8 hours at College and every topic is bumped! I (and other certain members of the forum) do tend to bash you as your simply talking crap - and it really is justified at our end simply as some of us have donated to keep the forum alive, and your all spamming it to s**t guise.Just please for the love of god click 'Guidelines' under the top of the forum header, and think before you post - is what your posting really doing to add to the discussion or not? If it is, then sure go ahead but if it isn't then please refrain from posting. I am probably talking out of place as I'm not a mod, but I am speaking for the majority of the running TPM members who seem to be getting pissed off with the spamming.TL;DR: Stop and think before you post, will it add to the discussion? If not, please don't post, thanks :P

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Agreed, it is rather annoying when you make stupid claims without any prior knowledge. Then insist you are correct, even when we know full well your talking utter bollocks. Then have the nerve to post in quick questions with some outrageous question such as:

  AltonThorpe said:

Is Time Voyagers any good?

I mean, come on..
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