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I hate people who rubberneck!It just goes to show what a nation of nosy people we are. Rubbernecking commonly happens on the motorway - we all have to have a look, even if we're travelling the other way - it's like a law! We see the other side of the motorway totally jammed, and we all have to be nosy and have a look. Well, keep driving, keep your eyes on the road ahead of you, and keep your nose out. It's got nothing to do with you.Rubbernecking could be used for other things, e.g. a Nemesis Inferno evacuation. We all have to have a look ("we" as in people nearby).


rub·ber·neck Slangintr.v. rub·ber·necked, rub·ber·neck·ing, rub·ber·necks To look about or survey with unsophisticated wonderment or curiosity.n.A rubbernecker.Noun 1. rubberneck - a tourist who is visiting sights of interestexcursionist, sightseer, tripperholidaymaker, tourer, tourist - someone who travels for pleasure 2. rubberneck - a person who stares inquisitivelyrubberneckerlooker, spectator, viewer, watcher, witness - a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind); "the spectators applauded the performance"; "television viewers"; "sky watchers discovered a new star" Verb 1. rubberneck - strain to watch; stare curiously; "The cars slowed down and the drivers rubbernecked after the accident"watch - look attentively; "watch a basketball game"

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/rubberneckingI should change my name to Rubberneck!
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Last night I was sat watching Mock The Week with my Dad and we see one of our cats looking under an empty chair. I was thinking she's just being a bit mental, but then she starts putting her paw under their so my Dad asks me to lift up the chair and see if there's anything under there, cos he thinks it's a mouse xDBIG mistake. I pull up the back of the chair, and something comes shooting out to my Dad's cry of SWEET JESUS! It was quite possibly the biggest spider I've ever seen and it runs straight past me into our hallway where our 3 hungry cats our waiting. My Dad gets a coaster under it and chucks it outside, and I was like omg :| what just happened here Dad?I mean I love our kitties dearly, but next time could they not just bring me money, or Russell Howard tickets or even Russell Howard himself ;D

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I have been in college for 5 days now, and I really want it to be over!I am loving the free periods and treated at as college student.On the other hand, Some days I have 2 triple lessons! (In the same day!)I can barely concentrate for 1 hour, net alone 3!(I think I am still in Summer Holiday mode though!) :PFor those people who have not gone back yet. One thing...Don't talk to me! :P

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  Holly said:

Okay guys look I know admins keeps going on about spelling and shizz but the thing thats up with the ''ave'' thing, that is ridiculous as PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES. I do it sometimes. I don't proof read my posts at all and I've made mistakes before. Stupid stuff liek that is well stupid. If its totally in text talk then yes say something but a simple mistake is not a major thing.

yeah I agree xD
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  Paul said:

I've had two days of Year 11 now. All I can say is, the work is already difficult, I already get too much homework, and I already hate the majority of my lessons. It's not going to be a great year for me....

Try having triple lessons on one subject!And going from 8:25 until 4pm.Sounds fun??? NO!A LEVELS make GCSE's LOOK EASY!
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  themeparkmad said:

Try having triple lessons on one subject!And going from 8:25 until 4pm.Sounds fun??? NO!A LEVELS make GCSE's LOOK EASY!

I feel your pain. I'm in year 11 though but tomorrow I have double drama, triple business. Drama sounds like it's 2 hours of not much work but it's usually theory which sucks. And then there's business which is a living hell! And I have a double and triple every Wednesday just to brighten up the middle of the school week. Oh joy... :P
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  Paul said:

I've had two days of Year 11 now. All I can say is, the work is already difficult, I already get too much homework, and I already hate the majority of my lessons. It's not going to be a great year for me....

I totally feel your pain! I can tell I'm going to dislike Year 11. Okay, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it still sucks. Apart from the lessons you had to do, what ones did you choose yourself for Year 10?I chose German, Geography, Triple Science and Leisure and Tourism (big mistake)
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  Gemma said:

I totally feel your pain! I can tell I'm going to dislike Year 11. Okay, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it still sucks. Apart from the lessons you had to do, what ones did you choose yourself for Year 10?I chose German, Geography, Triple Science and Leisure and Tourism (big mistake)

I chose Music, Drama, French and Spanish. I really regret taking two languages now, the amount of times I get get confused between the two is unbelievable!Besides those four, this year I am doing English Language, English Literature, Maths, Statistics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Personal Development. Apart from taking two languages, I don't really have any other regrets with my choices.
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I swear our house is massive spider mating HQ. My Dad just had to remove the biggest spider I've seen up close in my life from our living room. It could of easily fitted on the palm of my hand.This is the fourth freakishly large spider we've had running riot through our house in 7 days. FML.I'm paranoid about living in my own home. Greeeeeeat.

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I have double physics, double chemistry AND double biology. I chose Geography, History and Law. I am in year 10 at the moment though and chose options in year 9 as doing many GSCEs a year early. I didn't pick triple Science but was chose to do it :) And I HAVE to do French. I am going to have 65% Geography completed by end of Year 10, 50% Law, 50% Chemistry, Physics and Biology and 100% English Lit and English Language as I have to do AS English in Year 11 :@My GCSEs are:English LitEnglish LanguageMathsChemistryBiologyPhysicsFrenchICTEthics and PhilosopyHistoryGeographyLawGOD, YEAR 10 IS GOING TO BE CRAP ;)

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For all the people in Year 10 and Year 11 that are complaining about coursework and exams.Until you are in college, you will think that Y10 and Y11 (Especially Y11) have too many exams, coursework and Homework.Wait until you start A Levels!I would love to go back to what I call now "The Easy Years".Try having a 8:30am until 4pm day where you have constant lessons with a very little break apart from a 40 mins lunch.Also, I hear alot people in Y10 and Y11 (Especially Y11) complaining about double lessons and coursework.Doubles - Try having not 1 BUT 2 triple lessons in the same day! Coursework - Your coursework that you have to do is like the standard of a homework expected.All I am saying is that any person or people that are considering staying onto AS and A2 level will have a MASSIVE wake up call.College comes with its benefits and limitations.At the moment for me, the only benefits are...

  • Having the odd free period (which is now mainly needed for work)
  • Having less mini kids not looking where they are going, and less chavs (sorry if you are one ;))
I will not write the limitations, otherwise you will be on here all night! :)
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  Gemma said:

I swear our house is massive spider mating HQ. My Dad just had to remove the biggest spider I've seen up close in my life from our living room. It could of easily fitted on the palm of my hand.This is the fourth freakishly large spider we've had running riot through our house in 7 days. FML.I'm paranoid about living in my own home. Greeeeeeat.

SAME! We've had huge ones like EVERY day :)
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I can see where you are coming from, but most of my family/friends who have been through Years 12/13 (AS/A Levels) said that on the whole GCSE's were more complex and difficult, and Year 11 was far more strenuous than any other year. I suppose it's also down to your options, as different options have different timetables/lesson structures etc.

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  Paul said:

I can see where you are coming from, but most of my family/friends who have been through Years 12/13 (AS/A Levels) said that on the whole GCSE's were more complex and difficult, and Year 11 was far more strenuous than any other year. I suppose it's also down to your options, as different options have different timetables/lesson structures etc.

Not arguing with you Paul but...It is weird that all friends and family I have spoken too have found GCSE's to be easier than AS and A2.To be honest, I don't know how you can say GCSE's are easier!I have essays and homeworks already and I have only had a few lessons.The work that will come within the first month in AS is probably the amount you get in a year at GCSE :)
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I have to throw a spanner in the works and admit I found AS's a total doss, I lost interest so easily and ended up watching Peep Show on Youtube in most of my lessons as they were either ultimately inconceivable to understand (Economics) or 'write 'Merlin Entertainments in big letters' sort of level (Travel and Tourism).Politics was good, but I dropped out in January this year as it was so piss boring. I now have a full time job which I much more enjoy!

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I guess it depends on what you take. On my first attempt I was taking Geography, Psychology, Photography and Art and failed miserably, dropping out of Psychology and getting three U's.On my second attempt I chose Film Studies, Media Studies and English Language and Literature and got two B's and a C and found I enjoyed it much more.Anyway.. as a rant, I'm getting so pissed off with going on facebook whilst pissed. I sent a really random message last night. Luckily it arrived at the wrong person :|

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