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There is a 'letterbox' in which signs invite you to put your rubbish. When you push your litter through the hole, he opens and says something. So far I have heard him say:"Ah, thank you very much! In return for you, I have old Chinese proverb. Those who are the shooting master always win in Tomb Blaster.""Ah, thank you very much! In return for you, I have old Chinese proverb. [Muffled] ...make your way to Mystic East."Unfortunately he is quite old and the audio is very quiet and often muffled. Also, the tube in which you have to put your rubbish is very long and litter often gets stuck on the inside without going all the way through. This also leaves sticky goo on the 'letterbox' which puts people off from using it! The actual animatronic looks hideous, too. Quite freaky actually! They need to fix him.At least he is working again. 2008 was the first time ever I saw the hatch open. I always assumed what the hut was for and who 'Peeking Tom' was. I thought it was the remains of some sort of live action show. Then it was revealed to be a very large bin when they got the hatch working again. I just wich they would give him a new face because this one is falling off!
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Hopefully Peeking Tom is the sort of thing Chessie will revamp extensively with their future plans...Just hope they have a list of the areas that need a complete redo that we approve of... Mexicana, Mystic East and Toytown being my main 3...Bubbles contract runs out this year as well doesn't it? God I hope they have epic plans for that as well...

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I think Transylvania is first on Chessington's list of "areas being updated", because it needs a clean up and improvments would benefit the theme park greatly.Being a major area and home to what used to be Chessington's flagship rides, it deserves more than it has. The back entrance to Transylvania was a bit of an issue, which has been mostly improved with the new Black Forest Pass. It would be great also if Pirates Cove was rethemed to become an extension of the Transylvania land, because it is small as it is at the moment and has a weak theme. Black Buccaneer would suit it very well with the rocky queueline and its location in a pit, whilst Seastorm could be part of Market Square, (which makes more sense than having it in Pirate's Cove anyway).Bubbleworks has massive potential. A total redesign would give it a great new lease of life and make it the signature ride that it once was. This would incorporate a new style and look that suits Transylvania, so the exterior and station is themed as an old castle that has been taken over by the crazy Bubbleworks factory. This way, the scenes throughout the ride could be completely overhauled with new effects, lighting, and themes whilst keeping the consistency with the old Bubbleworks. Whether it will stay as a bubble factory could be decided.Vampire deserves a repaint, at least. The track looks extremely worn, and the original black supports look very ugly with their current mash of brown shades. Small improvments have recently been made to the queueline, and they showed what little things can do to make the experience better. The station and indoor corridor only need some small improvments, such as reinstating the exsessive cobwebs, dim lighting and restoring the coffin-themed air gates. The tunnel should once again be themed to a cave: rock faces on the outside, and permanent sound effects and strobe lights on the inside. FInally, the indoor block section should be themed with a finale to the ride. It would be impossible to heavily theme the brake run because of the maintenance shed and storage area, but various pieces of UV lit theming would work well in the dark, and a good finish in the area after the train turns a corner could be the place to install an impressive animatronic that give the jump scare to end the ride.___________________This is if Chessington have the budget, or if they even want to spend this much on improving Transylvania. Obviously these are only my brief concept plans and are not going to materialise in real life, but something along these lines is what Transylvania and the whole of Chessington will really benefit from. Who knows? Chessington might focus on a completely different area first, but what is confirmed is that they are going to "update existing areas" over the next years. We saw what they did with Beanoland, so the future looks very adventurous! ;)
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Vampire's audio had been turned down slightly the other day.. the floor was no longer vibrating like it was, don't know why it has been turned down, I'm guessing because the PA is quite loud for people maybe. Also, the music outside Bubbleworks has also been turned down quite a bit, and you can't really hear the music unless your actually standing by Bubbleworks and you used to be able to hear it from the entrance to Black Buccanneer and Transylvania! - These are just guesses as to why the music was turned down. It would be interesting to find out exactly why!!

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BubbleworksBubbleworks has been turned down very slightly - 100%.You can actually hear it from a mile away when the park is closed but I dont mind it anyways. ;)VampireI will be extremely dissapointed and upset tbh if Vampire's audio has been turn down.I dont see why it would be as I have seen all people compliment the volume and theming of the station.Can anyone else confirm Vampire has been turned down a bit?Will have a listen out on Saturday - I seriously hope it hasn't!
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In MY opinion, ALL the operators on Vampire (that I have seen) are OVERUSING the PA. I know a lot of staff are new, but it is CONSTANT talking! - You should see what happens when a train comes into the station without the Opp telling you what to do... There isn't ANY change! No-one panic's or anything. Plus the AMOUNT of people who DON'T undo their belts or pull their bars down in towards them, so it comes to raise the question, is the PA actually needed to be used constantly when people don't REALLY pay much attention to it, and the fact there are lots of platformers to help ANYWAY?

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The only necessary one is the usual "Welcome to the Vampire. Place all bags and loose belongings on the exit platform and shoes must be worn".

Not really, not when you still see people clutching their picnic basket toward them, and throwing their shoes to the other side.Regarding the audio, the only possible explanations would either be
  • Too Loud for Residents, dont forget the pub that is right next to Vampire
  • Complaints from guests, remember you lot enjoy the music in a different way to normal guests. Some are even a little sensitive, so it doesnt help when you have to stand under a speaker
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On my last visit, the operator used the microphone for quite a number of announcments, lots of which were just him playing around. He was a really happy, fun person, but really all the Vampire operators ought to cut down on using the microphone so much!"Welcome to the Vampire. Place all loose articles on the floor beside you.""I can fly!!" (Whilst fiddling with the air gates to make them look like wings)"WEEEEE!""Mwahahaha!""Bit scared, eh?" ;)
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Most you ever need on that ride is "Please take your seats, bags on the platform, shoes on your feet", "Mind the gates, gates closing" "sit back hold tight, vampires taking flight" as they are the necessary safety announcements.The rest just help throughputs, so unless they're really pushing for them.. shouldn't matter.

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It's a health and safety requirement for the operator to say "place all bags and loose items on the exit platform". Even if people don't listen the ride would fail an inspection or a mystery shop if he doesn't say the required stuff. Trust me having to say "once again, bags and loose items are not permitted on the runaway train" over and over until people listen isn't fun.I agree that all the pointless stuff though, some operators love the sound of their own voice so unfortunately kind of stuck with it.

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It's a health and safety requirement for the operator to say "place all bags and loose items on the exit platform". Even if people don't listen the ride would fail an inspection or a mystery shop if he doesn't say the required stuff. Trust me having to say "once again, bags and loose items are not permitted on the runaway train" over and over until people listen isn't fun.I agree that all the pointless stuff though, some operators love the sound of their own voice so unfortunately kind of stuck with it.

Actually, I tend to disagree. Having an operator on the rides that try to make the anouncements fun really ads to the atmosphere. Last time I went I had a great operator on the Pirate ship, saying things like " we're about to set sale", and other pirate type things to make the people in line feel amused.I think also kids love it, don't they?. Even for the operators, I bet it makes a nice change from sticking to a script, as it were.
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I agree with you to an extent Dan, and I bet Mark does as well, although there are some rides that are more suited to it than others. Bucaneer, Runaway and Rameses for example, are absolute dreams for that cheeky, guest interaction. Vampire has such a dramatic atmosphere ready that it doesn't particularly fit with the ride. I think that's what people are saying.

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I agree with you to an extent Dan, and I bet Mark does as well, although there are some rides that are more suited to it than others. Bucaneer, Runaway and Rameses for example, are absolute dreams for that cheeky, guest interaction. Vampire has such a dramatic atmosphere ready that it doesn't particularly fit with the ride. I think that's what people are saying.

But it sounds so good on the Vampire!.Rides such as Toomb Blaster, Bubbleworks and Rattlesnake are rides that need not do it.
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But it sounds so good on the Vampire!.Rides such as Toomb Blaster, Bubbleworks and Rattlesnake are rides that need not do it.

So basically someone on Vampire going "woooo" etc is better than the actual music creating the ride atmosphere?I hate it sooo much when I hear operators mis-use Vampire's PA as I have heard a lot of people compliment the music and actually say that it makes them a bit scared which is great! ;)An operator hearing his own voice though... not so good in my opinion.
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Totally agree with Keith. Vampire just needs safety announcements and perhaps some kind of dispatch themed spiel. What it doesn't need is an operator laughing or going on and on and on.I don't have a problem with people having a bit of a laugh if the situation calls for it. A birthday announcement for instance or getting all guests to put their arms in the air, scream loud, but it only works on rides like Runaway train or Black Buccaneer. When staff start playing guess the disney film with other staff members, not fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It appears the new African Experience is going to open on the 29th of May.

NEW Wanyama Village & ReserveFrom Saturday 29th May, Adventurers can journey through the new Wanyama Village & Reserve, an African inspired adventure with Zebras, Antelope and the very rare Scimitar Horned Oryx. A raised wooden walkway leads to a viewing tower, where the animals can be seen grazing before your very eyes!

Sounds good :unsure:Also

Exclusive Annual Pass Holder OffersThis half term (29th May - 6th June), take advantage of these exclusive offers at Chessington:Unlimited photo downloads (between 29th May – 6th June) for just £20 with an exclusive Annual Pass USB wristband!*Get £10 worth of games for only £5 with a Double the Fun Pass*Don’t forget you also save 20% off eating and shopping, plus Kids Eat Free after 3pm!*

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