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Hmmmm I hope the queues aren't going to suddenly soar up next week :D

Well I am going on Tuesday so I can always let you know the queues if you give me a reminder. :D

Friday 25th June 2010, 6pm-10pm. Entry £5 per person.The conservation of wild species is extremely important to Chessington and we would love you to help us support the great work of charities around the world in the plight to protect our planet.

Would so love to go if wasn't at college :(Would love to be in the park until 10pm! :) - Shame they can't do this with the rides! :D
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This was proved wrong today.Vampire was 70-80mins from 11am onwards. Dragon Falls was 45 minutes, Bubbleworks and Tomb were 30, Fury notched up 30-60 minutes. Rattlesnake was 15 minutesSafari Skyway was 15 minutes.Most other rides were 20-30 minutes.Runaway Train remained 5 minutes the whole day.

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Anyone notice anything strange at chessington today?

Could it be all the staff dressing up for the day for charity. OH MY GOD IT IS!Of course I shall not link to said photos as, well you know, merlin don't like staff on facebook showing where they work and so might issue a few firings :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
:D And that is meant to be funny?It is close to being classed as vandalism. Somebody would have had to clean that all up off the theming and walls now. Ever heard of something called respect? It is certainly against the rules and could potentially damage the theming. Just for the sake of that YouTube video?I would hate to have one of my rides during the day ruined by some guy with a bad sense of humour spraying me with that stuff. Look at those visitors getting attacked by it? Funny? What else in in the series? "Chessington vs Spitting chavs", Or "Chessington vs Graffiti"?
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I did find it funny, I'll admit, only people's reactions though. Would love to know if that man by Guest Services was running after you. The ones on park maps, bins, games and bits of scenery though I didn't really appreciate, and I also doubt staff would appreciate.It's a bit of harmless fun though, I'm sure your intentions were not malicious either :D

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If most people were sprayed by an idiot with silly string whilst trying to have fun I don't think they would pass it off as "harmfless fun".

Congrats for having no sense of humour!

Why exactly would this be funny anyway? Unless you are the type of person to think that inconviniencing other people is "heeeeeeelarious, innit!" or you are some sort of silly string enthusiast then this has no good humour anywhere. The video is poorly edited and filmed, as well. There are long moments of slow-motion nothingness, repeated over and over again.
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Oh, now that you have said that, I have just realised that this video is actually amazing! I am rolling on the floor laughing my head off! :D Oh, you only got chased by an angry guest once so it doesn't matter, does it? Next time I go to a theme park I will be honoured to have you run past me and spray crap in my face, I am sure it will be hilarious.Looking forward to seeing you deface Thorpe Park in your next video!
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My views on this.It was intended as fun, yes. You seemed to enjoy yourself and your intentions weren't bad. However, if I was a guest, I wouldn't appreciate have silly string be squirted at me. I think this sort of thing is more suited to Thorpe were the target market is of a similar age range to you. That's my honest view.Also, the theming and that, that's just a why? Doesn't look good and is just anti-social in my eyes. It's stuff like this which gives teenagers the bad names that are viewed in the press. That's what disappoints me most about this whole thing. :D

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How 'entertaining'...Yeah, I didn't find it amusing in any way, shape or form... So yeah...You're a bit of a pillock aren't you... Know I wouldn't be happy if a complete stranger came over to me and sprayed me with crap...And saying your video on youtube has a high number of hits means nothing, since the average IQ level of youtubers is pretty low...

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I'm sure you wont mind that we got some of Octopus Garden seeing as its being destroyed anyway :D

Actually, I do, considering the target market of the audience for those attractions..

And saying your video on youtube has a high number of hits means nothing, since the average IQ level of youtubers is non-existent...

Corrected. :D
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Me too. Whilst you may find this funny, imagine if a child now goes and drinks the water that CLEARLY says 'Do NOT drink this water' - The people on Dragon Falls didn't look particulary happy to be sprayed with it. And I think judging by people's reactions on here, people in general don't find it funny either.

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