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It appears that this year, Chessington are re-naming the express pass to make it the same as all other Merlin parks to 'Fast track'. I doubt that the actual system will change though, this could also mean the fastrack rides may be getting new signage this year, along with the Rumours of the old Vampire entrance being used. Parking is also thought to be only being charged at £1, I can see this going up over the years however.Link

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Car park thing is true... That much I can confirm...More interesting is the lack of Kobra fast-track, where's that buggered off to eh?And the likelihood of Vampire having the old entrance is... Low... Hopefully someone can prove me wrong about it, but I can't see it happening alas...

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I find it interesting that on the website it says "here are some of our top fast track rides". I would hate for them to add it to even more rides. Especially when a lot of their rides don't have the hourly throughputs to be able to cope with it.In fact, I'd suggest that Fury would just about cope with its queues even without the addition of fast track. This just proves to me, that the park need to consider adding a couple of more high- throughput rides. Anything below 1000 an hour for one of your headlining attractions is unacceptable in my view!

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STOOOOOP THE BOAT! Dan you're on your last warning, next time you advertise your site on here you're getting a week ban. Especially posting pictures from areas accessible to the general public and calling them exclusive. And to put you out of your misery they're refurbishing Smarties Castle into a Sales and Fastrack unit. Big wow.

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Interesting, it just came up on facebook! Never in a million years would I have thought that it would hit capacity on a zoo only day! First for everything I guess.

Lets not forget though, that the capacity level is dramatically reduced during Zoo Only, as alot of the main park is shut, it's also half term so all the little ones are off school!
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Surely if their failing to hit capacity during Open Season, then they're not as popular as you think :)

This is Chessie's problem atm though, it's stuck in a loop of investment versus income...The park CAN get the people in... That much is certain, but it seems that it needs to prove that fact to the big bosses, because it appears that if it doesn't do well enough in their eyes, projects like Toytown get cancelled, yet that would give the park something to heavily advertise and get more people in...Consider the fact that between Fury and Sea-Life, with barely any investment bar Peeking and a hotel, the park was still able to bring in a million guests a year... And in 2009 broke into the top 20 visited European parks...I don't really remember working there when it hit capacity, but my point is that if they CAN do it, then they can prove that the park is completely worth the investment of a Gerstlauer Launched and beyond...
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^ Totally agree.Wild Asia showed that with the amount of Adventurers that actually were talking about it... and then finding Kobra was closed... Ahhhh... Good times... :)I agree with Benin - all they need is something new to adverise to get people to visit CWoA. I would say a new ride is definately needed. They need something with a high throughput; able to cope with Fastrack as well as added pressure if other main rides like Vampire and Dragon's Fury go down.

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I also think its a case that it has loads of people visiting year on year, even without investment.. which makes it seem like.. no point.Apparently it was 4k - and all us chessie people know that they struggle to get 4k on offpeak days during the actual open season. So thats wonderful for them!

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I also think its a case that it has loads of people visiting year on year, even without investment.. which makes it seem like.. no point.Apparently it was 4k - and all us chessie people know that they struggle to get 4k on offpeak days during the actual open season. So thats wonderful for them!

That much is certain, I remember when they struggled to get 1k in on an off-peak day, it was something like 850.
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That much is certain, I remember when they struggled to get 1k in on an off-peak day, it was something like 850.

Wasn't there one day when they just made it to 500 people? Swear they said if it was under 500 that they would actually close the park.2011 should be a good year for CWoA if things continue as they are. Shows how the smallest things like African Adventurers can increase numbers.
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Wasn't there one day when they just made it to 500 people? Swear they said if it was under 500 that they would actually close the park.2011 should be a good year for CWoA if things continue as they are. Shows how the smallest things like African Adventurers can increase numbers.

Or good weather and half term?Lets be honest here, one capacity day during a zoo doesn't mean anything for the upcoming season. It's rarely as nice in February as it was today so it's a bit early to say the park is going to have a good season..
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