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  • 2 weeks later...

Wreck-It Ralph

Making the best of a bad situation being stuck here, I saw Wreck-It Ralph in 3D

Not going to ruin anything but all I can say is that it was amazing and Pixar standard, (it probably helps that John Lasseter was the executive producer).

The adverts have put me off slightly because it made it look dumbed down and for kids but that might be because they're on constantly over here like every advert you see it over and over and over again. Really it's for all ages with jokes, clever animation differences in games, and 'real life' problems that game characters would face as well as a powerful message everyone can relate to.

It also came with a pixar short which was so cute!

'The Toy Story of the gaming world' pretty much sums it up. :wub:


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Paranormal Activity 4

Like Ryan, I'm a fan of this franchise, and despite Ryan's poor review, I bit the bullet and decided to watch it yesterday.

So, the beginning starts off ridiculously slowly, and - I think - adds in a scene which adds nothing to the plot of the film. There are so little scares in the film it can't be called a horror film. There are a couple of jumpy moments, but they're faux scares which make you feel hard-done-by. And, of course, it always leaves you thinking how people can be so idiotic that when they have clear cut paranormal activity on camera, they don't think 'Hey, rather than sounding crazy, I'll show someone some evidence', especially when people are slightly scared.

The plot itself makes little sense if you ask me, leaving many things in the film unexplained, and answers few - if any - questions about the previous ones. I'll spoiler a list of questions from the films that I can think of:

  Reveal hidden contents

Whilst I've got spoilers, I may as well say a couple of spoilery things. I liked the use of the Kinect, worked well I thought. I also liked the knife flying up, though where it stayed and the moment when it flew down makes no sense.. However, the film ends pretty much in the same way as the second. Katie is possessed, she kills loads of people, she has Hunter, we don't know what she needs to do to him. I found it interesting how, unlike the first two, it didn't say about Katie's whereabouts being unknown or anything...it just ended.

One thing I want to end with though. Despite the flaws this franchise now has, in that the past two films have been poor, with the third being pointless, and the fourth just being there and not doing much, the film is successful at building tension. People have begun to fear what could happen, as opposed to what is happening, and when you do that well in a horror film, it just works. It's just a shame that what does happen doesn't compliment what you fear will happen very well..


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Total Recall (2012)

Saw this last night (Student Cinema for the win) and really didn't know what to expect. Haven't seen the original, and didn't really have much of an idea about what the film was about.

All in all, it's a good film. The plot is good (though I seemed to enjoy it more than most, perhaps because I found it related to part of my uni course...), though apparently not as good as the original. Certainly some interesting twists and a lot of bits which make you think 'What!?', but also some bits which just seem ridiculous and a little bit silly. Some great CGI as well. Will definitely try and watch the original now.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Hobbit


As is New Zealand, wahey, a different look and take on this, with some extra bits not in the original (and extremely short in comparison to the juggernaught trilogy of LOTR) book thrown in to extend/pad out/make 3 films for money printing purposes...

But you know what, the pace of this is really damn good, and the references to the original text (including direct quotes, actual songs and things) make this a really good film... The Hype Train was certainly worth the ride, next stop, Benedict Cumberbatch overload as TWO (:o) characters...

I suggest people see it, especially for the Riddles in the Dark scene, great cinema and acting... Serkis :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Yes so 10 years after Finding nemo, they have announced the sequel for it Finding Dory

Source: Msn Movies

Fans of the first movie will remember that Dory is Marlin's ditsy yet delightful chum who suffers from short-term memory loss.

The title of the sequel suggests that this time, instead of tracking his son Nemo down, Marlin and Nemo must help out Dory...

Ellen DeGeneres has confirmed that she will be returning as the voice of Dory in the upcoming sequel. All together now - 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming'.

Ellen is thrilled to be returning to the fishy sequel and said in an interview: 'I have waited for this day for a long, long, long, long, long, long time.'

She added: 'I'm not mad it took this long. I know the people at Pixar were busy creating 'Toy Story 16'. But the time they took was worth it.'

Ellen also revealed her thoughts on the script of the movie - she said: 'The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one: It's got a lot of heart, it's really funny, and the best part is - it's got a lot more Dory.'

The new film picks up about a year after the action of Finding Nemo, with Ellen's forgetful fish Dory on her own adventure to reunite with loved ones. We wonder who she's trying to find? With her memory-loss, we wonder if she even knows?

Pixar genius Andrew Stanton, who made finding Nemo, will be directing the sequel.

When we interviewed Pixar's chief creative officer John Lasseter in 2011, he revealed that Finding Nemo was a movie very close to Andrew's heart - he told us: 'Finding Nemo was derived from the personal experiences that Andrew Stanton was having with his son. It's about a father and son and the father is being so protective and thinking that he was being a good father when he actually wasn't. So, if you go through each of the Pixar films, you'll find emotional meaning through the director's personal experience.'

According to Disney, the film will feature new characters along with familiar ones, including Nemo and his dad, Marlin, who was voiced by Albert Brooks in the first movie.

Although Marlin will be swimming onto our screens again, there is no word yet from Disney on whether Albert Brooks will reprise his voice role. We hope that he does!

It looks unlikely that Alexander Gould, who played Nemo in the first movie, will be returning for the sequel as his voice is now too deep.

He said in an interview: 'For a couple of years after the film I would voice the toys for Nemo and there was a point where we figured out that my voice had gotten too deep.'

The actor (who's now 19) added: 'I was unable to do the same voice anymore and it was a devastating moment I have to say.'

When quizzed about the sequel, Alexander said: 'I have heard the rumours and who knows if I would be a part of it with my voice now?'

The first Finding Nemo film made cinema history, as it was the first Pixar production to win the Academy Award for best animated feature after the category was added in 2001. Since then, Pixar films have gone on to dominate, winning the Oscar seven years out of 12 - we're predicting that Finding Dory will be a huge success.

Nemo fans better not hold their breath for the sequel though (unless they are fish, of course) as the movie isn't set to hit our screens until 25 November 2015.

So we will have to wait 966 days for this movie of awesomeness and sorry for the post being long I just wanted to paste everything in the story :D

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Weren't Pixar meant to be doing a Dinosaur film? (Answer, yes, as well as 3 other original stories over the next 3 years)

To be fair to them though, at least their sequels for the most part (Cars 2 is the one exception, but that was Disney going IT PRINTS MONEY!) are actually pretty decent... In fact Toy Story aside they've not done many sequels/prequels (Research tells me that this would only be their 3 non Toy Story related sequel)...

I'm not sure if Nemo was worth a sequel though...

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