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Worst Visitors At Thorpe Park?



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I can't say I think of sitting on a queueline fence as an offence(it rhymes!) Whilst smoking and queue jumping are dreadful I have sat on queueline fences many times for various reasons, being tired etc. I don't think the park should have strict action if people are sitting on the fences but a simple "please could you get down" would be accpetable.


Neither do I to be honest, but I think it's more a case of preserving the fences- they don't just say it to inconvinience anyone! I don't think they necessarily carry out a 'strict' action, as they're just basically telling someone to get off of the fence, but the way I've heard some ops word it kind of leaves me like 'well okay'. However I think if someone's doing it even after the op or hosts have told them to stop then it could potentially become a bit of a problem. 


I'm assuming hoping that there's some form of CCTV in most queuelines- especially those with an extended queue and ones which cannot be viewed by the ops and hosts from the station (the coasters and a few flats basically). If there are cameras- do the staff ever actually check them? I understand they may be busy but do they never even glance just to see that everything's okay etc. 

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Neither do I to be honest, but I think it's more a case of preserving the fences- they don't just say it to inconvinience anyone! I don't think they necessarily carry out a 'strict' action, as they're just basically telling someone to get off of the fence, but the way I've heard some ops word it kind of leaves me like 'well okay'. However I think if someone's doing it even after the op or hosts have told them to stop then it could potentially become a bit of a problem. 


I'm assuming hoping that there's some form of CCTV in most queuelines- especially those with an extended queue and ones which cannot be viewed by the ops and hosts from the station (the coasters and a few flats basically). If there are cameras- do the staff ever actually check them? I understand they may be busy but do they never even glance just to see that everything's okay etc. 

I think some 2*4 planks of solid wood will be able to take the weight of 1-2 adults and if they don't move they are doing less damage than if you where to drag your hand along it.

EDIT- and I can tell smokers where to put there cigarets when they are at Thorpe!

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I'm sure stress over time would wear them down. The majority of the fences at Thorpe- especially those which are at the height in which one could sit on it- are only made of wood, which could be considered strong, but it's strength it bound to deteriorate over time nonetheless. 

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Worst visitors at Thorpe for me,

Queue line smokers- makes the air stench around the ride unpleasant not to mention rides another park fire (2 were enough).

Queue line jumpers, everytime I see them pass through it just frustrates me so much and I'm tempted to do a Jay from the Inbetweeners too much (see the episode they go to London).

Guests with poorly controlled kids- makes a line sometimes feel twice as long

Chavs- that think they're better than everyone else and try to set a scene whilst at the park

Splitters- gives me a bitter taste everytime I see one

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When I was queueing for The Swarm in April with my friend, there was a couple who were first really really PDA (to the point that we felt the need to turn around, it was too awkward!) as well as using some rather foul language when there were younger children within earshot, and then the guy pulled out a packet of cigarettes and they both started smoking- but as well as this, they made no effort to keep the smoke away from others- there was a family infront of them and my friend and I behind them and they were just puffing huge clouds of smoke, making no effort to reduce it or avoid others- and it just lingered, disgusting. 


Although a lot of people started spraying aerosols, probably to get the message across- but it just amounted to the problem. 

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I feel like queueline rules have become rather lax these last few years, I've only seen people being told to get off of the fences in the Vortex queue once or twice whilst I've witnessed a whole load more from sitting on fences to queue jumping and smoking in various other queuelines! It's definitely something the park need to review imo. 


I don't get why they aren't sticking to it though? Earlier on this year a man was queue jumping on Vortex, luckily the host saw him and shouted out that he had to go to the back of the queue line. In some queue lines they have signs saying queue jumping may lead to being kicked out the park, so why don't they do this? I asked a member of staff later that day and she said there is zero tolerance with queue jumpers and they will get escorted from the park.

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Probably best to find a member of staff to ask them to stop - Queueline fights can be started by something as small as an angsty comment


Yeah, a one eyed bloke threatened to 'stab me up' each time I passed them on the switchback of the cattle-pen on Smiler last year after I stopped his (adult) daughters push by me like they just had a few hundred other people.


I'm used to and mostly enjoy a bit of confrontation, but it's not for everyone or advisable!


I wish the parks would strictly enforce these rules, just having a word or sending them to the back of the queue is not enough of a deterrent. It wouldn't take that many being thrown out before wotd got around that it's not worth even trying.

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