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About RobF

  • Birthday 04/30/1988

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  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. I would look at train times from gatwick and three bridges rather than Crawley, 3 bridges is the closest station
  2. The third train was used for parts, many reasons lead to this, but 3 train vampire is no more.
  3. Tbh, at this rate they might as well have closed Colossus for the season retracked and new trains with Intamin
  4. There is scaffolding up to that height so who knows ….
  5. Gas is now to expensive for 🔥 …. Have the tidal wave fences on the raised exit been replaced recently??
  6. Gruffalo was also removed from the event this year at the same time ?
  7. It would have been cheaper to buy it whilst at the event for next year though, bounce backs are the cheapest ticket option every year
  8. 3rd hand -Trawler trouble previously Weymouth and thorpe park temple of mayhem - millennium dome river rafts - weymouth
  9. RMT should have been a proper full size mine train coaster and not a mack powered coaster
  10. Darren SBNO after contract ends …. what ultimately can you do with the ride that will make it work or be suitable for people to want to ride… a train crash simulator???
  11. Could the sinking be an issue placing the track under extra stress as the train runs through , ultimately leading to cracking of the steel
  12. This is a fake account @Thorpe Pork not official 😂
  13. Adapt it for the future ?? New Airtime hill here in 2023 ….
  14. Colossus has currently had all the track along the inlines removed, possible reasons ? -support work -track repainting /replacement any ideas ?
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