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  1. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Ryan in Slammer   
    It's one of my favourite rides, it offers such a unique experience and I'll be sad to see it leave, sad but definitely not surprised.
  2. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Benin in The Smiler   
    I KNEW there would be a corkscrew/zero g thingy after those big inversions...
    As for the spider theming stuff, I'll wait until it's finished for actual judgement, as thematic pieces are always harder to judge whether or not they'll actually be good or work well until (unsurprisingly) they are finished...

  3. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from RideAddict in 2013 Changes   
    Is the change to X WTF this year going to be that there is no change...? Only 10 days to go!
  4. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to daboywunda in Slammer   
    Well, with Slammer potentially being the only sky swat in the world, that's Thorpe's 2014 marketing strategy sorted for them... No need for a new ride or ruining modification of an existing ride to draw in the idiots willing to throw fistfulls of cash at them...
  5. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Fred in The Smiler   
    Less is more?!
    Have charlie. You morons.
  6. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to vickyscaramouche in 2013 Changes   
    Hello all
    I've been following this thread for some time now and thought it was about time to join in!
    A little while back someone said X had been put in the "Thrilling and Fun" section; then its tagline description changed to "The ride that takes no prisoners". I looked at its page today and I think the full description of it may have changed...again...?
    Take a look:
    it now reads: "Enter and you will be thrown into a world of disorientation as your senses are pushed to the limits with eerie sounds and crazy flashes."
    I might be wrong but I swear it never said that before?!?! Maybe it did and I am just mildly delusional...
    I really hope X gets some attention this year.
  7. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Ricky in The Swarm   
    Erm, what? The ride isn't changing, a billboard will not affect the physics of the ride.
  8. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Smidget in The Smiler   
    The funny thing is that the majority of the track is still sitting outside the entrance near the car parks, as are some of the footers.
    Seeing them fail to line up the supports correctly was quite funny though, as was Marc contemplating stealing a bit of track
  9. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to SteveJ in The Crash Pad   
    You can tell they have had to use a very wide angle lens to fit the room in the frame, since all their faces are stretched. The room will look even smaller in person.
    I think this supersedes Storm Surge as the weirdest development at Thorpe Park in recent years.
  10. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from Doc in The Crash Pad   
    Never mind that, does the girl in the onesie doing her hair have a Facebook fan page? Haha.
    I wonder how sound proof those doors are by the bathroom, no good if your friend is chucking up after two days THRILLSEEKING!
  11. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Benin in X   
    I keep trying to read this in an optimistic light, but I just cannot... Get... It... To... Work...
    The state of affairs when a temporary 'hotel' is considered a main investment and swapping trains (or part of trains around) are considered bonuses to it... No, a bonus would be making the park an actual nice and enjoyable place to visit, which while the (as yet unconfirmed) NWO refurb would go a little bit towards, that is barely scratching the surface of Thorpe's problems...
  12. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Benin in Topspin, or not topspin?   
    I'm starting to think that anyone who suggests Thorpe get a TopSpin should be banned for a week...
  13. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to pluk in The Crash Pad   
    They have done a good job of making it fit in with the existing bridge, I'll give them that. But...
    The entrance and bridge have been derided for years for being inadequate, drab and hardly a fitting gateway to a magical place, which I think I'm right in saying Thorpe have made no secret of their desire to improve and upgrade at some time. Then instead of using this is a opportunity to actually carry out those improvements they 'theme' more stuff to the same horrid and outdated scheme. Hilarious.
  14. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from pluk in The Swarm   
    This x1000. Reverse Swarm just smacks of desperation, especially when there are so many rides that need some TLC... or just need a lick of paint.
  15. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to pluk in The Swarm   
    In terms of marketing, the only things I think that weren't quite right were
    - lack of much actual and any quality ride footage in the main ad (relative to the whole ad length. Just a few quick cut shots, with no play on the slow turn upside-down at the highpoint which I would have thought would have grabbed peoples attention). Yes it looks stylish, but the ride and the theme don't come across too well.
    - longevity of the campaign. This is the main one. Maybe it was just me but after the excellent build up with the viral snatches, Lez Coogan online and on park, missing wall, cinema teasers etc, it just died. I saw the full ad quite a bit for around a month after opening, then it vanished. The only thing coming out from the park was via facebook which is naturally seen almost exclusively by those who are fans already, preaching to the converted is unlikely to bring in new people.
    What concerns / annoys me about all this is

    So the response (presumably from riders doing exit surveys) to the ride has been very positive, yet they are fiddling with .... the ride? Not sticking with what people have told them they have done so well, people have told them they like and instead fixing the marketing which people didn't react to and Thorpe admit has failed, but messing with the bit they have done well. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the ride is perfect. But the things that are wrong with it (length, odd dull ending, fastrack/general queue faff, continuity of theme in places) do not get fixed by slapping a gimmick on top. In fact this is likely to make some of these things worse.
    It smacks of lack of confidence in their ride and being a knee jerk reaction. People aren't stupid, Thorpe can call it an evolution all they like but making such drastic changes just one year after opening will look to all the world like the ride is inherently not good enough at its core. I am interested in the sensation of riding backwards and will be giving it a try at some point, I'm sure a fair few people might do the same, so from that point of view it could be a successful move in the short term. But in the long term the ride is deeply devalued and I'm sure guest satisfaction will not rise, people with too many choices to make are rarely happier, wondering what they are missing out on. And that is before we see how they have managed the queue line and fastrack around this, which I'm guessing won't be pretty but would be glad to be proven wrong.
    The effort and money they are spending on The Swarm would be put to better use fixing up almost anything else on the park and letting the word of mouth from all the people who have been reacting so positivity to the experience to bring in the punters. Maybe if the rest of the park was somewhere near the standard The Swarm already is more people would be coming back anyway, gimmicks or not.
  16. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Bubbles1 in The Swarm   
    Umm, I think it was sarcasm.
  17. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to NickD in Vampire   
    Vampire requires an endless amount of announcements which unfortunately cuts out the ride music due to the volume.

    Required Announcements (From what I remember)

    - Stand Clear, Gates Opening
    - Please Leave bellongings on opposite side of the platform, wear your bloody shoes
    - I said wear your bloody shoes you traveller
    - Okay, you've all got your shoes on?
    - Stand Clear, Gates Closing
    - Re-Check All Bars (Or just the fatty in the 3rd row)
    - Hold On Tight, Here we go

    ... And repeat.
  18. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Benin in Vampire   
    I'd be happier if they would run 3 trains again...
    Sigh, give me early 2008 operations again... Those were the days...
  19. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Ricky in SAW: The Ride   
    Meanwhile in cat land....

  20. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Smidget in Oblivion   
    Being small does make riding coasters challenging sometimes. I often find that when I hit brake runs (especially on Oblivion) I get thrown into the restraints and, not gonna lie, it hurts my chest quite a lot. I do agree that Oblivion is comfortable though... just not the brake run!
    The worst for me are definately Top Scans. I get thrown around in them far too much for my liking. Tall people, consider yourselves lucky!
  21. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Smidget in Oblivion   
    Ah good 'ol (painful) Colossus!
    The only brake fun I don't fear is Swarm's <3
  22. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from RideAddict in 2013 Changes   
    I think my Top Spin sarcasm was wasted, ha
    Another FN only opening for SAW Alive would be pretty poor but by all accounts that's the best that can be hoped for. It's beyond me who thought a year-round horror maze would work anyway, let alone the wage bill involved.
    Anyway - Thorpe have gone very quiet about the "other" changes for 2013...
  23. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to AJ in 2013 Changes   
    Saw alive was closed due to the high running costs. Actors are not cheap! The attraction was not pulling in the crowds as expected hence why they're just opening it at fright nights. I'm sure once the saw franchise is removed from it after the contract ends they'll some day make use of the area again.
    I agree it's a large space unused and the path leading up to it from vortex just feels dormant but I'm sure one day it'll become more lively.
  24. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Mark9 in 2013 Changes   
    A picnic area.. that sounds novel, particularly at Thorpe.
  25. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from Coaster in 2013 Changes   
    Do we think anything will be done with SAW Alive for the 2013 season? Or is it going to be left there SBNO again? Looks pretty poor (as a guest) if you ask me - especially with Fungle Safari and Pirates 4D sitting there derelict too!
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