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About Benin

  • Birthday 08/19/1990

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  1. Benin


    I'd imagine the incidents on Bounce & Treetops also didn't help. Towers just about clung onto its reputation after Smiler, Oakwood having more incidents after Hydro was never going to help.
  2. Benin


    https://www.oakwoodthemepark.co.uk/blog/sin-categoria/oakwood-theme-park-to-close/ Closed for good. Had some great night rides on Megaphobia in my early enthusiast years.
  3. Imagine the OUTRAGE that would've occurred when Beanoland closed for 2 months to start the Wild Asia process. Closing it for 2 years is ridiculous.
  4. Bringing back THAT pre-show. 😬
  5. Is Minecraft Land for 2026 or 2027? That will make a massive difference.
  6. Benin

    2025 Season

    Haven't the Passholder Days historically been terrible though? For all the parks.
  7. I'm quite lucky that I rarely have to get Monorail these days, but the one time I did last year was painful. And that was at 3pm on a Scarefest! Might go on this if the queues are short. If.
  8. I'd be a bit peeved about Sea-Life, but I live within decent driving of 2 and they're good attractions for little one currently. Plus planning on London based nonsense later this year so always good to have some additional freebies.
  9. The rate of expansion they were doing at the time was never going to be sustainable. Legolands and Midways everywhere. But was all short term mindset at the end of the day. The issue with the removal of attractions is then devaluing the Annual Pass. Which is basically their entire business these days. So those would likely also have to go down in price as well.
  10. Quite bad that I genuinely wasn't sure if people meant the fake or real gift shop in this discussion.
  11. Quick example of one of my lunches at Efteling (from the cafeteria by Vogel Rok) over my Christmas visit. Can't recall the price unfortunately but it's a definite stark difference in quality to what's on offer at Towers in particular. Woodcutters would never. The entry cost is so dependent on BOGOFs, MAPs and booking online finding value in it, however if you charge north of £50 for a standard day ticket people expect that quality regardless. Fortunately as my visits to Towers mainly center around CBeebies these days I've avoided much of the poor availability overall, but it's incredibly telling on the faces of other visitors that it's leaving sour tastes in the mouths. Especially when on a number of times both X-Sector and Dark Forest end up with nothing to actually do. The years of poor investment are coming back to roost. On top of people tightening purse strings because we're still in a cost of living crisis that seems to only be on the way of getting worse.
  12. Benin


    Hydro/Drenched was a millstone around the neck of the park for years, it probably should've been removed far earlier post incident.
  13. As long as we get a complete layout for the next coaster.
  14. Mornington Crescent. I win.
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