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Everything posted by Benin

  1. The dude looks like the guy you see at the pub on his own cos he's so ALTERNATIVE...
  2. Hooray for the park actually investing in something good, the mediocre ride selection (bar Van Helsing and the water rides) makes it an awful place to visit... Especially when busy... The €25 unlimited Fastrack is a life saver...
  3. Probably too many people vomming or whatever... Especially given that when the sea wind catches you it makes the spinning even more insane...
  4. A bag room on a massive dark ride that you can actually take your bags onto (I.e. Not Sub Terra) is always a daft thing... It's a slightly unhealthy obsession of Merlin's to have bag drops on everything when it causes utter chaos by the exit (hey Swarm)...
  5. Not every single ride needs a complex backstory or over the top theming for it to be any good though... Manta only has a story due to government regulations with that Sea World anyway...
  6. Great to see that the second coming of UK coaster Jesus posts are already everywhere, nothing like some overhyping the next big thing to ridiculous levels that the ride won't ever be able to live up to...
  7. They've added theming? I just assumed that's what it looked like after not being used for years...
  8. I don't think anyone moans much about that tbh, the investments Merlin struggle with are those minor ones in between the years... Enough coasters are invested in the parks that can actually build them...
  9. Why should Merlin buy a second hand crap Intamin rocket? Better off buying something new and actually good...
  10. The storylines for the DC dark rides aren't exactly War & Peace now are they?
  11. It should not take nearly 20 minutes for staff to assume that a ride crash would require emergency services... As for the force thing, didn't they say it was the equivalent? F=ma and all that jazz, especially as I'd wager a single ride train weighs more than most cars... It's probably a slight overexaggeration, but is also maybe closer than some might realise...
  12. +1, purely for selfish reasons...
  13. 17 minutes to call 999 is an actual disgrace, maximum 5 minutes for a TL to radio control and give the details of a crash, send help asap... Awful management there... In terms of wind, constant is the key term, I saw a stall occur at Milky Way the ride op was testing it carefully (in that whole, one more car to make sure situation), where a massive gust a wind blew into the drop as it went around, this is probably what occurred here, but everything afterwards procedural wise is a disaster... There's staff in the shop and front gate yet it didn't go through? Strange tidings indeed...
  14. Basic procedures missing out is a scary factor, I remember back at Chessie needing to know pretty much everything about anything (though it tended to be call a TL and let them do it) in terms of dealing with situations... Fine them their turnover for the lols please...
  15. Benin

    Logger's Leap

    I don't know why people keep trying to ask questions that social media accounts NEVER answer...
  16. To be fair, wasn't Phalanx created as part of the original Nemesis storyline? Heavily featured in the comic I'm sure...
  17. It looks like it should be on the exit platform/corridor, it looks vaguely familiar because the skeleton would stick into one's mind...
  18. Probably in vertical video as well, just as one last wind up...
  19. It's like a weird blend of Orkanen at Farup with the ending of a Mega-Lite... Weird decision...
  20. I'll never understand why they didn't just do a VR ghost train, though probably for something of Derren's, AR would've been a better option, as it really would work with the whole confused ride aspect... Plus not using the Victoriana style theming annoys me... Could literally have done anything with it, but it seems like such a botch, as even the floating train reveal is terribly done...
  21. Shows how simple communication is the most important aspect when operating anything mechanical and involves humans... The inevitability of the crash is the worst thing...
  22. Once you visit non Merlin parks of actual quality you'll understand... Also plus 1 for not knowing about the blue peter badge thing...
  23. Yeah they did, but unsurprisingly no one is particularly excited by this...
  24. Still miles behind the massive poster I have of Flug von Damenon, but it's a start... How much they flogging them for?
  25. Rates is just a posh term for price list, nothing to concern over...
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