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    Cornflakes got a reaction from SkySkream in Youtube Videos   
  2. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Mer in Youtube Videos   
    Oh LOL!
  3. Like
    Cornflakes got a reaction from SkySkream in Experiment 10 [SPOILERS]   
    Thats right I'm doing a review, deal with it.

    As you all know, Experiment 10 is the new Fright Nights horror maze, in it's first few weeks of operation it has garnered a reputation of being absolutely terrifying, but is it any good?

    After getting the usual security brief you enter a dark bloodstained corridor which leads into a small room, awaiting you in the room is a scientist who tells you the basic story for the maze, I really liked the room itself, the rifles on the wall and the cctv footage that blanked out all the time, it gave you the impression that something was going wrong, even though there telling you that everything is okay. After the little story scene you get pushed into the "Decontamination room" which is pumped full of a strange gas as the actors in hazmat suits inspect you. After the decontamination you are pushed down through a long corridor and then shoved in a box all by yourself, this was probably the most unnerving scene that I have ever experienced in a horror maze, being locked in complete darkness with no friends around while actors proceeded to bang on the walls and taunt you is pretty worrying.

    I think most people will agree with me if I say this was the scariest part of the maze.

    After a couple of minutes of solitary confinement you are pulled out of your box and through yet another corridor, after walking for a bit the corridor splits into two different routes, you don't get much choice on which route to take because if you stay for too long the actor will just push you wherever he wants, unfortunately I was pushed into the route where I had to crawl, Brilliant. After navigating my way through the tunnel and hitting my head of few times, I caught up with Marc, "Hooray!" I thought "I'm not alone any more, maybe this next part wont be as scary as if I was alone!", Well to be honest the final part of the maze was just so, dull. It probably wouldn't of been any scarier if I was alone. The final part of the maze is a let down, its just a couple jump scares and then your out, Not a very good finale at all, I would of preferred it if it ended like Terror of the towers, an actor heavy finale that made you run out of the building, but no, it was just so, mute. All in all Experiment 10 is a very good maze, it (mostly) uses psychological scares rather than jump scares, but unfortunately the ending is a massive let-down.

    For this I give Experiment 10

    Also kudos to Thorpe for trying something different this year, it work out quite well and after a few improvements, you could have the best (Merlin) scare attraction in the UK

  4. Like
    Cornflakes got a reaction from Dan9 in Experiment 10 [SPOILERS]   
    Thats right I'm doing a review, deal with it.

    As you all know, Experiment 10 is the new Fright Nights horror maze, in it's first few weeks of operation it has garnered a reputation of being absolutely terrifying, but is it any good?

    After getting the usual security brief you enter a dark bloodstained corridor which leads into a small room, awaiting you in the room is a scientist who tells you the basic story for the maze, I really liked the room itself, the rifles on the wall and the cctv footage that blanked out all the time, it gave you the impression that something was going wrong, even though there telling you that everything is okay. After the little story scene you get pushed into the "Decontamination room" which is pumped full of a strange gas as the actors in hazmat suits inspect you. After the decontamination you are pushed down through a long corridor and then shoved in a box all by yourself, this was probably the most unnerving scene that I have ever experienced in a horror maze, being locked in complete darkness with no friends around while actors proceeded to bang on the walls and taunt you is pretty worrying.

    I think most people will agree with me if I say this was the scariest part of the maze.

    After a couple of minutes of solitary confinement you are pulled out of your box and through yet another corridor, after walking for a bit the corridor splits into two different routes, you don't get much choice on which route to take because if you stay for too long the actor will just push you wherever he wants, unfortunately I was pushed into the route where I had to crawl, Brilliant. After navigating my way through the tunnel and hitting my head of few times, I caught up with Marc, "Hooray!" I thought "I'm not alone any more, maybe this next part wont be as scary as if I was alone!", Well to be honest the final part of the maze was just so, dull. It probably wouldn't of been any scarier if I was alone. The final part of the maze is a let down, its just a couple jump scares and then your out, Not a very good finale at all, I would of preferred it if it ended like Terror of the towers, an actor heavy finale that made you run out of the building, but no, it was just so, mute. All in all Experiment 10 is a very good maze, it (mostly) uses psychological scares rather than jump scares, but unfortunately the ending is a massive let-down.

    For this I give Experiment 10

    Also kudos to Thorpe for trying something different this year, it work out quite well and after a few improvements, you could have the best (Merlin) scare attraction in the UK

  5. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Mer in You've Been Framed: TPM Appreciation Society   
  6. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Liam T in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    And they called it..puppy loooooooove
  7. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Laelda_95 in You've Been Framed: TPM Appreciation Society   
    Liam looking every bit the sexual predator.
  8. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to mah boi in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Half of the zero-g roll up, pic from theme park guide.
  9. Like
    Cornflakes got a reaction from SkySkream in Music   
  10. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Sidders in Music   
  11. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to electricBlll in Mania Hub Forums - Thread titles we might have seen in the 1990s   
    How many loops do you think Oblivion has underground?
  12. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Benin in Random Picture Thread.   
    Laughed way too much at this...
  13. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to AdamY in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Can we please shut up about all these crap towns, it's getting annoying.Kthnx.
  14. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Sidders in Random Picture Thread.   
  15. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Mer in Post Your Desktop!   
    Hell yeah!
  16. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Mark9 in Random   
    VSBut which one will be finished first?! Odds are 4-1 Wild Eagle, 20-1 Swarm. Take your bets now.
  17. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Tom in You've Been Framed: TPM Appreciation Society   
  18. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to ste193 in Your Thorpe Park   
    Fright NightI've gone a bit different seeing as its Halloween and with the 10th anniversary everyones talking about fright nights and though I'm going I'm getting into the spirit and wanting something different to try I have attempted to come up with ideas for scare zones and mazes, enjoy :)2012:Fright night:Mazes-The Curse: The lighting is returned to being much darker, several new elements are added, a new corridor features sprinklers which are set of by an actor and a smell of rotting fish is wafted into the room with an actor uses there arms and legs to move the head and fin of a shark figurine mounted to the wall, in another corridor fish netting drapes from the ceiling and an eerie fisherman in a black mack and claw hand interacts with the group as they make their way through with only a rotating light system imitating a lighthouse lighting their way at times.Se7en The AsylumExperiment 10Scare Zone-Rash: White plastic sheet tube tunnels are set up on the island, the first section passes an area with buzzing noises which features flashing lights displaying dots that appear like a swarm on the sheets and splashes of blood are on the sheets, an actor sits cuddled up and rocking in the corner before revealing a half eaten face and interacting with the group sniffing them and prodding and stroking them as though they seem foreign, you then step outside through a torn sheet as the section infront is cordoned of with fencing and shows remains and blood, you are then around the pond with the helicopter and the roller coaster overhead as you exit large breaking sounds are heard and a van’s headlights come on, screams are played in and there are 2 red flashing sirens, there are body bags dotted around the ground some are half open and some are torn revealing corpses and one contains an actor who grabs at the groups legs, you then re-enter the tunnel system which features heaters and sprays of water for a tingling sensation as the water dries with buzzing sounds played in, a ticking sound with a heartbeat is heard and as they exit a large fake bomb is infront of them and a fire jet is sprayed when the timer reaches zero.2013:Fright night:Mazes-The Curse returns as it was last yearThe AsylumExperiment 10Hellgate returns with the tag line “Hellgate re-opens old wounds with a terrifying vengeance.”Replacement for Se7en in the location of Hellgate, The idea of the maze around the idea of feeling trapped within your phobias as the maze features small corridors and no rooms. You enter dimly lit flickering corridor where an actor as a demon reveals themselves from behind a curtain. As you turn the corner you are face to face with a dangling skeleton, down the second corridor smoke canons are sprayed loudly to make you jump an actor as a flying beast swings above you clawing at you. For the third corridor you turn the corner and a zombie actor launches themselves from a coffin at you and chases you and features fake hands stuck out along the walls as you turn the corner the next corridor you have to walk through 3 dangling nooses each with a dead body in and the second being an actor. The 5th corridor has screaming and bloody hand prints and has actor banging against the wall shouting brains who then grabs at you from a curtain as you turn the corner for the next corridor an open body is up against the wall and a deformed demons head bursts through the stomach laughing manically at you and you turn the corner to face a demons head before turning past it again and heading down the final corridor large demon roars are heard before a demon actor stomps behind you and runs at you roaring wielding a scythe and screaming “tear the flesh, feast the bones”.Scare Zones:Rash 2014:Fright Night:Mazes:The CurseCliché: The idea is focused around TV host Mickey Mayes who hosted a spooky quiz show about the horror of cliché’s, Mickey went insane after a frightened contestant accidentally knocked a fire jet onto him leaving him severely burned and this is shown on a TV in the queue line along with a news report about Mickey stating that he killed the contestant after he was replaced on the show and is currently being hunted down by the police.(Unbeknown to the group) an actress joins them as they are pre-warned by clown staff that the show is about to begin and told to enter.The first room features a voice over from Mickey who welcomes the group to the show and he then coldly states what’s the first cliché of a horror film, the lights go out and screams are heard as the lights come on the actress is lying on the floor in a pool of blood twitching with a killer in a black cloak raising the knife and walking towards the rest of the group as Mickey tells them to “run for their lives”.In the second room the group enter to find a large door where thudding sounds are coming from, Mickey’s voice over then states “and the second big cliché is?” the group then investigate the noise opening the door to reveal nothing however a large fan blows at them and the room dims with blue lights showing large footprints as thudding noises continue to be made, a stage hand then opens a secret door and beckons the group in.The stage hand then sprays silly string at the group as they enter the third room with a cellophane sheet infront of them posing as a window, Mickey “the next big cliché is…” a large demonic hand slams down on the window infront of them, Mickey “oh add another on you say? Go on then.” The group are then split in half and sent down the two different corridors.One: Features fake trees and a trip vine with a masked killer and chainsaw behind you chasing you.Two: There is what appears to be a barricade however actors posing as zombies reach through at them either side. The group remain split for there own small rooms:One: a fake body in chain against the wall appears to spurt blood at the victims and the lights go out and the table is turned around to appear as though the body is gone and an actor then interacts with the group.Two: The next room features a series of mirrors which are set up in a manor so that an actor’s creepy clown reflection goes across the mirrors then disappears and as they walk past the last mirror the clown shouts boo at them or blows a party blower.The final room rejoins the group and features a pit with a bridge and Mickey stands on the bridge wielding a gun and prepares to shoot at the group making realistic sounds when a saw blade swings across and hits Mickey who is knocked over the bridge and lies in blood appearing to be dead, as the group crosses the bridge Mickey startling starts grabbing at their legs etc and chases after them.Experiment 10 HellgateScare Zones:Rash 2015:Fright Night:Mazes:Cliché Experiment 10HellgateLair: Neptune’s Beach, guests are warned by a soldier to follow the red path, they enter a foggy room with eggs scattered around and certain planks cause reactions to happen such as one plank is attached to an alien figurine with causes an alien to pop out like hatching, another causes a claw to reach out at the guests legs at the end of the room a mother alien figurine is revealed to be reaching out at them and a voice over reveals they have entered an alien hatching ground and they will be hunted, an alien dressed actor is attached to the ceiling and reaches down with a claw at the unsuspecting guests with webs against the walls with a fake body attached, in the next corridor an actor as a soldier threatens the guests with his gun and the “shooting” is pumped air at them, in the next room a soldier actor is attacked by an alien which then disappears and as they pass the body a jet of air is blasted up from a fan at them, there are then two corridors one for able bodied and one for non abled and abled.Abled: The able bodied must climb through ropes posing as spider webs whilst an alien actor interacts with themNon- abled: an alien interacts with the group water is flowing from hoses at the tops of the walls and a dangling web to go through, they then rejoin in a final room where an alien tackles a shooting soldier and “blood” spurts at the guests from the soldiers bleeding neck who frantically pleads for help before the alien “chops” the head of and holds it in his claw and interacts with the group whilst the actor puts claws on and reaches through the curtains at the riders as they attempt to exit. Scare Zones:Hush: Opened in the area with the rush exit Rush, Quantum and Zodiac the area is “cordoned” of with actors posing as staff warning the public “not to go through” “avoid the horrific sight” and to “keep moving”.The area features taped of fake splattered remains and clothes and metallic pieces as though the ride had collapsed, and fake limbs and skulls, snakes and spiders placed in the netting, an inspectors bloodied coat has been discarded in the bushes, a limping zombified injured actor wanders the area frightening guests and a ghostly actor hides in the bushes waiting to startle unsuspecting guests, loud screams and creaking noises along with crashing metal are played into the area for atmosphere.
  19. Like
    Cornflakes got a reaction from SkySkream in Music   
    Absolutely amazing
  20. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Mark9 in You've Been Framed: TPM Appreciation Society   
    Just Dreamin' bout my four inversions
  21. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Dan in Wish a Member a Happy Birthday!   
    Happy Birthday Sidd
  22. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to JoshC. in Random Picture Thread.   
    I'm in a bit of a science-y mood this evening:
  23. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Ryan in Youtube Videos   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOpOhlGiRTMThis is the most adorable youtube video I've ever seen
  24. Like
    Cornflakes reacted to Fred in You've Been Framed: TPM Appreciation Society   
    A country shaped almost like a penis.I love it.
  25. Like
    Cornflakes got a reaction from Sidders in Music   
    Absolutely amazing
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