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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. He mentioned it indeed. The full article is here https://m.facebook.com/PBExperience/photos/a.179729955378352.41278.132690813415600/1082607558423916/?type=3&source=48.
  2. According to Nick Thompson, Blackpool will be opening a new major ride in April 2017 which is expected to take 18 months to build and be a much bigger addition than sky force and is set to be one of the most exciting rides in the world. Source- Pleasure Beach Experience Definitely very exciting news there!
  3. Impossible makes Storm Surd look like Chiapas in comparison (). Anyway a back to the this dark ride. Whilst some of the things I have heard have brought a mixture of excitement and concerns for me I'm still excited for this project. Not just is it a (major) new ride at my local theme park (just down the M25) but a dark ride. However not only is it the first proper dark ride at Thorpe (discarding X as in indoor ride) but it's the first full scale dark ride outside of Legoland parks, Dungeons etc. In all fairness we haven't seen many dark rides in Europe at all recently except Maus Au Chocolate and Ratatouille so as long as it isn't terrible it's a welcome addition IMO.
  4. Staggered opening would be the times better than having half a dozen rides shut. However I do feel were this to be U-turned, poor Flummy and even Ripsaw won't see the light of day in 2016.
  5. Gosh that looks looks mighty impressive. All we need now is for Paultons to do extremely well next year and build one for their next big thing. Unofficial Plopsaland Meet anyone?
  6. My gosh! That looks insane in the most awesome way. I love it!
  7. The moment you receive an email from a lecturer explaining your Special Project [equivalent to a dissetation] has to be submited in hard copy only, despite the default now being online submission. This now means I ave gone from being on schedule to behind it due to suddenly finding resources to print and also finding CD's to download. Also my windows media is really playing me up right now as it keeps crashing and forcing me to shut down the programme no matter how many times I need to open it. Anyone know how to sort this. Perfect storm :[
  8. My only guess here would be the evolution of ride technology. Oblivion was brand new technology and a prototype when built and no other dive machines had been constructed at the time. When Griffon opened, at least several other dive coasters had opened, not to mention it was no longer brand spanking new technology either. Another thing to mention is the big hole they dug for oblivion wouldn't have been cheap either, especially since much of the drop is actually beneath ground anyway.
  9. Yeah, someone got stabbed in Leytonstone Station tonight in what could be described as a terrorist stack. The perpetrator was tassered but the victim is believed to be in a critical condition. Hope the victim recovers, I fear this could only be the start of a dark time. I'm skeptic on the bombing in Syria.
  10. Though I haven't experienced the ride (yet), I have heard reports by numerous people that the Baco has become noticeably rougher recently, to the degree that it's fans cannot manage more than three re-rides a time. It almost sounds like It's worse than Stampida now (some new GCI trains could make the ride much smoother). Not good though for the ride, considering it is the park's third major ride, which begs the question. How the park can improve the ride? Can they modify the trains, will they have to buy new ones, or could this possibly mark the beginning of the end for Baco? With Ferrari Land opening in 2017 (originally meant to be next year) it's quite possible the ride isn't longed for this world.
  11. It's updates like this that are greatly welcomed in our parks. Let's hope this is the scratch of the surface of park updates. Vampire's (original) entrance is already looking a lot better.
  12. The luck I seem to have in the ride game leaves a lot to be desired

  13. I think it's a logo that suits Chessington well for the park it is. There won't be a globe anymore in 5 years time. Could the slightly simplified logo be a possible obscure budget cut I wonder?
  14. Really liking the look of that drip so far and the miss mash of colour scheme is interesting to say the least. It's amazing how only recently we've been starting to see and learn of what this coaster might be.
  15. Interesting video, gives me vibes somewhat between the Shining and The Woman In Black [first one] for some reason. Am liking these videos and teasers so far and hope the ride will be as good.
  16. Judging from the photos, it is very difficult to pick up much in this coaster, but if it turns out to be good and I mean really good, may true get here soon as. Heck a return visit to Efteling may even be fastracked in the process. I don't know where this park is though in comparison nor how easy it is to get to however. edit- well I looked clever here didn't I
  17. Because a very tight budgeted wizard with a cold likes rundown buildings, shipping containers & abandond places too much Then again, paultons gives us a bit of hope.
  18. This is good news, Thorpe really do need a proper hotel, not several dozen shipping containers so this is strongly welcomed especially consider most other parks are at the verge of getting another hotel or form of accommodation. Can't wait til construction starts there.
  19. Oh No! The banning cuts!
  20. All this for a restaurant? Looks absolutely amazing, some of that looks near Disney quality there. Why can't we have nice stuff like this,when so many parks in Europe have been creating some master pieces lately.
  21. Whilst the park has indeed built some highly impressive rides and luckily has the ground setting and creativity to do so, it is such a great shame that the local housing positions have proved such a problem for the park that some projects have been downscaled or scrapped altogether. Apparently the recently denied water park plans originally stated for the theme park to also be extended too, but that was since downgraded. The park's planning problems seem to be similar to Legoland's and Towers to an extent. Lets hope they can eventually buy all those houses in close proximity to the park.
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