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  1. Thanks
    Kerfuffle reacted to pluk in Thorpe Park 2020   
    Realistically - the entrance needs sorting out properly. I hate what they've done with it, it is a dreadful way to welcome anyone to anywhere let alone a theme park which should be a place of joy and escapism. 
    It would kind of be OK if it left you feeling safe but security, it's primary aim being to keep out restricted items, is worse than it was previously as so long as you don't have a bag you saunter on through the middle with no checks at all. Yeah, I'm sure everyone keeps their knives, drugs and firearms in a bag! 
    They need to make the entrance welcoming while achieving at least some level of security. I don't really know what the answer is, but the mess we currently have which achieves neither is not it!
    Inside the park I'd just like it cleaned. So much of it is so grotty. Ride stations and shops especially are filthy. It's not much to ask and should be a basic but there is clearly no system in place to actually clean things.
  2. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Rach666 in Thorpe Park 2020   
  3. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to Mark9 in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    That meme has been completely destroyed. It was a sleeper hit for months and then boom, now its even a Loggers Leap meme.
  4. Confused
    Kerfuffle reacted to stevenc in Thorpe Park 2020   
    Some school kids have been using fake NHS letters to get ride access passes and they were being handed out without actually verifying the legitmacy of them! My daughter had some girl she doesn't personally know on her instagram bragging about it showing the fake NHS letter and showing her with the wrist band and ID card that expires in 2 years! There was also a link to the NHS letter where anyone could edit and print it. I was about to take those instagram posts and email them over to thorpe park but the girl's instagram appeared to have been closed.
    I have already just emailed Thorpe Park about this.
  5. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to JoshC. in Anti-Rant   
    Moved out of my mum's house, into a flat with a couple of old TPM members and got a side job to help get extra money whilst at uni this past week. Pretty decent week.
  6. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to JoshC. in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
  7. Like
  8. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to RobF in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    How many threads do you need the same post in ???
  9. Thanks
    Kerfuffle reacted to Mattgwise in Galactica   
    I thought it was a pile of turd! Good riddance! 
  10. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to pluk in Rameses Revenge   
    Like Bubble Works before it, the original awesome Rameses died long ago. The casual swinging about it has been doing for the last decade or so was not what should have been.
    The park continues in a direction I don't care for.
  11. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to LK_ in Colossus   
    More chance of the ride being demolished than anything else being done to it tbh 
  12. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from 2542464 in Thorpe Park 2020   
    Rule 1: Thorpe lie.
  13. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Martin Doyle in Thorpe Park 2020   
    Rule 1: Thorpe lie.
  14. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to Martin Doyle in Thorpe Park 2020   
    They tell me Nick Varney and Alan Schilke had a nice romantic dinner (Alan paying ofcourse....obviously) over the matter and now we are most certainly getting that RMC on the loggers leap site in 2020!!
    This will be accompanied by the following.
    1) Tidal Waves fireball returning
    2) Colossus having a full paint job
    3) Samurai being replaced by a new model
    4) THE TOP SPIN!!
    6) Slammer finally being removed
    7) Stricter requirements to get a RAP
    8) Thorpe Park finally altering the wind policy so they don’t stop the rides if someone so much as farts near the wind censors
    9) The car park being sorted so one does not need to sit there in a standstill for over an hour to get out..... fastrack for the car park exit here we come!! 
    2020 is gonna be SICK!!
    * my source is called HP source by the way.
  15. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to Marhelorpe in Thorpe Park 2020   
    Yeah, I’m pretty certain Park Pixie said in one of her vlogs there were rumours that #RMC2020 would be happening...... 🤔
  16. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Martin Doyle in Thorpe Park 2020   
    One rumour about next year never fails to make me cringe really.
    Enthusiasts who actually think Thorpe are getting an RMC next year:

  17. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to MattyMoo in Rameses Revenge   
    Fingers crossed the beast can survive two hours of solid operation.
  18. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to Glitch in Fright Nights 2019 - Spoilers   
  19. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from MattyMoo in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Along with the snapchats of practically every single attention-seeking teenager in the country which...yeah...NO ONE asked for.
  20. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to TPJames in Top 10's   
    New top 10 coasters after a few trips to new parks including hansa park today
    Cant decide between taron and taiga. Taron has the theming, the launch, the overall experience whereas taiga’s second half of the layout is just absolutely incredible. Too close of a decision to call so ranked joint 1st.
    Also three RMCs in my top 10, that’s crazy. I’ve been converted 😱
    Taron/Taiga - Zadra Wildfire Shambhala  Untamed Der Schwur des Kärnan Lech Lost gravity Helix
  21. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to StevenVig in Rainforest Area   
    Legoland says hi
  22. Thanks
    Kerfuffle reacted to StevenVig in Rainforest Area   
    I stand corrected, but I still believe it will be a half arsed job, it's Merlin.
    The park needs a large investment, and not a refurbishment of a current ride or a second hand ride from a Sea Life
  23. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from pluk in On Ride Photos   
    Re-surfacing this thread as I'm now happily in a position where I can reveal my handsome mug on this site (damn those social media policies!)
    Pity back row on Shambhala is undoubtedly the only good thing at PortAventura these days...

    Funny thing here is not only are the majority of the people behind me under the height restriction for The Walking Dead (seriously)...but one of them has just had their entire photo ruined by my arm. Sorry Swedish kid.

    Nothing much to say about this one...Valkyria is a VERY good dive coaster.

    Taking one for the team on Chiapas. Front row is undoubtedly the firing line for wetness but fortunately Germany were also in a heatwave at the time!

    ...and finally, more or less as a plot twist (but a very fitting one) but this is me on Bob at Efteling (for the last time ever - even if I'd only ridden it twice in its lifetime) along with several of the Planet Coaster community during a meetup back in July.
  24. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to Hethetheth in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    If the ride needs guests to imagine that it is a better ride for it to be enjoyable then I think that says a lot.
    I was having a read through older pages if this thread when the ride opened. It's very interesting to chart the change of enthusiasts' opinions. From 2016 to 2017 there were generally positive responses and then reactions sour quickly in 2018. It really seems the mid section and the pacing of the ride really glued it all together. The ride experience is very fragile.
  25. Thanks
    Kerfuffle reacted to MattyMoo in Save Rameses Revenge Campaign   
    Congratulations on the success of your campaign.
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