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  1. Cal

    The Smiler

    On the weekend, both on Saturday on Sunday I got in the que at about 9:30. On both days it went round at about 9:45 with 2 staff on the front row then when they got to the end (outside the station) after about 5 minutes someone came out and evaced them there. Anyone know why they would do this?
  2. It's 15 minutes earlier. Everyone is let in at 9:30 and annual pass holders are at 9:15. I find it quite beneficial as there isn't many crash pad guests. Can get a few rides done at least.
  3. Really impressed with how the entrance is looking now, looks a lot better than what it was before!
  4. Cal


    Does anyone know if Slammer reopened today? Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  5. Cal


    That's a shame as it looked really good, like Josh said hopefully they could find a solution somehow and we could see the red back in the future!
  6. I don't think you can. You have to enter your merlin pass id or your ticket number when you reserve for a ride, so I am assuming you can only enter your ticket number once. Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  7. Add a couple more worlds first features in because that's what everyone loves
  8. Haha fair enough. Never qued for backwards row this season so didn't know this. I just assumed that the backwards ticket people used to be given at the baggage area people used to hide and then just go forwards.
  9. Was their any enjineers working on the ride or is it like they are waiting for a part? Every time I've been this year there has only been 2 staff working on Quantum, resulting in the operator having to come out of the console and help out.
  10. Even though Slammer is back open, we still haven't had every ride open this season yet this season seeing as Quantum has been down the last 2 days now. Anyone know what's going on?
  11. That's a shame, they must of been either trialing it or they ran out of tickets from people misusing the que, keeping there ticket and going on it forwards.
  12. How do you know this? I'm sure they will try and get another train up and running as soon as possible seeing as it is one of the most popular rides on the park?
  13. Cal


    Just saw picture of it on Instagram with people on and thought it was from last season, but I was wrong! So glad it's now back open and hopefully it will stay open for the rest of the season. Although I would hate to see it go, I do think it is on it's last sort of chance now. If it has another major problem this year I think it will be it for Slammer. Wont be able to be down Thorpe for at least another month though which is annoying! So glad that Thorpe has never gave up it though!
  14. Over the holidays they haven't been using the backwards que, you just que in the normal que and then decide if you want to go backwards or not in the station. Not sure if this is permanent or if they are just trialing it at the moment. Works a lot better in my opinion.
  15. Thanks for that! On the Saturday I'll probably do what you did, go to Nemesis and then on Sunday and on the Sunday I'll start with Oblivion.
  16. That's what the signs say anyway, I was in a que for Vortex last Sunday and a que jumper got spotted and just got sent to the back of the que. He wasn't even far down in the que anyway.
  17. I think it's because it's new, I've never seen or heard of rubber burning before on dodgems. Saw a picture of Theme park guides facebook page of staff having to clean rubber of the surface and had no idea what that was about.
  18. Cal


    Where did you get this from?
  19. Cal


    It's been clear all year I believe, which is a shame. When they emptied it at the end of last season they just haven't bothered to color the water again.
  20. Good idea but that will never happen... Remember theirs people coming up the exit of the ride as well.
  21. Hi Guys, I didn't know where to post this question so I'll just post it here I'm going to Alton Towers next weekend any have only been twice before, during scarefest 2012. I've got a MAP so I'll get ERT and I'll probably spend most of my time on Nemesis, but I don't know where to go next? It's either to go to Oblivion and ride that, then get in the que for the Smiler before it opens at 10 or go to Rita and Thirteen and get a good couple of rides on them at 10. This is my first trip since the Smiler is open so I do want to get a good amount of rides on it Any comments/suggetions would be useful, thanks.
  22. I'm sorry, but this has got to be a mistake? EDIT: It's gone back down to the good old 5 mins now Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  23. A video is now up on Thorpe Park's official youtube. Be aware there is spoilers of some of the effects in the 4d experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtaVPR2et64
  24. All the seats were indeed brand new, unsure about the effects as I never went in the previous cinema.
  25. I guess they've tried it just with the Swarm before so they've got to try it with all the coasters before they start selling it or using it so they can make any adjustments or just to see how it worked out.
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