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Everything posted by Cal

  1. It will be one of the busiest days on the season, Thorpe Park have posted on there website that they're expecting a high number of schools. I recommend getting there at 9:15 if you have AP or 9:30 if you have a normal ticket as you will get a lot of rides done before the schools come at 11. Also the park should start to die down at about 4:30ish. Have fun
  2. Oh yeah, then it must be definite. It's been updated since the last time I visited. It will most likely be really busy during these dates as it is in the holidays, so it will also be interesting to see how it works then, a long with a much wider range of attractions.
  3. The next trail dates are set to be in late august, but obviously this is not 100 percent yet. This is just to let people know if they wanted to go during this time or for people who are trying to avoid it. I'm going to try and get down during this time, never used the system and really want to give it a go!
  4. That video of Slammer makes me want to ride it even more now! The music makes such a difference Very noticeable how it's taking longer to go up and down now though which is a shame. Nice channel, keep up the vids
  5. I have never been to a Summer nights, but I wouldn't not want it to be really dead like Dean just explained. But then again, I wouldn't want it too busy. The maximum I'd like to wait realistically is 1/2 trains to be honest, as you are paying for no queues.
  6. Cal


    Slammer defiantly needs another batcher in order to get higher throughputs. They defiantly had another batcher last year who batched people while the ride was in operation?
  7. Wow that does sound really good, What are the queues like? Looking forward to trying it later on in the year! Never went to a Summers night last year
  8. A stage has now been put up, does anyone know why? Is it for Summer nights? (Photo from TPG)
  9. Cal


    The thing is though, It shouldn't be taking 10 minutes to offload, load and check restraints should it?
  10. I'm not surprised at all to be honest haha. On my visits this year I've seen very minimal breakdowns, the only rides that I've seen break down a lot this year is Rumba and Rush.
  11. Cal


    I really want to know the reason for this, I don't get why they can't.
  12. Okay, well I'm very jealous of those people that got roll backs. Shame that Stealth is closed during busy times though, they must be getting loads of complaints. I just assumed it was during testing that the rollbacks happened as every time I checked the app it said closed.
  13. Cal

    The Banning Game

    Banned for double banning
  14. I believe it was closed all day, so this was during testing.
  15. It's a shame they got ride of that, only ever got to see it once but it was great! Couldn't imagine it being great in the winter though
  16. Did it open today at all? Would love to be on a rollback so much!
  17. I've never heard it, I just thought they didn't play it. But I've never actually queued for Storm Surge. I'll only ever go on it if it's just re opened or it has no queue. Do they play it in the station? Never heard it there
  18. Look's like the next trial dates will be with some flats now, and all of the coasters. Noticed they've taken the Swarm backwards and Stealth pole position away, not sure how it worked out? Will be interesting to see how some of the lower throughput rides will work out, and the flats, and just the fact that the majority of the rides on park are using it. Will probably will regret saying this , but I hope they do it next Wednesday, never had a chance to experience Reserve N' RIde.
  19. Cal


    Are they batching people through to the airgates while the ride is in operation? I know that last year they didn't really do it, but that was probably because it was dead.
  20. Looking forward to riding Slammer soon, it's been so long <3

  21. Last year pretty much every visit I saw it break down at least once, but this year it's been pretty good. Also the Smiler has also been good this year by the sounds of it, it hasn't had a full day closed this year yet and during the whole weekend I was there I did not see it go down once, and I was checking ridetimes on my phone a lot. I'm sorry, but I would not call the Smiler smooth, especially for a coaster than is just over 1 year old.
  22. I doubt it would be down because was rough, if there was something wrong with a car they'd take it off and carry on normal operation.
  23. I agree. They could of at least made it look like Storm Surge. Would of looked great with the track yellow, blue and red and the supports just left grey. Oh and obviously take away the marmaliser and don't play the theme music.
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