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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. No detonator is a bit of a let down after angry birds land was advertised... Didn't expect loads of rides to be open, but X is a weird one considering it's indoors, a bit silly really. As what you've described isn't busy, maybe they have other rides on standby like detonator in case the park gets busier (well they'll know as it's prebook only). Should be visiting Wednesday and will be next Saturday, shall have to see.
  2. I really want the Canada creek music from a few years ago to come back, I remember it being played in 2013 last... The copies of songs, like nichelback and songs like these boots are made for walking. I don't like the music that was played last year
  3. Some sort of interactive walkthrough... Could go in showcase?
  4. I don't think you understood the sarcasm lol :/ Thorpe are laughable though..
  5. I'd rather the mist be consistently working and good though... Can't ask for too much now can we!
  6. Admittedly I like new investments regardless of how small as it gives me something to look forwards to... If Thorpe didn't invest in a new attraction of some sort I doubt they would get that budget in the same figures to spend cleaning up the park like Chessington have... that's why it's annoying when they don't get something new as not much else has gone on in the park otherwise.
  7. But in their eyes it's those little investments is what the general public would come back for... To be fair quite a lot of people I know that go once every year or two, will say I won't bother going this year as there is nothing new. So it works in the short term for Thorpe, but they don't get to see the bigger picture which could be so much better like you're explaining!
  8. For a returning visitor like me, I want something new to go back for... Although the sad reality is, is that I'd still go back several times a year regardless
  9. I seen a picture from closed season of Flying fish mid way round (so probably testing) while showing the bit of snow they had... that's my prediction completely wrong to have a scorpion express style refurb to flying fish and/or move it to fungle safari site. I'm really worried we won't see anything new for 2015 - thorpe will probably advertise the loggers leap tunnel as new!!
  10. that's good then, maybe if I happen to have the day off work then I will go whenever it is
  11. I've heard annual pass days have been really busy in the past, especially now so many people have thorpe passes? think I'll just give it a miss if it is on a weekend, I'll probably have work anyway!
  12. does anyone think it literally will just be the day before opening, so wednesday 11th?
  13. The old carousel music which they played on the last day of it's opening. T.H.O.R.P.E... Thorpe Park Rangers Urghh so damn catchy!!
  14. I rode Saw once on summer nights... it was smooth and didn't come off with a headache! #NoLie
  15. All hope is not lost... recently mentioned on their facebook as part of a status announcing up to 100 new jobs... 'The park has also announced plans for a new £2m spooky ride based on the legend of Sleepy Hollow.'
  16. That would be why I've never spotted a real one then... knew they were fake, well some of them at least anyway
  17. To be fair enchanted village is what is going to bring them money in, a kids rollercoaster isn't going to have as big of an impact on money made from park entry... hotels, especially ones that expensive definitely need advertising lol.
  18. S&S have brought out a new junior coaster, not sure what the track looks like as they only have a simulation of it which usually isn't the same as the actual thing, so a possibility..
  19. the best bit about brean leisure park fun city theme park is the night rides... night rides are the best anywehre - especially fair grounds/amusement parks with all the lights!
  20. Someone on CoasterForce has mentioned that Zierer tracks have the V shape, this one is more flat. hmmm....
  21. I went a few times last year... the scorpions looked so fake!?
  22. we're we honestly expecting this to be much bigger than beastie? anything bigger we should be happy about! as said above looks like it will be a dragons apprentice size coaster.
  23. Notice that it's still a free admission park though with the token or wristband options... it's now going to be £25 for the whole day instead of 2 sessions.
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