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Hyperia - New for 2024

Mysterio Ka

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Ding dong, ding dong.


What is going on?








------ I






                    I --------


The wilderness years.




what wilderness ? 😕


Could something be a foot.





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I'm bored and have nothing better to do....



21 hours ago, Parm Pap said:

Ding dong, ding dong.


What is going on?




Wh-wha-what's going on-on?
Ding, ding
This is the Crazy Frog
Ding, ding








21 hours ago, Parm Pap said:

------ I






                    I --------


Hey, that looks like Loggers Leap's final drop!


21 hours ago, Parm Pap said:

The wilderness years.




what wilderness ? 😕


"The wildest ride in the wilderness!"???


21 hours ago, Parm Pap said:


Could something be a foot.

Maybe 236 feet??


21 hours ago, Parm Pap said:






Ooooooohhhhh. DWS. Doctor WhoS.




15 hours ago, Mark9 said:







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On 3/1/2022 at 11:44 AM, Parm Pap said:

Ding dong, ding dong.


What is going on?








------ I






                    I --------


The wilderness years.




what wilderness ? 😕


Could something be a foot.






Is this supposed to be Thorpe Park QAnon or something?



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We have an interesting update.


Pre-face: An image featured here is a drone image over the park. Whilst there is nothing 'wrong'/'illegal' about flying a drone over Thorpe without permission when the park is closed, it's not something I particularly condone.



We can see that some sort of paving has happened next to Creek Freak Massacre. Here's a comparison from Google Maps, from around 2019/2020:



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Looks like a load of dumped shingle/hardstanding to me, almost certainly for storage, site offices etc.

One would assume the loggers trough that's underneath it next to the CFM/LL station building will be the very last piece of Loggers that'll be removed (and then cut into slices to sell as merch innit).


I eagerly await the Peepy Poop guy to say something along the lines of:


Exodus has something in STORE, and the ROAD maybe shorter then you think.

Buckwheats or out of luckwheats

Rocky or just rocks

Time will tell.

Who's Ghost Train is it?

(oh hold up went off on a tangent there)



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Around 1:17:00-ish in Silkstone's Fright Nights 2020 behind the scenes documentary video after Kieran is looking at his KA Productions easter egg poster, notice Jack cuts the footage just before Kieran starts talking about the X:\O-DUS poster... makes you wonder what they know but aren't letting on 👀😂




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This is the thing apologies if off

The documentary is excellent, however something doesn’t sit right with me here you shouldn’t be continuing to make fright night construction updates if you’re actively involved in the product / have signed NDAS despite saying it’s all speculation.


it’s also a great documentary however I hope they were paid industry rates rather than the mares rates Thorpe would be happy to give out which could lead to toxic relationships further down the line.

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On 3/11/2022 at 6:49 PM, coasterverse said:

makes you wonder what they know but aren't letting on 👀😂


One would imagine they were told at the time "the codename of the roller coaster is Project Exodus" as a bare minimum. That particular clip would have been filmed only a couple of months before the plans came out so they might have been told a bit more.


As for anything else, well that's anyone's guess. At this stage, there's not much else to know. We're still 2+ years from opening, so whilst the park will have theming and name ideas in mind, for example, they might not be set in stone. We're still a while from construction even starting.


They might know more (and if they do, it will all be under NDA), but really - at this stage - I imagine there's not too much more to know!

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Some highlights:

-The ride will feature trains of 20; 10 rows of 2. The trains will have lapbars.
*Not too surprising, but nice to know.

-No manufacturer is confirmed; this is not of interest for planning permission, but it is acknowledged it is of interest to roller coaster enthusiasts. Equally, the application just mentions ride comparison are done to a 'similar ride in Europe'

-The ride will reach a maximum speed of around 130km/h (though this is not definite)

-The ride will have a light track colour high up, similar to Stealth
*This was mentioned in the consultation period. I haven't found confirmation of *what* the colour is for the high points, or the low points. This is usually contained within there somewhere.

-The ride's highest points are: 72m, 50m, 48m and 43m
*This puts to bed an initial thought I had that the park might try to go for the world's tallest inversion record.

-Lots of trees will be planted around the station building

-During construction, the lake will be infilled partially. Originally, the supports were meant to go into the lake, but it looks like they will go into a small part of land within the lake. I guess this is a compromise between having a nice looking lake and ease of maintenance.

-The expanded construction area appears to just be for the *full* demolition of Loggers Leap, as opposed to just the bits in the way. So no extended layout.

-Construction should start late this year, and the whole process should last 16 months. So Spring 2024 opening

Now some more photos:
May be an illustration

May be an image of text

An interesting look at an alternative layout

May be an image of nature and text that says "85920 Exodus AOD 85920 77520 Stealth AOD 77520 Track 16900 Station"

No photo description available.


May be an image of map and text that says "Toilet Block Û King Burger 4.Queue &B 1.Retail/F&B Saw Samurai 3.Maintenance Building .Photo Collection Plaza aintrcuce T to Exit Path Accessible Queue Line Standard Queue Lines Maintenance Road 2. Station Building Splash Plaza Maintenance Road Existing Lake Edge Proposed New Lake Edge"
May be an image of map

May be an image of text that says "Figure 21: Land Overview by Smytheman Architectural demonstrates how the development will sit within the tree-lined site"

In past applications, we have gotten a look at the design of buildings, etc. But I can't find any of that. Usually we'd even get fencing plans, saying the style, height, material of every fence in an application. Again, doesn't seem to be here. Interesting, in a geeky sorta way. All I can say about the station is it has walls and a metal roof (a roof shouldn't be taken for granted). So there's no clarity on theming, style, colours or anything.

Random note: the transfer track is after the station and at the start of the ride, as opposed to at the end of the ride / before the station. Somewhat different.

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Should we be worried that there’s basically zero information on theming?


Past applications always state what type of material and colour would be used on any buildings or any plants which maybe brought into the area. As an example, croc drop, had the colour of the stone. Plants used and colours used around the attraction.


Providing these details is always helpful to help local residents support the project. I suppose this depends on the location and visibility of the land and attraction.


Again, this point has been brought up before. Will this attraction be themed as it’s such a large area in terms of not being able to add a theming structure for the ride to go through (wicker-man).


The teaser from trailers, plays on the natural surroundings of the coaster with all the trees. 

I honestly can see an amusement park styled coaster, just like the big one but bigger.

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Good to finally have this locked into a full planning application!


I've got to say, I have personally warmed to this coaster a fair amount since it was first unveiled. I was initially a bit skeptical, as I'll admit that I was a big advocate for a more airtime-focused ride during the rumour stage (you'd have heard "B&M Hyper" come out of my mouth a lot...), but having let the layout sink in a bit, I actually think it's an excellent-looking layout with some really great-looking elements, and I'm thoroughly looking forward to riding! Some particular highlights of mine include the drop and the overbank into an inversion, but to be honest, most of the elements look really fun! Yes, this probably won't win any awards for the most airtime on earth or anything (while I'm sure Exodus will have some airtime, and some quite strong airtime at that, it doesn't look to have an overtly airtime-focused layout; I think the airtime will be more sprinkled in there as a side dish alongside other types of forces as opposed to being the main focus of the ride like some were perhaps hoping for), but it looks like a really fun, unique layout in my opinion, and certainly a phenomenal use of the space and Merlin's limited budget given the presumed brief (tall with lots of high elements)!


In terms of the planning application; I find the alternative layout interesting, as to me, that suggests that the B&M Hyper rumour might not have been such an outlandish rumour after all... that layout looks like a B&M Hyper layout if I ever saw one. I'll admit that that alternative proposal is more what I personally had in mind for this project (I was a keen advocate for a B&M Hyper during the rumour stage), but the jury's out on whether it would have been more well received than the Exodus we got. It's hard to tell what it would have been like from an overhead view, even though you can get some ideas.


Putting aside alternate realities, though; bring on 2024! I can't wait to ride Exodus!

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Sorry to double post, but I decided to have a bash at building the alternative layout in Planet Coaster, if anyone's interested. Here's what I came up with based on what Thorpe have provided:

For some idea, this ride is 236ft/72m tall, the exact same height as Exodus. It hits 82mph/132kph, has 4,446ft/1,355m of track, and has 2 trains with 7 cars/28 riders. I managed to get 4 airtime hills in there (2 big camelbacks, 2 lower hills), alongside a hammerhead turn, a mini version of Mako's turnaround, a mini treble clef, and what I guess you could call a mini hammerhead (of sorts).


I apologise for some slightly off profiling in places (I smoothed the hell out of it, but some parts wouldn't budge), but I hope that gives you all a basic idea of what it could have been like. If you're wondering why I varied the colour scheme in places, it's because the planning application mentioned the high points being painted light colours, so I did a bit of a Stealth on anything above about 80ft, as the application mentions.


I hope you find this interesting!

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TPM now has an article up: https://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/14-03-2022/Project+Exodus+Plans+Submitted

I'll be updating it over the next day or so. It does give a fairly comprehensive look at everything covered. 



2 minutes ago, Inferno said:

Theming doesn’t seem to be a thing does it.

that would surely be in the plans, right?

This is the most interesting thing to me right now. The plans don't reference theming. But what's more, they make very little reference to anything design/style related!


The track colour isn't mentioned, aside from the high points being "light in colour". There's no details about the buildings beyond their dimensions. Historically, Thorpe planning applications have also shown what fences would be used in the queues, including material, dimensions, etc.


Why this isn't mentioned I'm not sure. Maybe it simply isn't required now? Maybe they plan to submit those details later, if needed? Being 2 years away from opening, there's still plenty of time to finalise these things (even if the park have a solid idea in mind right now).


One thing I didn't pick up on, though, was that the position by the lake will be "the main theming feature":


That would certainly lend itself to being light on theming, and give us a potential direction of the style of the ride. 

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Just a random comment on theming:


I feel like a cool theme for this ride could be to bring back Canada Creek and theme it to mountains. Because the coaster becoming lighter towards the top would fit the aesthetic of mountains pretty well. (Plus bringing back Canada Creek would be some solid fan service, not like they actually care about fans).


But then again, it’s a logical theme that isn’t dark so definitely something Merlin would never consider.

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