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New for 2016 - Park-Wide Improvements

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 what matters is the improvements made and it may even surprise your pants off. Also it's actually nearly been completed already as far as I understand it.


I hope so! What's concerning about this though is that in my eyes there's plenty needs doing across the park, more than a small army would manage across a closed season, not what could be probably achieved in a couple of weeks since the season ended!


'It' suggests this is concentrating on one area. The activity around bubbleworks is encouraging, but even if that has had a decent fix up it still leaves Vampire, Tomb, Zufari, Skyway, some aspects of the zoo, the carpark, the falls saga, and even the general crappyness of the recently referbed mine train along with a tonne of other little bits about the place needing significant attention.


I don't want to be unduly negative, and I do believe that general improvements are a better spend than adding something new for the sake of it, but I have a feeling my pants will remain firmly on when next season begins.


Whoever renamed this thread deserves to win the best mod in the forum awards.

 I wait with bated breath...

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I'd say zufari, scorpion express and most of the zoo is now acceptable to Chessington standards... It's bubbleworks (I guess vampire is okay at the moment), tomb blaster, dragon falls and the kids rides like toadies that need serious attention sooner rather than later! I do certainly hope bubbleworks isn't the only improvement (that's even if it's getting an improvement? We're just presuming since the drops being replaced).

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The work I was mentioning was something bigger that has been going on months longer than just the first few weeks of closed season.

Sorry to have to be cryptic, and also I don't know the full details so it isn't my place. Just be assured if Mr Attention-To-Detail (me) loves the change then it will be good, no need to be worried. :)

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Improved Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster are all I want to see next year tbh. (feel free to add any others if I'm missing any)

Chances are though these will be rides that won't even be open in 2016 with Loggers being shut at Thorpe amongst Flume & the five (too many others) at Towers, so Chessington is bound to have closures next year and these seem to be the most likely with trends and apparent 2017 big investment year.

Safe to Say Storm Force 10 will the tallest operating flume next year and Pirate Falls potentially bring the only open one under Merlin.

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