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Fright Nights 2016


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Every maze should have

  1. a reason why you are there (thorpe forget this),
  2. a reason for you to have to go through the maze (They miss this too),
  3. an engrosing posably real story (http://www.paranormaldatabase.com/surrey/surrdata.php loads of local ghost stories here, pick one) , 
  4. atmosphere
  5. a climactic end.

Chessington's mazes had each of those. Take Vampire: The Haunting In The Hollows for instance, using your points:

  1. A reason why you are there: Van Helsing needed your help to find out what was happening to the residents. The promo video from 2012 also featured a letter from him, urging visitors to "meet him at the gates to Black Hollow".
  2. A reason for you to have to go through the maze: Van Helsing sends you into the village to speak to the residents.
  3. An engrossing possibly real story: Chessington achieved this by slowly piecing together an immersive story as visitors progressed through the attraction, like pieces being added to a jigsaw puzzle.
  4. Atmosphere: As it was an outdoor attraction, fog and low lighting were used to really amp up the atmosphere, especially after dark.
  5. A climactic end: Visitors finally encountered Count Dracula and were forced to continue through a strobe maze filled with his fellow vampires...which could also happen to be the missing residents of Black Hollow.
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What I will say is that this is always going to be an issue for Thorpe, particularly since they have now lost the arena and I'm a Celeb space. Towers has the advantage of already having a huge space. It sucks but I'm not going to expect Thorpe to ever have something like The Sanctuary where it probably took a good minute or two to get from the marmalisation scene upstairs to the first operating scene downstairs.

That's a good point - and as much as they could drag out the smaller mazes that would hamper throughputs where as towers can keep the reasonable throughputs giving a longer experience.

If the lionsgate rumours are true I can see cabin staying and being rebranded just because the idea works so well - not sure on the others though.

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I would love people to be given timeslots for Mazes and they can't use Fastrack on them.


this wouldn't work with the sheer amount of people who go on the mazes at thorpe, unless people had to start paying for them at towers...


the amount of people who go thorpe at fright nights and go on the mazes is probably a much higher amount than people who go to scarefest and do all the mazes, both events attract different audiences, and scarefest attracts more families who are less likely to do the mazes. therefore, it makes more sense at towers to do bigger and better mazes (causing them to be paid for), as not every visitor at towers is going to do the mazes. but at thorpe, nearly everyone at fright nights is probably there to do the mazes, so including the mazes in the park admission makes more sense. I know most kids my age (16) wouldn't be able to afford a fright nights ticket and then like £20 on top for the mazes, so I'm pretty sure thorpe would lose quite a lot of business if they made visitors start paying for their mazes.


that's just how I see it though, but yeah I don't think time slots/paid for mazes would work in thorpe, like they do in towers.

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IMO maze tickets would benefit the mazes overall, and it also prevent masses of queing happening..

Thats my problem with FN. almost every time someone goes to Thorpe they need to buy fastrack to prevent queing for 3 hours!

I think they should make 1-2 mazes ticketed, and make the other 3 free.

And TBH I find free mazes more money grabbing anyway, they probably make more money from maze fastrack than maze tickets..

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Saw Alive has to stay for Saw The Ride to not be rethemed. I'll miss Cabin definitely the maze is very well designed. I just hope next year wows me even more than this year. Imo they need to bring AtmosFear in to theme the mazes then I'll be excited and to make new concepts.

What's to Say Saw The Ride will go back to the original idea of a Haunted mill 

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I hope they don't go down the route of maze charges, I disagree with any theme park attraction being pay-extra and I can't see it working for Thorpe like it does at Towers.

I think maze tickets are way better than the 5£ extra charge+ ridicoulous ques.

As I feel like the attractions as it is isn't good enough... They need to add mazes, or add maze tickets, or pull a Universal and make it free flowing.

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I'm quite mixed on it - on one hand charging £5 or £10 for entry for standard AP holders who then get the park till 10 and 5 mazes is good value - the problem with this is the queues and inevitable fastrack

If Thorpe charged for mazes they would get less people through and could possibly offer a higher quality experience those not interested could enjoy the park extra hours at no extra cost

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I know it's £15 extra but I was really quite surprised how few people Face It Alone on the mazes... if it wasn't for TPM members, the total number of people would've been just one! 


It's an "extreme" (and somewhat niche) experience for sure but perhaps those at Thorpe just aren't used to paying out for add-on attractions/maze experiences - does anyone know how well Containment has been doing?

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I know it's £15 extra but I was really quite surprised how few people Face It Alone on the mazes... if it wasn't for TPM members, the total number of people would've been just one! 


It's an "extreme" (and somewhat niche) experience for sure but perhaps those at Thorpe just aren't used to paying out for add-on attractions/maze experiences - does anyone know how well Containment has been doing?


I think it's down to the marketing also, barely anyone knows about Face It Alone! I wonder how busy it is on Saturday's/Half term dates, as people don't have work/college next day.


It would be interesting to see them implement the Face It Alone experience in it's own maze that's open during the day (maybe 6PM-10PM) and charge £10/£15 each for it. That would give people more of a chance to experience it, as it's a long day at Thorpe to then stay later after 10PM.

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I think they desperately need a revamp. And I'm in the camp that thinks they need to follow after Alton Towers this year!! Every single review I've heard of Alton's scarefest this year has been amazing, and I think Thorpe's development crew need to learn from it. I would be happy to pay £15 or so for at least 3 very high quality, very long, and very scary mazes. When I go to Fright Nights, I want to have the **** scared out of me and I want to come out feeling like I've just managed to escape something mental, and that's what I've heard it's been like for people coming out of Sub Species and ToTT at Alton Towers! I would be incredibly happy if they managed to do that.

In all, I think they need to be far more physical and far more terrifying, develop much, much better storylines, and create much longer mazes (like 10 minutes long). This may seem impossible, but I reckon it definitely could be done if they get the budget to do so and if they work incredibly hard! The CITW building, the Saw alive building and Neptune's beach would all be suitably large to make a world-class and immersive attraction.

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