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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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9 minutes ago, Project LC said:

I know the ride struggles with heat which seems like a bit of a problem but I would have thought that the ride would be able to open without all 3 trains working. Which makes me think that the issue is a rather complex one.

Are you talking of the Ghost Train? 

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Just now, planenut said:

In that case I cannot understand how temperature can affect it, certainly not external atmospheric conditions, and apart from what is suggested within the experience, there is no heat source.

When it broke down whilst on it the ride host we were talking to was mentioning how it struggles with heat. I know ride hosts are not a reliable source but that is where I got that from.

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12 minutes ago, Project LC said:

When it broke down whilst on it the ride host we were talking to was mentioning how it struggles with heat. I know ride hosts are not a reliable source but that is where I got that from.

Okay, but I don't understand how heat can affect it, unless it's software malfunctions; not that we will be privy to the answer.

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Well Gaming PCs which would be running the Vive often suffer heat issues and the choice to heat the trains cant be helping that. Often server farms are kept very cool and I doubt that each train is being kept at the right temperature. Which would mean each PC would really need water cooling which is expensive and I'm not sure if they would have splashed out the cash on 180 pcs to have decent water cooling.

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6 minutes ago, Project LC said:

Well Gaming PCs which would be running the Vive often suffer heat issues and the choice to heat the trains cant be helping that. Often server farms are kept very cool and I doubt that each train is being kept at the right temperature. Which would mean each PC would really need water cooling which is expensive and I'm not sure if they would have splashed out the cash on 180 pcs to have decent water cooling.

Okay, I see there could be problems there; thanks for the explanation.

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16 hours ago, Project LC said:

Well Gaming PCs which would be running the Vive often suffer heat issues and the choice to heat the trains cant be helping that. Often server farms are kept very cool and I doubt that each train is being kept at the right temperature. Which would mean each PC would really need water cooling which is expensive and I'm not sure if they would have splashed out the cash on 180 pcs to have decent water cooling.


There is a gaming PC per seat. They get extremely hot. 


There are plans being put into action to solve this with some modifications to the carriages, but dont know when they will be finished. 

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That is something that really should have been looked at before building it. Any person who knows about PCs could have told them heat was going to be an issue and it is very disappointing to hear it was over looked. To me it seems like they consulted HTC about he VIVE but didn't think to listen to a PC expert on the thing that runs the VIVE. 

The damage the heat would have done to the CPU will now be irreversible and the life span of those PCs is now considerably less because cooling was ignored.

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The Thorpe facebook ads of DBGT are inescapable at the mo, the comments on which make for equally hilarious and depressing reading. It's fair to say it is not going down well.


Anyway, in an ad yesterday which I can not now find someone had tagged a person in suggesting they look at the comments, that person replied something like 'all the complaining is about it being closed, that's got nothing to do with our work'. That persons facebook profile stated he was a Simworx engineer. This would seem consistent with the rides problem being with the VR aspect and not the transit system itself.

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I rode back at the media evening and thought it was dreadful, if you have any knowledge of VR or have experienced how powerful VR can be in the gaming industry you will know that this attraction is light years behind where it could and should be. If you have experienced universal/disney dark rides you will understand the importance of a cohesive story and you will see how disjointed and wooly the story is for this ride. Important details are brushed over and everything is too rushed to be fully understood. A huge part of the budget has been used on themeing which cannot be appreciated due to induced panic and the fact you have a VR headset on for 80% of the ride. I dread to think how much money was spent on making the train move from one station to another and then slightly tilt at the end. If you want a similar experience buy or borrow a gaming VR headset, download a VR horror game, sit on your sofa and get a family member to touch your leg occasionally. This thing is basically a glorified 4D cinema where you have to get up halfway through to experience 30 seconds of live action (which involves some lights on a stick in a tunnel) and then sit back for the second half of the film. Literally pointless. The ending is dreadful, there is no climax it just ends to a chorus of 'is that it?'


Ive been told that a few effects weren't working for the media day. Leg ticklers, smoke machines, air jets in the seats, basic 3D cinema concepts that dont work. How can these simple concepts not work?? 


The multiple stories are a myth. There are two endings that both have the exact same mechanics and simulation just slightly different VR imagery. There are also a number of different characters that lead the first section. Therefore the different stories are just the different combinations of the above and have been completely miss sold by Thorpe.


Its marketed completely the wrong way too, it separates the brave from the easily scared because its marketed very well as being a scary ride. Its really not a scary ride at all. Therefore the people brave enough to ride it that want to be scared end up disappointed whilst the people that were too scared (who would have likely appreciated it more) are too intimidated to ride it at all.


Add the experience with the dreadful throughput, the staggering amount of staffing and actors this thing requires, the ongoing maintenance issues, the overheating inside the building, the fact Derren doesn't want to be associated with it I'd say Merlin can walk away with their tails firmly between their legs.


If this is deemed as innovative then I dont want any more innovation.  

Edited by Chriso
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9 minutes ago, Chriso said:

the fact Derren doesn't want to be associated with it  


Where did you hear/read this, out of interest? I admit DB hasn't exactly been particularly vocal about it now it's open.


Good to have a well constructed first post btw - and I mean that without any sarcasm, always like to read actual discussion and comment :)


I reviewed the ride a fair few pages back. I wanted to love it, but ultimately didn't and found the overall "ride" average and a bit of a mish mash and a mess - billed as something it's not as messing with your mind etc. (but then I guess that's PR for you). Must reiterate though - visually and theming wise, in terms of the underground train(s), the stunning Victorian "hanging" train, the building, the station platforms and the preshow, it's pretty top notch and I was very much impressed and "wowed" - the actual content of the ride/experience though, not so much :( 

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Just now, Chriso said:

Of course people have different opinions Ryan! Such is life... I merely questioned those opinions in the hope of forming discussion. This is a Forum right?


Agreed, but saying "rose tinted specs" is quite silly when a lot of non-enthusiasts enjoy this ride. 

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2 minutes ago, MattyMoo said:

That's encouraging to know, MilesK - but it does beg the question, if this thing had 250,000 people working on it or whatever figure was in the PR, and if VR was so key to whole thing, why on EARTH would it be rushed at the last minute? I can't even...


The VR that they spent a lot of time and money working on, as said by the founder of Figment, "wasn't quite there yet".

Derren wanted a rather complex virtual reality element with a lot more interaction with the characters, however the technology they were using wasn't capable of doing that. Therefore, they made a few average segments to put in the ride for now, hopefully while they work on getting the other stuff they wanted. 

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Thanks MattyMoo, 


I've heard it from several sources close to the parka and involved in the project. As for the themeing thats one thing I can appreciate. The standard was excellent through out I just wish there was time to really take it in and appreciate it! 


Apologies Ryan you are correct, rose tinted specs was a little harsh and inappropriate I shall edit my first post!



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