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Things You've Overheard at Parks


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On 7/4/2018 at 10:08 PM, Coaster said:

Well Nemesis Sub Terra and Derren Brown's Ghost Train both had equal levels of success, the only difference being Alton only threw away £4 million instead of £30!

If DBGT only cost £30, it now makes perfect sense why the VR headsets are always broken! ;)


Though it does explain a lot mind...

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  • 8 months later...

This one was from back in March in the batching area for DBGT a group of 4 lads in front of us (complete pain in the butt all of them) were moaning about waiting - they had RAP so hadnt even waited the full 75ish minutes.  When the people in the other batching area went through they then tried go through but were stopped - their response?  “THATS RACIST” - I laughed out loud, as did the people who were nearby - they then started getting lippy with the poor ride host who moved them to the other batching area (meaning they’d have to wait longer) - when we were called through it was like karma when their faces dropped

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was waiting for my friend on Stealth, and heard some kids debating whether or not to go on it. One kid's reasoning for not doing it was: "Some of this stuff hasn't been updated since the 80s, like why would they still have all that stuff?" while pointing at the theming.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...
8 hours ago, Stuntman707 said:

On the Facebook MAP group - “My youngest has an allergy to water” 





It's a thing. A very rare thing, but a thing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquagenic_urticaria


Here's an interesting article about someone who suffers with the 'allergy': https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160915-the-woman-who-is-allergic-to-water


Calling it an allergy probably isn't the most medically accurate word, but it's a fair description of the reaction that occurs. 

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Not heard but seen - last Sunday 2 adults going the completely wrong way on Coastguard HQ - I don’t know how they managed it but they then tried to turn around and kept crashing the boat into the edge - assume they were attempting a 3 point turn but it went horribly wrong 🤣

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3 hours ago, Han30 said:

Not heard but seen - last Sunday 2 adults going the completely wrong way on Coastguard HQ - I don’t know how they managed it but they then tried to turn around and kept crashing the boat into the edge - assume they were attempting a 3 point turn but it went horribly wrong 🤣

There was a jam on Coastguard HQ today near the end, they closed the ride and half the boats decided to turn around and go back to the start ….

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Even though I don’t often comment on these types of threads, I overheard a conversation between a ride host and a group of pre-teen boys on Maelstrom at Drayton Manor last week while I was waiting for my restraint to be checked.

  • Boy 1: *points excitedly at Shockwave* “That blue ting looks proper sick, bruv! It looks like a water ride; I bet you get proper wet on it!”
  • Boy 1: *turns to ride host* “Is that one a water ride?”
  • Ride Host: “No. Does it look like a water ride?”
  • Boy 2: “Nah, bruv; that’s the one The Inbetweeners went on, init?”
  • Ride Host: “No, we’re not even at the right park; The Inbetweeners went to Thorpe Park…”

I felt a lot of second hand embarrassment for them… the ride host did not look very impressed.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

Settled into my seat on stealth next to a teenage girl, who promptly started screaming.........was it me?  was it the ride?.......NO!  there was a spider beside her foot.


Then sadly a little later, we took out two pigeons, ride closed for cleaning and engineers inspection; 

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13 hours ago, planenut said:

Then sadly a little later, we took out two pigeons, ride closed for cleaning and engineers inspection; 

Saw the remains of one of the pigeons by the Ben and Jerrys unit, and there was blood on the floor at another spot too. 

Did the pigeons hit anyone or just the train?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

On Stealth today, a chap who I sat beside had his two very young children on the row in front of us. As is my way, and establishing that this was their first time on the ride, I asked if he'd given them any advice? He then called out to the kids shouting "it'll be alright!". It was, but I personally thought he could have done better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard a few interesting candidates for this thread on my recent solo trip to Legoland Windsor and Thorpe Park...


When I heard this quote, I was exiting Thorpe Park over the bridge. Hyperia was in view, and as I was walking, a test train was cycling. A man was walking next to me.

  • Man: "Oh just f**k off, Hyperia... you f**king flaky bast**d!"
  • The man then stuck his middle finger up at Hyperia multiple times.


When I heard this exchange, I was walking towards Nemesis Inferno at Thorpe Park. A group of teenage boys were walking next to me.

  • Boy 1: "Look, there's Saw!"
  • Boy 2: "I don't think that's Saw, mate..."
  • Boy 1: "Nah, bruv; that's definitely Saw!"
  • Boy 3: "He's right, fam; it's red 'cos of all the blood, see! That's gotta be Saw, init?"


When I heard this exchange, I was in the queueline for Ninjago at Legoland. A father was trying to usher his small children out of the Lego play area, with other adults from his group watching on.

  • Father: "Come on, kids; let's get on the ride!"
  • The kids expressed reluctance to leave the Lego play area.
  • Father: *gesturing to the other adults* "Oh for f**k's sake... we come all this f**king way, and the kids just want to play with f**king Lego all day! I could have just stayed in me living room... wouldn't have cost a hundred f**king pounds and I wouldn't have had to wait in f**king queues all f**king day!"
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1 hour ago, Matt N said:

I heard a few interesting candidates for this thread on my recent solo trip to Legoland Windsor and Thorpe Park...


When I heard this quote, I was exiting Thorpe Park over the bridge. Hyperia was in view, and as I was walking, a test train was cycling. A man was walking next to me.

  • Man: "Oh just f**k off, Hyperia... you f**king flaky bast**d!"
  • The man then stuck his middle finger up at Hyperia multiple times.

This made me laugh so much 🤣🤣 that’s some anger directed at a coaster - ”flaky bast**d had me howling 😭🤣

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I know I am an old "f" but it seems the "f word" is the default setting in most peoples' vocabulary. It's used to complain, show shock, exclaim joy, amazement, awe, and to educate children. Let's hope they never discuss fornication, they'll be lost for words.


I heard a youngster on Stealth exclaim, after the ride, "oh my gosh!" I thought that was nice.

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