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I agree!I also enjoy X:\ No Way Out. It is a very good ride but I don't think it is worth waiting over 30 minutes for in my opinion.

I agree with that as well! It's a great time filler, but not something I would queue for, over other attractions if longer than 10/15 minutes.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yep, when you stopped mist used to come down from above, next time you go on, when you stop look up, you may still be able to see the little pipes that sprayed it.

I remember getting the breeze by the fans above, but I don't even think you get that now.It is a shame that the mist for X is not in operation. (Same for the outside of the X building too).Just little things like that can improve the ride!!I think I vagely remember watching a video in X? :PThis was years ago though when I was younger.
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  • 5 months later...

I have a pretty strange story about X. Nearly four years ago I was at the park with a friend of mine and we were making our way over to X. She told me that she had been on X once or twice before but had never noticed that there was actually a ride inside the pyramid. Apparantly every time that she had lined up for X in the past she never found the roller coaster and never even knew it existed. She thought That No Way Out was just walking through a dark corridor. I thought this was pretty funny as it means she either turned back both times (I think she said she had been on it twice) or she went out a fire exit or something. She wouldn't even believe me when I told her that there was a ride in the pyramid at first lol.Anyway, I like the ride but It's nothing special. However, I really enjoy the experience of the que line and the post-ride corridor. I like the ride too but I much prefere the dream-like, surreal atmosphere that you experience whilst in the building. I try to get on X every time I visit.

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As much as I love X, I can only imagine how much better it was in the past. These days your lucky just to have the lighting on the breaks work... Its such a shame as the ride could be so much more with fans and steam. I must admit I do love the ride though, I love how the train stops and then reverses a little on the break runs, its crazy... Which is the idea :) As Keith said up the page, just the little things could improve it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It annoys me ride after ride how much X:/ is just being wasted run in it's current state. The concept is fantastic and different to anything else in the park, and with a great deal of work on theming the ride could be so much unbelievably better. Riding it at the moment just irritates me that the theming is pretty much non-existant. Such a waste.

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It is wasted because of all the potential atmospheric blah blah not being used! The idea of an abandoned warehouse where a supercomputer has gone mad would not only appeal to Thorpe Park's audience but be a good, immersive ride. But, no, all they thought of putting on those blocks were some 'effects' that don't work. What about lighting effects such as strobes and pulsing lights, music, better sound effects and some actual theming? Why not make the indoor queueline part of the ride as a dark, immersive walkthrough with all the sensory effects in there?A lot of potential - it is a huge building, too - but none is being used to satisfaction (especially for the general public).
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It is wasted because of all the potential atmospheric blah blah not being used! The idea of an abandoned warehouse where a supercomputer has gone mad would not only appeal to Thorpe Park's audience but be a good, immersive ride. But, no, all they thought of putting on those blocks were some 'effects' that don't work. What about lighting effects such as strobes and pulsing lights, music, better sound effects and some actual theming? Why not make the indoor queueline part of the ride as a dark, immersive walkthrough with all the sensory effects in there?A lot of potential - it is a huge building, too - but none is being used to satisfaction (especially for the general public).

Or knock it down and make use of the triangular shape and build a rollercoaster/dark ride in an ancient pyramid to match the theming of Colossus (ancient temple/ruins)Just an idea, Merlin! :mellow:
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It is wasted because of all the potential atmospheric blah blah not being used! The idea of an abandoned warehouse where a supercomputer has gone mad would not only appeal to Thorpe Park's audience but be a good, immersive ride. But, no, all they thought of putting on those blocks were some 'effects' that don't work. What about lighting effects such as strobes and pulsing lights, music, better sound effects and some actual theming? Why not make the indoor queueline part of the ride as a dark, immersive walkthrough with all the sensory effects in there?A lot of potential - it is a huge building, too - but none is being used to satisfaction (especially for the general public).

Correct me if I'm wrong but the queue did use to go inside through various themed corridors, much longer than it is now but they had to change this due to fire hazards. At least this is what I was told by a friend who rode it a long time back. I do agree that the effects not working is a let down but it is still a fun roller coaster without them.
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You are right, there was a longer queueline which was probably themed. It involved a revolving tunnel and a simulator lift, apparently. This section was not removed but re-routed so that it could be used for Freak Show 3D and then Hellgate.It could add a lot to the ride if they used it as part of the indoor walkthrough on X No Way Out. All that is left is that small bit with the robot figure behind glass and I think there are a few air blasters around that area, before it goes into a queueline...:mellow:
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