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Hi,Thanks for the neptune's kingdom themes, I'll check those out. Also, I'm sorry about the capslock, it wasn't until after the post that I realised I had it turned on. I think ti happens when I play games, I might press the wrong key and so the key I press by mistake is capslock. Anyway, I wonder how thorpe made the saw music? A keyboard? an orchestra? It's interesting that they composed it themselves, I mean some stuff from thorpe is from films and things. Also, in the saw plasa recording that I have, the drumbeat's sort of weird, I can hear the base drum but the snair drum is more like a weird, dripping synth sound effect. If anyone has more information on how such a sound can be made I'd be interested to know. I hope I'm not going too off topic.Thanks in advance.

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  James said:

Rush has a mixture of music at the moment, it has the normal announcements with different backing tracks.Loading announcement is played with the 2005 music, Launch is played with the 2006 music and Ride End is played with the 2008 music.

I do like the current launch countdown announcement, that has been played since 2007? The only thing is that on my last ride on Rush, I had to listen out, because the announcement was more of a background sound. I would much prefer it if they increased the volume of this announcement, so that it catches everyones attention before the ride starts. It would also improve the ride overall in my opinion.
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  siimon said:

Sorry, but undoubtedly, Nemesis Inferno's station music is the best. The chills its sends down my spine. *shivers*

I love this theme; the thumping bassline really adds to the volcanic atmosphere. Whereas a theme like that of Colossus for example, it great the first few times, but after that, you really start to get sick of it.
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  James said:

Loading announcement is played with the 2005 music, Launch is played with the 2006 music and Ride End is played with the 2008 music.

The loading music is the best - is that the one with all the female announcements that ends with "And remember, size matters" and then it's main beat starts up? It's so good that it loops too.
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