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Hmm I dunno, it's probably something where the majority of people who go live very close.And to be honest I think Chessington's Zoo is better than London Zoo. Seriously I thought London Zoo was terrible!

How long ago was it when you visited London zoo last? In my opinion the zoo is one of the best in the country (myself being a big zoo fan) The past few years it has opened several new attractions and its a great collection, just my opinion!
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You are suggesting they open Hocus Pocus Hall during the Zoo and SEALIFE days...It is a good idea to be honest in my opinion.I think I remember hearing that last year the Carousel and Safari Skyway opened on selected days.As it has been stated... Chessington & Zoo is now officially closed until next season. (Rides and Attractions only).I think you will agree with me to say that Chessington have had a very good season!Annual Pass DayThis day turned out to be very popular with a very high gate figure!Thank you Chessington for your kindness with allowing an Annual Pass day! :)Halloween Hocus PocusThis has easily been for me the best Halloween Hocus Pocus I have attended!(And for obvious reasons for when I went with 0 mins queues and 26 rides on Vampire!) :PI also think that the Black Forest Haunt was a great success and I am sure it will be welcomed back to Chessington.You know this was going to come...Vampire!I can't believe how much effort went into my baby for Halloween Hocus Pocus. I loved all the attention the station got, as well as the lighting in the station, queue line and ride area.The one that seriously made this on of the best visits to Chessington I have done was... THE MUSIC!The music is amazing loud creating an excellent atmosphere.I would definately welcome back the music at this volume for the entire season, and not just Halloween Hocus Pocus.Extended Closing TimesI think Chessington DEFINATELY treat there guests with care and respect.Vertually every visit I have attended, if it has been busy, they have extended the closing time by an hour.So thank you Chessington! :PChessington StaffI feel that usually the rides department always gets all the credit.This is a message to ALL departments at Chessington...I feel as if you really do work hard in creating "magic" for someones day out. Even staff from Chessington that I don't talk to outside the park. As I try to visit as often as I can, I often get the, "hello again", if I am visiting. And even with staff members I have not seen or spoken to before.Take for example my last trip this season...I randomly started talking to a guy at the gate waiting for it to open. Just got talking having a general conversation.Got talking and found out he is a operator in Area 1 (Named Ryan if anyone of you staff know him :P).What a great guy!Made my time whilst waiting enjoyable and continued to chat throughout the day whilst he was in Area 1.This also goes the same with a girl on Vampire. (Did not catch name unfortunately).After my day gave up after 21 rides on Vampire. I wanted to continue, (had 15 mins left and got up to 26), she was randomly chatting saying "he has left you has he?!" and "wait for me next time and I will come on".Thank you Chessington staff for making my day more enjoyable.I look forward to visiting Chessington next season, where hopefully, it will be me with a name badge dispatching! :P

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Totally agree with you there ^^ I feel that this season has been one of the best. The fact that there were more queues this year on busier days shows that the park is getting high gate figures again, which is great for its development. I'm looking forward to seeing what the 2010 relaunch is supposedly like. All the effects working everywhere would be a dream come true (mind you, there is only a few I think... most of them pointing to Rattlesnake). I was sad and kept count of my rides and I completed 340 over 25 visits. 36 of which on Vampire :) - Cheers chessie! See you in 2010 :P

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Themeparkmad, I agree with everything you said.Half way through this year I visited Chessington out of annoyance from Thorpe Park, I absolutely loved it and I didn't realise what I was missing out on. Chessington is just awesome, and I would carry on but Keith has said everything already :)Well done Chessington. :)

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For a year that really was going to be the 'in between **** year' between old Chessington (lets not give much of a toss sort of era between 2001 - 2008) and the start fresh of 2010 where they are relaunching it, they really have shown what you can do with fixing the leaks that Chess had. Things such as theming, painting, ride availability, staffing, guest interaction and throughputs.A lot of management have moved in and moved out from the park and all of the above have changed all for the better, and it really has set them up well for 2010. The park has smashed every record they've held since 2000 on gate figures, Best AP day, Easter, Summer and Hocus Pocus they've ever had, with gate figures reaching 11,000 for 3 days in a row in Easter, 8,000 for AP day, 10 or so days with 10,000 - 14,000 gate figures, and for Hocus Pocus; 14,600 - 12,600 - 11,000.Staff have coped immensely well with power cuts, gate figures and occasionally being caught out with gate figures being way higher than expected, so well done to every single staff member that has worked there until the end this year, you've been the ones that have made this year.

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It wasn't my best season from a ride operator point of view but if when I visited as a guest the park has looked better then it has ever done. With Wild Asia coming in and an emphasis on the guest experience, 2009 was just the start of Chessington taking back it's place as the best park in the South. :P Oh.. and I was the last public rider with Marc on Dragons Fury of the 2009 season. And it was magical. :)

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