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Old Pictures

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Topic for any random old pictures you might have of Chessington.I've just found a few from what must be 1994ish of me in a pram with my family. On ride photo from Dragons falls, pictures from truckers with railway in the background, bubbleworks.I will upload eventually lol

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I have a couple of old Chessie stuff.I've got an ORP of Dragon Falls from the late 80s early 90s (when it was called Dragon River I believe) tucked away. Been meaning to upload that for a while now myself. ;)And I know I've got a recording of being on the old Chessington Train lying about somewhere - I just don't have a clue where!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It really was the strangest redesign ever! The new design is not bad as such, although I've struggled to connect with the idea of an Ancient Egyptian 'revenge machine', but it seemed quite unnecessary.

I don't know what I prefer really. The Islamic geometric patterns on the arms match those in the queue but come across as a bit garish in those colours... white and orange seems a bit of a fairgroundish colour scheme. I like the snakes though!

And look at that queueline! Wow, that must be hours long...

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The ORP was not back then but quite late on (mid 2000's some time) and very short lived (as it was crap).


Quoting is failing me, the piece of crap. Reply to electricBill...

The old colour scheme just feels right to me. I don't know if that is purely because it is my first memory of the ride or because I actually preferred it, but although the colours are a bit garish in themselves they are quite pastel and work well avoiding the more illuminous palette of the fairground. The snakes were awesome, should ever have been allowed to go. Just shows disappearing theming is no modern phenomenon!

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Ripsaw also had photography, which only lasted about 2 seasons after its opening year. Both Rameses Revenge and Ripsaw also had their own shops with exclusive merchandise, as well as quite elaborate themework; to me it seems they were treated like major rollercoasters. But now hardly anybody actually wants to ride them, their popularity in the longer term was quite overestimated. I'm glad Chessington still has claim to Rameses Revenge, though, it's one of the only thrills they have left.

  On 3/31/2013 at 1:15 AM, pluk said:

The old colour scheme just feels right to me. I don't know if that is purely because it is my first memory of the ride or because I actually preferred it, but although the colours are a bit garish in themselves they are quite pastel and work well avoiding the more illuminous palette of the fairground.

I know what you mean, I think it is just the blank white patches that give me that impression. Neither colour scheme looks at all intimidating to me, but then again (despite the name and its resident haunted tomb) I don't think Forbidden Kingdom was supposed to be a scary place.

I just don't get why they changed the ride's image so dramatically. This was also the same era when they unnecessarily changed all Vampire's branding, renamed 'Terror Tomb' to Forbidden Tomb, 'Dragon River' to Dragon Falls, Smugglers Cove to Pirates Cove, and the rest...

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  On 3/31/2013 at 1:51 AM, Han30 said:

I was just about to ask about the detty ORPs!

On the TP website it says that ORP is available for Detonator but if you buy a ORP pass it doesn't list it - I get easily confused! Which part of the ride did they take the pics from?

Detanator ORPs are no longer available; they stopped them this season after only a couple of seasons.

The photo was taken near the end of the drop, so it did capture nice expressions. Trouble was it wouldn't always be in time or get whole groups in one picture.

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And I just stumbled across this image. I have been looking for a picture of the original logo on that backwall for years, it looks great! I love the way it matches the wall texture/colours and has a totally different character to the redesigned one. Today you can clearly see a darker patch where it used to be, both on the back wall and entrance arch.

Strange because my first visit was when Rameses Revenge received its new design, and I remember it having quite an impression, but I was always confused at how it fit with Egypt. I think there were even some TV adverts boasting the change? I used to like the idea of an Egyptian machine, but now the novelty has worn away (and the paint certainly has too!)

If they plan to refurbish Rameses Revenge in the future, they should repaint the ride one last time with a suitable colour scheme, give it its old logo back and then let it ride another decade or so into the grave.

Here's an example of that on-ride photo...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Come across another batch. Unfortunately some ot these are really small, no idea why I had them printed like that and the negatives aren't in the pack.

Another Ramesis in action from what must be about the same time.


Just behind it was the excellent and much missed (by me) rodeo. Who can spot a young thin pluk?


Then off round the park on the less knackered looking Skyride. Easier to spot me this time, I'm the one obeying the no standing rules like a good boy.


No holding on to the crossbars!


What's that in the background, climbing its second lift hill? The original and best Vampire, thats what.


Mmmm, swingy heavy Vampire train


Good ol' days.

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  • 3 months later...

Lovin' the pics there Pluk! And slightly relieved that I am not going insane (well more insane) when I mentioned about the polar bear being there! - just looking at that pic makes me :o - such a small inclosure :( - is this where the sealion bay is now? - just looking at where skyway train is located and er yeah looks like it.

I remember the magic carpet being at Chessington but I was too scared to ride it - anyone know how long it was there for?

Safari skyway just looks a bit, well....scabby now but that is what happens with age (I am scabby aswell) - and it is a tad frustrating on skyway because you don't see a great deal of animals.....although you get a great view of the sealife tent!

Oh and......Flintstones jeans - epic! Kids these days just don't know style :lol:

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  On 4/27/2013 at 5:12 PM, pluk said:

Come across another batch. Unfortunately some ot these are really small, no idea why I had them printed like that and the negatives aren't in the pack.

Another Ramesis in action from what must be about the same time.


Just behind it was the excellent and much missed (by me) rodeo. Who can spot a young thin pluk?


Then off round the park on the less knackered looking Skyride. Easier to spot me this time, I'm the one obeying the no standing rules like a good boy.


No holding on to the crossbars!


What's that in the background, climbing its second lift hill? The original and best Vampire, thats what.


Mmmm, swingy heavy Vampire train


Good ol' days.

Good ol' black buccaneer and Vampire Love those rides !

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  On 8/17/2013 at 5:29 PM, Han30 said:

Lovin' the pics there Pluk! And slightly relieved that I am not going insane (well more insane) when I mentioned about the polar bear being there! - just looking at that pic makes me :o - such a small inclosure :( - is this where the sealion bay is now? - just looking at where skyway train is located and er yeah looks like it.

No, it is much smaller than that even! If you look to my Mums right you will see the sealion bay pretty much as it is today. The polar enclosure is on the other side of the photo next to my sister and faced the main path into market square where the meercat/creepy crawly building is now.

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Crikey the park looks flat and naked, it practically screams youth. Dang I only half believed my mother when she said she recalled there being a Polarbear at Chessington. I looked it up though and luckily it seems he wasn't in that sad pit for very long. Apparent former keeper info about bears kept at Chessington. I wish that Transylvania sigh still existed in some form today.

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