Benin Posted December 25, 2012 Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 Going on from the meet to be more about socialising, we should have a quick name introduction/ice breaking game at the beginning because in the past everyone meets at 1:30 (when meet time is 1) and just shuffled from ride to ride without communication and breaks off. No, just get the mod team to talk to everyone milling around, be it first timers or regulars... No need for some rather awkward games and 'enforced fun times' until the meets get actually half decent... For the remainder of people, talking will occur in queues, simples... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted December 25, 2012 Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 Hoodies can deal with the awk name thing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 This is true... My school leavers hoodie and my Psychology Society hoodie from uni both say Smidget on the back Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan9 Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 Reminds me of the name badge idea that came up a few years ago. That went down well*... *SARCASMSARCASMSARCASMSARCASMSARCASM Ryan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 Maybe this time it just needs the support from members. Or better members... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted December 26, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 (edited) Right In an attempt to go through every post that has been made so far, I get through each individual topic made so far... How about making a meet properly (I.e. have it ALL day, not meet up for an hour and then that's it... That does not a meet make)...It's rather simple to do all day meets really... 4) All day meets perhaps (maybe say, meeting an hour after opening to allow people time to get there)? As it's stood in the past, official meet up times have been about 1 or 2 in the afternoon? If a park closes at 5 or 6, that isn't too long, especially if people need to leave early. As Benin says, a quick meet for say an hour doesn't make a proper 'meet' really. (This was something which knocked my confidence on my first meet - it didn't stick together as a group for long. Not saying that it created a bad reflection on anyone, but for someone who was shy and nervous, it didn't help. Fortunately, that didn't stop me from attending a future meet, which was much better, but did knock my confidence for a bit to be honest.) I agree with Benin and Josh about all day meets. All the meets I have been to have ended up being meet for an hour or so in the middle of the day, and then we just end up splitting back into smaller groups. But if there is a meet, then people need to turn up on time, we don't need excuses like missing busses and if the group end up getting into the park at 11am as they have been waiting outside for some late comers, then the whole group will end up spending a lot more time in queues which could have been avoided. Easier said than done when some public transport won't even be running by 9am on Sunday. There's nothing stopping people working out who is going to be at the park at 9 and you'll get more rides done in the first hour with a smaller group as well. Hard to do meet ups at 9, defo from park opening is best for about 30 minutes... If not, let someone know you'll be late and sort out a meeting place... I also agree about an earlier meeting time to create longer meets, and possible extra meeting times if the first cannot be attended Right yes, everyone has made a good point on this subject, we come to the meets at the end of the day to get to know the others within the community in person, and 1pm is half the day gone already.Now I understand that on certain days transport can be a bit of an issue for some people so in reality there should be no one really getting there from after 11am. However I know in past meets that those who do get there before opening have a mini meet before the main meet before the park opens so rather than their be loads off mini meets before they join up we will meet up together at the beginning. After all the 30 minutes leading to park opening is a fantastic opportunity to be social without the distraction of the rides in the background. This also gives us the opportunity to hit the rides as a group whilst the queues are quiet - so after reading peoples posts on this matter in future, when there is a meet at a theme park:We will meet 30 minutes before park opening, to take opportunity of the low queues before another meeting time at 11am for those who couldn't get there for park opening. After which if you do arrive later (or want to join in between opening and 11am) you will have the contact numbers of the team so we can arrange to meet you so you will still be able to join us. Also, make sure a group photo happens and is always posted in the appropriate topic after the meet? Helps keep those fond memories and may encourage more people to join in, seeing a happy group together each time. Group Photo's are making a return this year - As I also agree we want to remember these good days and show what a great bunch of people we are!so being added to the beginning postA group photo will be taken usually around lunch time as at this point, everyone who should have arrived to the meet who is attending will be there. It also means we get 5 minutes to let our food settle down before more activities. 1) The usual really. Thorpe trips, perhaps a Chessie and Alton one thrown in if they're popular enough, as well as the normal Closed Season meets. ERT trips are great as well if possible! Firstly, scrap the thorpe trips. Noone likes thorpe anyway. Let's go towers instead. Need to make the meets much more special and all day, spreading it to other parks (Paultons for example wouldn't be a bad shout, easy enough to get to between people on trains and car drivers) would also be beneficial, cos Thorpe every two months is boring as hell... To be perfectly honest lots of people like thorpe, hence it being really busy. Also some people(like me) live miles away from the towers so it is totally unfair to just make meets there! I really think you have rushed into this post as this comment seems well and truly unfair. It's unfair to make every meet at Thorpe... Especially as not EVERYONE lives down south...Need some balance, it's not particularly difficult to get up to Towers anyways really... Obviously the majority of trips will be at Thorpe, being that we are the Official Fansite and all, but there will be plenty of opportunities to meet up at other theme parks/attractions alongside these Thorpe-based trips. 1. BEACH PARTYYYYY. Something completely different from theme parks (like we've had at Guildford) are really good for bonding/socialising. Or overnight stays?! (in half terms). The premier inn in Chessington was good fun!4. A variety of meets would be nice. This is where I've come in to spruce things up and one of the reasons why this topic was made so more ideas came to the table. Some things mentioned are on the cards to happen this year. Alton Towers & Chessington for example will be making an appearance on the agenda. In regards to Thorpe Park the will be a lot more meets there as we are the Official fan site for Thorpe Park so naturally quite a few trips will be based there! However The Beach Party Idea I love and think is a good thing to break up the year mid season so is something I will look into and Paulton's Park is something I will consider for the future. Overnight stays is also something I am looking into and the Guildford 2013 trip is a little test to see how it goes. If it goes well which is looking likely at the moment there will be many more appearing in the future. So to summarise:There will be a variety of trips happening at Thorpe Park throughout the year as we are the Official Fan Site, but there will be an excursion to Chessington & Alton Towers during the year plus some additional social event extra's. Once an event is over there will usually be an after party if you don't want the fun to stop with a possible over night stay.More subjects I will respond to later but please keep contributing to this topic in the meantime as after all these meets concern you! Edited December 27, 2012 by Peaj Answered another subject question Mer, BigBobJones, Ellie and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarkC Posted December 27, 2012 Report Share Posted December 27, 2012 As many of you know I'm quite young! Although I do like thrills and you guys are awesome, I will find it very awkward being with a group of people 6+ years that me! Is there anyway we can allow friends to come to the meet? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted December 27, 2012 Report Share Posted December 27, 2012 Friends are allowed to come Mark, if you feel more comfortable with a friend then I say go for it! The more the merrier and all that jazz =D MarkC 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Topsyturvy15 Posted December 28, 2012 Report Share Posted December 28, 2012 Chessington meet again? Ive so far been to two Thorpe meets and both have been pretty good. I missed the last Chessington meet and this would be something that I would really like to do next year! I also think that it could help with the issues of people not staying together/ knowing what to do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted December 30, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 (edited) As many of you know I'm quite young! Although I do like thrills and you guys are awesome, I will find it very awkward being with a group of people 6+ years that me! Is there anyway we can allow friends to come to the meet? We are aware on the forums that there are different age groups and that for most people going on their first meet can be very nerve-wracking (even for some who have been to a couple of meets beforehand whilst they are getting to know the members within the community). At the end of the day, we want everyone who comes to a meet to feel at ease as much as possible and anything that worries or concerns you, we are more than happy to discuss with you what is making you nervous so you'll feel more confident about meeting new people face to face. We understand that for some people they will hardly know who other people are and a couple of friends to support them (or also because a travel buddy is fantastic) can help boost confidence at the meets, after all the more the merrier - however we also need to state that of course, that these meets are for the members of our community to get to know each other better at the same time. So if you do bring friends please make sure you integrate with the rest of the group at the same time. After all that is what these meets are for. Therefore: If you wish to attend a meet, you are more than welcome to bring up to 2 friends along with you. If you decide to do so, when you confirm your place on a meet please also state that you will be attending with a plus 1 or 2 and the name/s of those coming with you as we would like to include them too. Chessington meet again? Ive so far been to two Thorpe meets and both have been pretty good. I missed the last Chessington meet and this would be something that I would really like to do next year! There will be a variety of trips happening at Thorpe Park throughout the year as we are the Official Fan Site, but there will be an excursion to Chessington & Alton Towers during the year plus some additional social event extra's. Once an event is over there will usually be an after party if you don't want the fun to stop with a possible over night stay. I had to turn up a bit late and had trouble finding everyone, a contact number or someone monitoring facebook/this site is essential. Yes, obviously people should be able come and go as works for them, we're not going to shackle ourselves together! That's why a way of contacting each other is so essential. Contact is essential for a meet to be successful and being welcoming as well. People who are in charge of the meet (or mod/admin team) share out their contact details... Therefore people have several points of contact if running late and such... Lots of support for the idea of having several contact points. That way, if someone is running late, the majority who are on time can go into the park and can be contacted by others later in the day, who can then arrange a rendezvous point either on their own or with the whole group to meet those who could not arrive when everyone else did. Also contact details from mods/admins are a must. Contact is essential and the meets happening in 2013 and beyond, you should have no problems finding the group or contacting the people running the meet. In regards to contact: Before a meet takes place, you will receive a PM by myself with my contact details for your first point of contact and also of the mod/ admin team confirmed attending the meet if for whatever reason you are unable to get hold of me. This will ensure you will always be able to find the group! More answers to follow: Edit: Posts below have been moved from the January meet thread. Edited January 7, 2013 by Tommy Response to more points raised Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPJames Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Maybe you could make like a Tpm meet box at the top of the page which says the next upcoming Tpm meets, that way people can be reminded! All the same he should have created a reminder... I would have loved to come aswell, for another visit to winter wonderland but I had already organised plans to the dungeons anyway! It's weird that I didn't see you guys there as we were at the dungeons a bit later than ten! MarkC 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 There was an announcement above all sections of the forum since the date was decided, this is pretty similar to a 'meet box'. Frankly we have a meet topic and if you're truly interested in coming then you should check those pages on the forum, there is no need to clog up the forum with more boxes. Those who were confirmed as coming were sent a personal reminder over PM with contact details and more. We opted to do the trip backwards because we were most looking forward to the dungeons at the end of the day, that's why you didn't see us. Luke_A 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPJames Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 I had got plans so I wouldn't have been able to make it anyway although it would have been nice to come! I have never been to Madame tussadus and you went which made me wanna go! However, I can get myself down there some time anyway! I have also been to winter wonderland twice this winter and me going again would just lead to me spending more money Just wondering, at Madame Tussaud's is there a priority queue like London dungeon? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Yeah there is. Ultimately don't you want as many members to go as possible? That's the point of a meet? Otherwise it is rather elite, ultimately someone who works 6 days a week and doesn't really have time to spot stuff which doesn't stand out who wants to go.. I know in the past we've had PM's on the day or so before to remind people/reassure new guys etc, or at least a bloody reply in the topic rather than last one a month beforehand. Shoddy is all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Quite frankly it was a fantastic meet and nothing was "shoddy" about the organisation at all!I get what you say about being busy working etc but so do other people and they managed to remember. So I'm with Tommy on this one.As far as I'm aware this hasn't happened before at any meets, and this was one of the better organised ones! Good point about a PM or post in the topic nearer the time, but again, this hasn't been necessary before from what I remember. (I don't remember ever getting PMs close to the meet like you mentioned but maybe this was before my time!)Was certainly a good turnout, everyone got along nicely and there was nothing "elite" about it It might be better you continued this in the dedicated topic for what people want from TPM meets? Just incase your ideas get missed It kinda brings the mood down, especially after such a great meet! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Yes, it may be our job to get as many people as possible excited for the meet but we don't operate a wake up call system. If you arrange to go to the cinema with someone you can't expect them to phone you up an hour early to remind you to go, we shouldn't need to spoon feed you because you are an adult and can look after yourself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 You don't plan a cinema trip a month ahead and then just not mention it until its happening. Sometimes you need a simple reminder, at least in the actual week it's gonna happen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 I must admit I completely forgot it was that Saturday too, so Fred's not the only one We'll make sure to post up more reminders in the relevant topic etc and could use Shoutbox to make everyone more aware right up to the day of the event in future. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted January 7, 2013 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Ultimately don't you want as many members to go as possible? That's the point of a meet? Otherwise it is rather elite, ultimately someone who works 6 days a week and doesn't really have time to spot stuff which doesn't stand out who wants to go.. I know in the past we've had PM's on the day or so before to remind people/reassure new guys etc, or at least a bloody reply in the topic rather than last one a month beforehand. It would help if you read your PM's as well as the one's I've sent you, do not appear to have been read. There was a good turnout for a London Meet and I've been corresponding with people who have been replying about it up and till the day. There has been plenty of advertising as from what Tommy has said, the topic was also pinned! There is only so much you can do to promote it, but your also need effort on the members part as well - it's not all one sided. I have taken note from what you have said and will issue out a further PM the week leading up to it and also a couple of days beforehand so you have that reminder. Didn't do that this time as I did not want to clog up people's inbox, just please make sure you check your messages, as the only thing we can do extra on the board is using the Shoutbox as per Ryan and refreshing the actual topic Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 as the only thing we can do extra on the board is using the Shoutbox as per Ryan and refreshing the actual topic Not really... Where the "Merry Christmas" message was? Plonk down a "NEXT TRIP/MEET" reminder (which then doubles for advertising it as not everyone will visit the topic)... The countdown? Replace that with a scrollable list of Meets over the course of the year... Done... Of course as well, having a go at someone for forgetting and suggesting better reminders doesn't make for good showing either... Ryan and Sidders 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marc Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Not really...Where the "Merry Christmas" message was? Plonk down a "NEXT TRIP/MEET" reminder (which then doubles for advertising it as not everyone will visit the topic)... The countdown? Replace that with a scrollable list of Meets over the course of the year... Done... Of course as well, having a go at someone for forgetting and suggesting better reminders doesn't make for good showing either... Whilst its not been a huge problem in the past, this is certainly somthing we can look into Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 The countdown? Replace that with a scrollable list of Meets over the course of the year...Done... I quite like the countdown actually, think it should be kept. But that's still a good idea; having a scrollable list of meets on the side of the forum. Maybe replace the welcome to TPM forums box with it, which is just needless in my opinion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liam T Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Yep the new meet countdown on the side is ALOT better, thank you! I love the feature of being able to click the name to view the meet page & being able to click the X to hide the countdown if you want, hats off to you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted Users Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Would it be too crazy to suggest putting meet dates on your phone, calendar, paper and reminding yourself? Luke_A, Mer, MarkC and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Benin saves the day again *sunglasses smiley* Josh, are we gonna need the Thorpe opening countdown when it's open? Not really... That's what I meant by replacing it, as most meets won't be announced until then anyways... Recent topics should really be replaced by posts instead... Makes much more sense... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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