Where it's coming from is my time working there, more specifically my final season in 2018. I'll explain with a true story: Imagine working with people who are expected to be "friendly and nice" towards guests, so they do so on that end...but behind the scenes, some simply don't care about you or your mental health issues...while one in particular thinks it's funny to screw you over and quite honestly just mentally destroy you. And now imagine you're explaining your situation to others in hopes of them understanding how it's making you feel, and they reply with "Oh 'this person'? She's lovely! She's very caring and I'm sure she didn't mean it etc.". And what's more is that even after I left (and seemingly escaped), I was made aware of a bullying incident where a lot of staff from my area were generally being really horrible about others, especially the kind-hearted ones. And surprisingly, these also included people I'd previously thought were really nice! It's not nice when you're the only one who knows the truth about someone through experience and everyone else thinks differently, it's selfish. And that's why I'm writing this post, not to be controversial, but simply to point out that following a lot of trauma I was put through, the last thing I need to hear is of the same select people who made my last season there miserable getting recognised for being something they're not.