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  1. Like
    paige got a reaction from Matt 236 in Slammer   
  2. Like
    paige reacted to pluk in Slammer   
    Your acts of clairvoyance just keep coming...   
  3. Like
    paige reacted to AstroDan in Merlin VIP Annual Pass   
    I hope it's £2000.
  4. Like
    paige got a reaction from alexander in Music   
    I post this video with a warning if you are quite sensitive, the concept of the video isn't the nicest thing ever and I don't want people to be upset of distressed by it.

  5. Like
    paige reacted to alexander in Random Picture Thread.   
  6. Like
    paige reacted to Mitchada04 in New For 2015?   
    Pop badges are the pin badge alternative for kids.They're for kids to put on their lanyards. This is just my opinion but to me they look cheap. They're pieces of coloured plastic with a bit of paper in. Big woop. I know they're essentially freebies (once you've given in to Merlin and have brought a meal to start your collection) but they're still cheap. They're clunky on a lanyard and just aren't nice in my eyes. For kids yes, for adults no. But for some reason staff and enthusiasts alike are obsessed with them. 

    They're so not nice.

    That Swarm Island one is horrific. 
    I just don't get the obsession. Nor get why they become worth so much. If you just get an empty plastic shell and print out and image for yourself, tadah done. Look at that you've made your own one. If I went to Fish & Chips in half term, I would only get a kids meal knowing that if I got a Stealth pop badge I could probably sell it for a fortune compared to its real value of like 5p.
  7. Like
    paige reacted to Tom in Official Legoland TPM Meet 2015 25-05-2015   
    'How long before coaster dude gets fired'
  8. Like
    paige reacted to Tom in Slammer   
  9. Like
    paige reacted to Ian-S in How Busy Is It Going To Be?   
    I don't know about Thorpe, but it wasn't too bad at Chessington yesterday, there was around 8 or 9 schools there in total and the longest we queued for anything was 20 minutes*, we're local so got there at 9.45 and left at 3, we had about 140 kids with us,
    *Vampires was on one train and had a queue of 60 (more like 90) mins most of the day, but our little group only had 2 theme park rookies in and they didn't want to go on it so we skipped it and took them on Fury instead. It was disappointing to see Chesington running only one train on Vamp's since they knew in advance there would be over a thousand school kids there yesterday.
  10. Like
    paige reacted to Merry-go-girl in How Busy Is It Going To Be?   
    It's also worth noting the private schools get out earlier so from the beginning of July you're going to bump into general increased traffic.
  11. Like
    paige reacted to pognoi in How Busy Is It Going To Be?   
    Last year I visited the park once a week from the 13th of June. I can successfully say it was most quiet 2 weeks before my school broke up (last week of June) however I saw queues that were over 80 minutes long. 
    This was Rushes queue. As you can see most people are between 16-20. This is 11 AM. Yeah.

    It's likely to be less busy at weekends, but if you do go on a weekday go tuesday or thursday. Everyone goes on mondays or fridays.
  12. Like
    paige reacted to TPJames in How Busy Is It Going To Be?   
    I believe school trip season is 6th July onwards for the next couple of weeks. However, I wouldn't be surprised if some schools decide to visit even earlier than that to avoid the crowds.
    If you can, I would reccomend trying to visit before July as this tends to be when the summer season begins.
  13. Like
    paige reacted to SYNAW in Merlin's Magic Wand Fundraiser (Stealth Challenge)   
    Hey guys and gals... regular lurker, rare poster here. Next Wednesday I will be riding stealth non stop for the entirety of the day (apart from a loo break) as a fundraising event for Merlin's Magic Wand. 
    As a (very) few of you may know I am a current rides and attractions staff member at the park, and I have already seen some of the amazing work the charity do for children with serious illnesses and disabilities. The difference the charity makes to these kids is life-changing and something I would love to help with. 
    I have set up a just giving page for the event and it would be absolutely fantastic if any of you are able to donate/ sponsor me. 
    I can already hear you say, "But what if the ride breaks down or is shut on the day"... Fear not, I will simply move to Swarm, and if all else fails I will be moving to Nemesis Inferno.
    If any of you are at the park on the 20th May come along and say hi, ill be the one probably looking a slight shade of green.
      Donate to Jamie's JustGiving page < Click Here to donate!  
  14. Like
    paige reacted to Celia Mae in How Busy Is It Going To Be?   
    I've been on a few school day afternoons this term (Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, Friday the most recently) and it has pretty much been 5-15 minute queues each time, though obviously some (Colossus!) are a bit longer
  15. Like
    paige reacted to Whatever in How Busy Is It Going To Be?   
    I know my school have already had its trip up there, but I don't know about the majority of school.
  16. Like
    paige reacted to Tom in Colossus   
    Nah the new closed season chat is people talking about all the times that the standard closed season chat comes up.
    It's complainception
  17. Like
    paige reacted to Project LC in Colossus   
    What if its fanboys creeping in at night and painting the ride themselves. Before we know it the whole thing will have a lovely new coat of paint. 
  18. Like
    paige reacted to Mitchada04 in Colossus   
    You know that running joke with Colossus?

    The one about painting it?

    Well they've listened. For this bit a least.

    Yay it's grey and dull. Will fit in much nicer with Saw now!
    Seriously though, it's just this piece and a cross beam on the cobra roll. I'm guessing it's something structural/stress related but I've no idea! Anyone else know what's going on?
  19. Like
    paige reacted to Mark9 in General Election 2015   
    True. And that scares me actually. Because what the population is saying is that for all the bad things currently occurring such as abolition of the human rights act or putting MP's in place who oppose same sex marriage or the equality act, the population is fine with it. Whether it comes to fruition is another thing.
    I'm seriously worried for the future of this country though. I don't say a thing like that lightly either. I'm proud of being a Brit and I'm proud of being part of a wider community in the EU. I don't want to see a friendly neighbourly relationship with Germany, France, Belgium and the rest being tarnished, I don't want to see the BBC wrecked beyond all recognition and I don't want the NHS which benefits every single one of us ruined in the next five years. 
  20. Like
    paige reacted to Altitude in General Election 2015   
    Well it looks like your case is an exception...
  21. Like
    paige reacted to Ian-S in General Election 2015   
    Some people will always re-offend, as a law abiding citizen then, I assume you reported this to the authorities so that his license could be revoked and he be returned to prison?

    I didn't say that, what I said was his appointment would make no difference to how someone is released on license or how much time is served, as this is laid down in Law in various forms since 1948, he cannot simply say, you've been jailed for 10 years, so will serve it, which is what you implied would happen. Even if he were to present a new bill for reading immediately that Parliament returned that would fix this for you, it's highly unlikely to be retrospective.

    Some would call that backdoor privatisation.

    Nobody claimed it was.

    Again nobody said they were.

    I'm sure there are a lot of people who would disagree with you.
    I could list a raft of details about how the Conservatives have, and continue, to targeting the most vulnerable and needy in society whilst not applying the same principles to big business, but as you yourself have already stated you "dont value any argument which states otherwise" with your view I don't see that there is much point, other than to say your view is very dictatorial and not unlike most politicians when asked awkward questions they don't want to answer, are you studying Politics by any chance?

    Or perhaps the Conservatives did a better sales job on the nation by going off on one about the SNP that most people were too blinded by this to think rationally.

    Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious, it feels me with confidence, but I don't think anybody here disagreed with this view.

    First off, where have I lied? I responded directly to your post about sentencing and how you felt that putting Gove in as department head was suddenly going to make a difference, when in reality it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference, because the very system you were moaning about, has been in the statute books since 1948.
    Gove was a fleet street hack, he worked for The Times before he joined the Conservatives, there was no lie there.
    Priti Patel's views on capital punishment are easy to find on Youtube, they were broadcast on the BBC in 2011, so there's not really any denying it.
    Finally, now you want to wait 5 years.... Isn't that what I already suggested we do?

  22. Like
    paige reacted to Whatever in Project WC16 - New for 2016   
    Could 'WhiteChapel' have anything to do with the Swarm's White Church station? Personally I don't think WC16 is going to be themed around the Swarm, but just some speculation!
  23. Like
    paige reacted to Marc in General Election 2015   
    Looks like Clegg and Milliband have already found new employment

  24. Like
    paige got a reaction from Altitude in General Election 2015   
    I found the exit poll somewhat... concerning. 
  25. Like
    paige reacted to AstroDan in General Election 2015   
    5 more years of this misery?
    *looks at emigration*
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