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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. Sheep's people who don't know how to do there own thing and then criticize people for not following the crowd.
  2. you can go round but its faster to walk threw the shop
  3. how did they handle it well? free fast track ? and I think the exit is a massive let down hate them cement stairs at least have it indoors to keep the theme going to the orp booth
  4. I think some 2*4 planks of solid wood will be able to take the weight of 1-2 adults and if they don't move they are doing less damage than if you where to drag your hand along it. EDIT- and I can tell smokers where to put there cigarets when they are at Thorpe!
  5. kinnaird

    X Playlist

    I think there are too little songs in the playlist heard them all x10 needs more Shy FX shake your body sandstorm if they can get rights to play a skrillex mix (no singing) dub zero nice beaver wilkinson half light (intro & outro cut) Sigma Rude boy Pendulum Slam (cut to 1:20) EDIT Nero promises Sub focus Turn back time Sub focus Deep space
  6. banned for not loving ms paint used by pro's all around the world
  7. I wouldn't say there are not that meany g's on Colossus compared to some rides at thorpe
  8. kinnaird


    fast tracks are the bain of my life. every where I go I hate them and Alton is not as bad I think compared to Thorpe
  9. kinnaird

    Youtube Videos

    lol just saw this on YouTube and thought it was too good brilliant reaction
  10. find a "mate" who can "download" it from there account and I dont think it is worth the money hard but takes a while to get use to
  11. carry on my wayward son
  12. kinnaird


    why spend the money on the re theme then ? best joke ever
  13. 10 trips to Starbucks in 4 days are you okay ? and have a good time
  14. no there was stranded tickets available for the 11th online
  15. I dont understand how stopping too quicly can injurer people any one care to exp lane
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