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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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I reckon the ride will be SBNO for a while but many others think the ride will be scrapped! I feel awful for the victims, especially the girl who had to have her leg amputated, but I hope they don't remove it! 


Maybe a more appropriate theme would be good, but the coaster was so unique! 

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I was hoping that the bones and wounds would heal and it would all be forgotten in time, never to happen again. But losing a leg, something that can never be fixed, that's going to haunt the ride. I don't think it would be insensitive for Alton Towers to reopen The Smiler next year as is with additional safety measures in place. Most people who ride The Smiler in the future will be familiar with what happened and I doubt some menacing theming could faze anyone willing to ride it.

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It really is horrible that she's now got a completely life changing injury :(


I really don't think the smiler should or will get closed permanently though, hydro's still open and that killed a girl

While this is True, it is now called Drenched so they have changed its name to get rid of the original name's negative connotation, it wouldn't surprise me if they do the same with The Smiler but something more substantial that includes new themeing also. I don't think it will close, even my mum who is a stickler for Health and safety and is scared of coasters herself said it would be weird and a bit silly tearing it down as they would lose so much money, and they could just improve safety with updated trains and  what not. Its dreadful to hear about this girl and I hope Merlin Pay out respectfully and give this girl 110% support and care she will most definitely needs. I prey her life will still be prosperous, and that she still can live her life to the full, poor, poor girl :(

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It is a horrible thought to think that she went on the ride for fun and suffered a life changing injury. :(



I can't understand why The Smiler didn't have an evacuation platform on that section of track.  It's prone to stalling, and it should have had a platform with a staircase to the ground so that people can be evacuated off it quickly (much like the PMBO has on the dips).  Now that I've had time to think about it, it's shocking that there wasn't.

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It is a tragedy for those injured, and especially a young person to lose a limb, a calamity for the park and the operator. Nevertheless, people are still jumping to conclusions, there may well be no need to change the ride or the trains, but perhaps the enforcement of existing and new safety guidelines. If it's not the ride or the system, then there really is no need to change the ride or the themeing.

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I can't understand why The Smiler didn't have an evacuation platform on that section of track.  It's prone to stalling, and it should have had a platform with a staircase to the ground so that people can be evacuated off it quickly (much like the PMBO has on the dips).  Now that I've had time to think about it, it's shocking that there wasn't.

Why is it shocking? It's almost physically impossible for the trains to stall in that area when loaded with guests. Although following the accident it's highly likely they'll put a platform in there anyway.

Even an unloaded train is quite unlikely to stall there, it's usually caused by overtrimming on the hill just before, cold wheels or very high winds. The Smiler is more prone to it because of the way so many inversions were engineered into such a small space.

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Why is it shocking? It's almost physically impossible for the trains to stall in that area when loaded with guests. Although following the accident it's highly likely they'll put a platform in there now.

Even an unloaded train is quite unlikely to stall there, it's usually caused by overtrimming on the hill just before, or high winds.

Unlikely, but not impossible.  They need to be equipped for even the rarest of conditions and I am surprised that there wasn't a platform in place considering that it has stalled there more than once.

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Yes and no, if you made evac points at all the known stall points, it would make life easier for the occupants who have to be evac'd in strange situations, would instill confidence in the GP (often the mere sight of changes is more comforting than it's actual usefulness), and would generally help reputation.

However this needs to the balanced with those people who like to hang their arms out of the cars as they go round so that they don't hit their arms on the evac platforms as they pass, cos a traumatic amputation would not help anybody.


About the girl, it is unfortunate and I do feel sorry for her, but I do hope they (as in the news and GP), leave them alone and the family themselves don't dwell on the negatives too much, she is still alive after all. You've probably gathered from my previous post that I'm a big motor sport fan and there was this guy called Alex Zanardi who had both his legs sliced off in an accident in Germany many years ago, instead of dwelling on things, he was the complete oppersite and greatful that he was still alive, he has prosthetic legs, walks mostly unaided, has returned to racing, won races and won multiple gold medals at the last Paralympics, I hope someone points this girl in Alex's direction to show her, her life is not over and she can still achieve so much if she wants to.

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While this is True, it is now called Drenched so they have changed its name to get rid of the original name's negative connotation, it wouldn't surprise me if they do the same with The Smiler but something more substantial that includes new themeing also. 


Whilst what you said here is true, they didn't change the name for quite a few years as I rode it years after the accident but it was still called Hydro! :)


^ And Ian, you're telling her not to "dwell on it", but you try losing half a leg. I don't think you'll want to brush it off just like you're saying.

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That's not what I'm saying, what I said was I hope those around her support and encourage her and don't dwell on the negatives too much, a person's recovery both physically and mentally can be massively affected by the attitude of those around them.

I'm most certainly not telling her to 'suck it up', just saying it could have been worse.

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Whilst what you said here is true, they didn't change the name for quite a few years as I rode it years after the accident but it was still called Hydro! :)

^ And Ian, you're telling her not to "dwell on it", but you try losing half a leg. I don't think you'll want to brush it off just like you're saying.

Tbh I still call it Hydro now lol but I think the rename was more of the new company not wanting the negative aspect of the name but yeah I get what you are saying :)

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Terrible news about the girl that lost her leg - I can't even begin to imagine what she and her family must be going through right now- I am twice her age and God knows how I would cope if I lost a limb.

I can understand what Ian is talking about - whilst it is incredibly sad about the young lady who has lost her limb, it could have been a lot worse (yes I realise that both her and her family are probably not seeing things like that right now, understandably so). I went to school with a girl who was in all the sports teams and was very active - about 10 years ago she had to have a leg amputated due to a rare condition- s couple of years after that she had the other leg removed so is wheelchair bound. However she is now a Paralympic gold medalist and I often see her on her customised hand bike.

Of course it is terrible what happened and I know I would probably feel very bitter - you don't expect to go to a theme park and end up in a serious condition and having a limb removed. I a just relieved that no one was killed although it is going to take those involved a long time to recover from (not just physically but emotionally).

Thought are with all those hurt last Tuesday and wishing them the best possible future. I just hope that they get some peace from the media during this difficult time

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^^ Same here Ethan! Didn't know there was a company change though :)


And Ian, yes it could have been worse but we're not the ones missing a leg and sat in hospital, so we can't tell her to "look at the positives" when we have the comfort of not being there.


Ian's not playing down her injuries he's just saying positivity is definitely going to be a key factor in helping the poor girl recover mentally?

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Ian's not playing down her injuries he's just saying positivity is definitely going to be a key factor in helping the poor girl recover mentally?


Yeah I get that, and I agreed it was a good message to send. What I'm saying is writing "don't dwell on things" doesn't sound very sympathetic when we're not the ones in the accident. It was only a week ago!

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Whilst positivity will help rather than looking at the negatives (which I agree with), it is difficult for anyone, myself included to even begin to understand how it must feel to lose a limb. Yes we can sympathise but we can't know how devastating it must be - not only is it a physical issue but those involved also are likely to be scarred mentally following the incident - PTSD could be a potential issue months down the line or many other conditions.

I don't think anyone here is playing down the injuries caused - but for some it can be possibly construed that way.

As for Smiler merch- I don't personally have a problem with people wearing hoodies/shirts etc and certainly wouldn't go up to someone and have a go at them for wearing it - to be honest I find people walking around with their bits hanging out more offensive.

My partner got a telling off the other day for wearing a smiler pin badge on his lanyard- he was told he was being insensitive - from a group of 13-14 year olds

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