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TPM Awards 2018


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It's the most wonderful time of the year - it's the Thorpe Park Mania Awards!


Once again, we are using SurveyMonkey to collect the results.  If you've never used it before, don't worry - it's dead easy!


We've condensed things down a bit this year, to spice up the competition...



-Best UK Park

-Best UK Coaster

-Best UK Flat Ride

-Best UK Water Ride

-Best UK Dark Ride

-Worst UK Ride


-Best International Park

-Best International Coaster

-Best New-for-2018 Attraction (can be in the UK)

-Most Disappointing Merlin Moment 2018

-Best Looking Attraction for 2019

-Best Manufacturer



-Best Member

-Best Team Member

-Best Quality Posts


-Most Knowledgeable Member

-Most Dedicated Member

-Most Sarcastic Member

-Most Likely to be Banned in 2018


-Funniest Member

-Biggest Fanboy/girl

-Sexiest Male

-Sexiest Female

-Storm Surge Award

-Member you'd like to see more of


And here's some clarifications in case any of the above are confusing...

  • You don't have to vote for all the categories if you don't want!
  • Please you forum usernames rather than real names - makes things easier
  • For the park awards, feel free to vote for parks / rides you like the look of the best (especially the case of International Awards, where members might not have been on many / any foreign rides).
  • Storm Surge Award:  Vote for the member who you think reminds you of Storm Surge or should be awarded a Storm Surge for their efforts in TPM.
  • Member you'd like to see more of Award:  Vote for the member who you'd like to see post on the forums more often / see at meets / generally get to know a bit better!


These are of course meant to be a bit of fun, so just enjoy the ride!  


Link is HERE and an alternative can be found here


Voting will close Sunday 23rd December, 8pm, with winners announced at a point after.


Get those votes coming in!


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