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That fat green bastard Andy the Android needs to seriously learn how to spell. Their recent firmware upgrade to Jellybean on my phone has ruined the XT9 dictionary and deleted all of my saved words, and now can't spell the basics! It decides to paste text at the top of a field when you place the cursor somewhere else, and also predicts what you're going to write next, so if you go back and edit something to add a word in, it decides to add the word in somewhere else where it think it fits in better!

It comes to something when it can spell gobbledegook but not tyre. <_<


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  On 4/3/2013 at 7:47 PM, RideAddict said:

That fat green bastard Andy the Android needs to seriously learn how to spell. Their recent firmware upgrade to Jellybean on my phone has ruined the XT9 dictionary and deleted all of my saved words, and now can't spell the basics! It decides to paste text at the top of a field when you place the cursor somewhere else, and also predicts what you're going to write next, so if you go back and edit something to add a word in, it decides to add the word in somewhere else where it think it fits in better!

It comes to something when it can spell gobbledegook but not tyre. <_<


There's a cure for that, it's called iPhone ;)

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People keep saying things like "How you can say things about Thatcher, you weren't even born when she was Prime Minister". It erks me because her policies and some of the things she put into effect still remain. Does it mean that I can't have an opinion on the first Star Wars films because I wasn't alive when they were first released.

I completely disagree with the parties which are beyond disrespectful, not just to her but to her entire family. But when people are writing good articles and blogs about Thatcher, full of good points and arguments about Thatchers legacy, to be shot down in flames because they weren't alive at the time is pretty unfair.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 7:58 AM, Mark9 said:

People keep saying things like "How you can say things about Thatcher, you weren't even born when she was Prime Minister". It erks me because her policies and some of the things she put into effect still remain. Does it mean that I can't have an opinion on the first Star Wars films because I wasn't alive when they were first released.

I completely disagree with the parties which are beyond disrespectful, not just to her but to her entire family. But when people are writing good articles and blogs about Thatcher, full of good points and arguments about Thatchers legacy, to be shot down in flames because they weren't alive at the time is pretty unfair.

My grandfather was her under-secretary and he told my Dad (before I was born) that whilst she was very polarising and many didn't agree with her views, she was a good person with a good heart and cared about her people and achieved so much as a woman in politics that many couldn't do.

At the end of the day, she's a human being and despite what people may feel about her, she deserves some respect and to not have herself and her family treated the way that they're being treated.

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My brother is very interested and clued up on politics, and I remember him saying that she did do good things for the country. I believe one of them was something to do with council houses and people being able to buy them (can't remember exactly), which is what my parents did in our first house.

While I am in no way a supporter of the Conservative party, nobody deserves to die or have hateful things said about them now they're gone. Which is what I have witnessed on Facebook.

It reminds me of one time where I overheard a couple talking about Jade Goody when she was battling with cancer. The guy said "Has she died yet?" and the girl said "No, unfortunately." And then they both laughed, so it's not as though she was even saying it's unfortunate because she's still suffering, it was clearly a hateful comment. Again, I wasn't a fan of her - well to be honest, I never give a toss about those types of "celebrities" - but that comment made my blood boil. Wishing someone would die is just cruel. No matter who they are.

Infact, this now reminds me of debates about capital punishment. Should people who actually are violent and murderous be killed? Personally, even though I can see where the people saying yes would be coming from, I'd say no. There's the risk of someone actually being innocent or framed, which terrifies me, imagine if it was a family member or a friend! Plus, is it right to take away someone's life just because they've done the same? Or, should they be locked away for life, left with nothing, and left to live with what they've done. Knowing that they have years and years of this, wasting away inside a cell. That to me seems the more punishing option!

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Urgh, so disgusted with my flatmates.

I haven't gone home yet for Easter (with the exception of a surprise trip there for my birthday, but that was only for 1 day), and I've been staying with Ian rather than in my halls. My flatmates are total slobs, there's no denying it, and I knew they hadn't cleaned their food out of the fridge before going home. My plan was to just leave the fridge alone, as it wasn't my mess, and let them deal with it when they come back next week. However, I'm back in my room for the day as Ian is at a stag do, so I'm needing to cook for myself, and I have some food I need to store in the fridge.

This is what I was greeted with...




(I'm not even sure what that was...)



There are more, but I think you get the idea...

It's just absolutely disgusting. It smelt like something died in there, and I found products WAY past their expiry date, e.g. a carton of milk that expired on March 4th (it was more solid than liquid inside...). I try to rarely buy food that requires refridgerating as we only have a small fridge (the banes of being part-catered), and I quite often eat at Ian's, so I had NO idea it had got this bad. It's vile.

So I've chucked EVERYTHING that was in there out, and given it a thorough clean. I think the worst part is that I can still smell/taste the mould, and I'm still coughing :(

EDIT: Went and made a formal complaint about it. Got an appointment with the Student Support Manager on Monday :D

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Oh my god. :o Yuck. I have seen some bad things in my time and that doesn't top the list, but is still sick!

As for out of date food, you have to be sensible with it, especially dairy products and meat. I'll admit that I have drank milk that is nearly a month out of date, and it tasted absolutely fine, and I was OK after that! I have baked beans in the cupboard to be used that are a few months past their date, and I will use them. And as for a tub of hot chocolate...well I'm a third through it and it should've been used by the end of October 2010. :ninja: Still tastes great!

Expiry and best before dates are a bloody swizz and get right up my nose - it's a way to get you to buy more stuff when the food that claims to be out of date is fine. I'm one of the very few who see past this forever-conning thing of dates and don't bow down to it. Obviously I have some stuff which goes off and cannot eat and have to bin it, but 50% of the food I buy is likely to pass it's date and I will consume it if it's safe.

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When it comes to 'Expiry Dates', people seem to get confused a lot between 'Display Until', 'Best Before' and 'Use By'.

-Display Until is only for shops to worry about. Found on things like eggs and some desserts (like chessecakes and stuff), you just ignore them.

-Best Before is usually found on stuff like bread, cereals, chocolate, some fruit and veg, etc. etc. Basically means it's safe to eat after that date, but may not taste to the quality the manufacturers expect. For example, bread a couple of days out of date may be a bit stale / hard, but it's safe to eat and stuff. Normally use your own judgement as to whether it's okay to eat or not.

-Use By is found on dairy and fresh stuff. Use by the date shown otherwise it's a health risk, though it can sometimes be okay.

Anyway, I digress. Glad you made a formal complaint Smidget - you've ranted about your flatmates a few times and hopefully something good can come of this. Makes me realise how lucky I am with the people I'm sharing my kitchen with!

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