Whatever Posted April 10, 2015 Report Share Posted April 10, 2015 God thats rude. Lets face it, any product which people use constantly all day isn't going to keep full battery for weeks on end.I don't think it's rude. Apple DON'T have very good charge on their devices. My charge barely lasts all day, but my old Blackberry would last around three times as much as that. And I don't use my phone 'constantly all day'.Okay, maybe I do, but still, CD's comment wasn't rude. Kerfuffle 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark9 Posted April 10, 2015 Report Share Posted April 10, 2015 It's more the use of 'get over it' then the Apple put down that I find rude.  Maybe you should go back to your old Blackberry if it lasts three times as long. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paige Posted April 10, 2015 Report Share Posted April 10, 2015  my old Blackberry would last around three times as much as that  How?! I have a Blackberry and it doesn't even last a few hours, saying it's run out of battery when it says it's still half to three quarters of the way full in the bar. As Mark said, it's not just an issue that's unique to Apple products. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted April 10, 2015 Report Share Posted April 10, 2015 I've found the opposite - both my current iPhone and my old iPhone 4 have/had a great battery life, and I'm someone who uses their phone a lot! I got my iPhone 4 in 2010, then in 2012 my mum had it, and it's lasted all that time, up until a month or so ago when she got a new phone - partly because, after 5 years of reliability, the battery did finally start playing up! The usage and standby times since the last full charge were almost the same even when it hadn't been used, and it would drop in chunks - which is what my HTC One X started doing after only 2 years, and the battery life in general was awful compared to the iPhone! I'm sure people are aware of these sorts of things to help save battery: I have the background app refresh off for most apps, and the only ones which I allow to always use location are things like the weather app. Turn wifi off when I don't need it on, same for mobile data. Auto brightness obvs. Also things like push for emails can use more battery. Apparently it's not always beneficial to close apps from multitasking, especially if they're ones you use a lot because it will use more battery to open them or something, although that's probably not something which would have a major affect like location or background refresh The main things that drain battery for me are games, camera/videoing, and using mobile data and location when travelling to/from work. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted April 10, 2015 Report Share Posted April 10, 2015 The main factor in battery life, which isn't down to how you use it, is how far away from a mast you are. The further away you are the more power the phone needs. So if you live in a place with bad signal your phones battery dies quicker. Most battery's only have around 1000 full recharges before it no longer works. The lithium ions no longer get moved back to the other half cell so what generates the power no longer works. So older the phone the quicker the battery dies. The most power consuming part of the phone is the CPU. Millions of transistors all being used to run a game drains power very fast. So if you want to maximise the time between charges avoid CPU heavy tasks. Closing background apps does help but for facebook, twitter, ect it doesn't do much. When not in use they use very little of the cpu and ram so have little effect. Just wait until super capacitors are ready and small enough for your phone. They claim it will be 5-20 years but they charge in seconds, last the same as a normal battery and will last pretty much forever. I'm sure the human race can find something wrong with those as well when they come out. Nothing is ever fast enough. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paige Posted April 10, 2015 Report Share Posted April 10, 2015 How old were you when you swallowed an Encyclopedia? Kerfuffle, Celia Mae, Matt 236 and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CWOAfanMalcolm Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Oh Dear This Is a bit odd As The Rant is About me. I'm really annoyed at myself,My life Is Actually Pretty Decent And I have a great collection of friends Opportunities and family and they've done so much to help me And I feel As if in the Last few weeks I've kind of been throwing It back in their face. Things Have gone A bit wrong this year at school (don't really want to go into detail) So I'm moving to another collage at the end of the year and now I'm absolutely terrified cause it's new and scary And I've been In the same place For 6 years with the same people and I love Them to bits and I know It's gonna hurt like hell when I move and hardly see them anymore so I'm kind of blocking them and Not really being very nice to them cause It's just easier. I've been in total meltdown for the past week and It's got so bad I'm not speaking to any of them Cause Their upset with me (Obviously) Another Problem Is I can't really talk to anyone about it cause All of the people I would Usually Talk to Are annoyed with me . I just wish I was a better person That would Appreciate the things I had As at the moment I've upset Myself And Everyone Around me And that's not the person I want To be. So yeah That's about it really,Sort of Rant Over! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachoMachine Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 I'm moving colleges too, it's gonna be scary and hard but it's important to focus on yourself. People can forgive and forget but your education and health is more important! If they're your real and true friends and you're upset, no matter what you've done they'll be there for you. CWOAfanMalcolm 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CWOAfanMalcolm Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Thanks I guess that's true. I know Deep down They'll forgive me but really what's really worrying Is leaving them I know What it feels like to be left with no one and to feel completely alone as 5 years ago my friend moved to Africa and I haven't seen him since These friend's that I have been with have been for me through everything and I don't want to lose everything again and that's what's making me so unhappy and why I'm treating them like total rubbish at the moment because I'm scared of the future. The other problem is My experience with school has been Average (GCSE's Were Ok) Teachers Are OK but I don't throw everything in to it like my friends do and I just feel as though all of my friends are amazing people that benefit so much to the world and I'm just the ugly one at the end that drags them down all the time. I'm really jealous in reality and I think that's another reason why I'm behaving like I am Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt 236 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Hope everything works out in the end. I remember leaving 6th form and going to college (which a complete refresh) four years ago so I could strengthen my qualifications and get to uni (where I'm now), and whilst it was quite a scary experience to start off with (new location, new people, new teaching methods etc.) I gradually settled in after a couple of weeks or so. The tutors were very friendly & helpful, I got on well with the majority of the class and it also taught me to be independent (which for me has prepared me for uni better than 6th form in my opinion). I also think everybody has that time in life at least where they do feel alone. A similar thing happened to me around 2007 (year 9) where I'd just moved house and I didn't seem to get on well with many people (and even flipping out once or twice), but towards the end of the year things had become better and quite a few I'd fallen out with I was friends with again. Expanding on Amy"s post a little, you've got remember this: 1/ those who are your true friends will forgive & forget regardless what you do 2/ sometimes things happen for a reason, to take you to a better future for you 3/ not everyone in your present life are meant to be in your future life (that's the way it is) 4/ you will always gain something from everything you do. If you believe you got nothing from something it's either taught you what not to do or what you don't want out of something 5/ relax, things will get better! CWOAfanMalcolm and Mer 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CWOAfanMalcolm Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Thanks  I'm glad I've got It off my chest I know it will be alright eventually. At the moment I'm just Gonna Fight through it. Just Couldn't keep quiet About it anymore, Just needed To tell someone About it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerfuffle Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 When your phone plays music as normal throughout the day...and then decides to not play ANYTHING when you're about to start your half hour long walk home from college. RANT!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 Oh Dear This Is a bit odd As The Rant is About me. I'm really annoyed at myself,My life Is Actually Pretty Decent And I have a great collection of friends Opportunities and family and they've done so much to help me And I feel As if in the Last few weeks I've kind of been throwing It back in their face... Â Hope things have got better since. The biggest step in fixing mistakes you've made is recognising you've made them, so you're well on the way! I think we've all done something similar to a certain extent at one time or another, the only advice I'd give is now you know something needs doing, do it; the longer you leave it the harder it will be, things won't fix themselves, and you'll regret it down the line if you don't. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pognoi Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 Some pretty rude words below.  The worst thing that I found in school was teachers with an extreme view forcing their view onto you.  How so?  Well I chose English language as an A level (I'm gonna be honest, the course was a load of bollocks) and one of my teachers was great. He was the head of department, and very laid back and gave us alot of freedom with half of our coursework (something I lapsed up and got an A in). However, my other teacher was much more questionable in her approach to teach. First of all, she set very strict and quick deadlines for homework. I would have a couple days to write a 2000 word essay on how dracula is sexist, and this was balancing with media and graphics coursework to do too. Secondly, she used to get frustrated with me for not writing anything in my book. At the start of the year we were all given revision books to also make notes in, and by the first term I had done every relevant question and page that we had highlighted. However she always checked our note books and because we spent most lessons arguing about how sexist things are we would rarely stay on the biased subject she wanted to stay on. She was massively sexist herself. All of our coursework on her side HAD to be on feminism and how great it was. If it wasn't she'd give us detentions, and write letters home. Because I don't share the same views with her. This was further emphasised as she clearly favoured the girls in our class. One of them was a firm feminaziist like her, so she would always be held back afterwards for constructive conversations on her work. She'd forbid taboo slang like using terms such as 'gay' or 'pussy' in the classroom because of her firm beliefs, which was fair enough, but it wasn't okay when she'd say 'right, we're talking about derogatory terms today, like c**t and n***er'. People literally found that offensive as she found sexist terms offensive but she dismissed them in the name of teaching.  Now you may be thinking I'm a bit of an arse for being so rude about this equal rights believer. But she was beyond equal rights. She was a firm believer that men were superior in everything they do, and that it should be a criminal offense to use non neutral or masculine favouring universal terms like 'he and she' because the 'she' wasn't in front making the man more dominant. It would be ILLEGAL if she had her way. I'm all for feminism but when you're racist and extremely sexist yourself, and use false facts to shut down or raise arguements, and are, to be honest, just a complete bitch it's hard for people to ever ally with you  So I got kicked off the course because I wrote how much I hate feminism in my coursework. Was gonna remove myself anyway.    So if any of you ever take English Language A Level, make sure you get a freedom in the sources you choose for your exam and the style of coursework you write. Or it's just boring and as useless as hell. lewumbrajumbos 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamminGamer Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 Wait you got kicked off the course for saying you didn't like Feminism? If that's all you did then that's definitely not right. It depends on the exact wording and context of what wrote I guess but on face value it doesn't sound right at all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pognoi Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 Yeah I think it was the tipping point especially baring in mind it was quite strongly worded, but that was just reflecting my teachers use of dialogue in class. But the overall fact that her classes were geared to how great feminism is just bored me, and like I said every time she checked my book she'd give me a detention because there wasn't enough in it because the work was elsewhere and I pretty much showed no appreciation towards the class. It just wasn't enjoyable to any standard. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ian-S Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 What do your parents think? You might not have considered it, but you'd be surprised how much those further up the food chain take notice when parents get involved in **** like this, you are entitled to your own opinion, as laid down by the European Convention on Human Rights Article 9, the teacher has no right to punish you (in this case kicking you off the course) for simply having a differing opinion to her own. Even if you don't intend going back to the course, stand your ground. Some people may find this an extreme view, but the modern day education is not there to educate you, it's there to train you to follow rules and do as others say (evident here by your tutor throwing you off the course for disagreeing with her view), my old English teacher (back in the 80's) would have loved you, she'd have said screw the written stuff, let's have a discussion about this for the next hour if you'd have disagreed with her, which we did often. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pognoi Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 I was falling behind in other subjects anyway so my parents agreed that even if this didn't happen I'd remove myself from the course as I was at risk of jeopardizing my grades in other subjects too. Â We'd often have arguments but they'd spiral into a bunch of hollow statistics about unrelated facts about homeless women and circumcision. I talked to my head of year about getting a teacher change but as there is a limited number of a level teachers and they were maxed out by classes I would either have to drop it or keep my current teachers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachoMachine Posted April 30, 2015 Report Share Posted April 30, 2015 anyone who forces extremist feminist views gives a bad name to feminism itself so good on you for standing up for yourself and angering her, even though I do put myself into the feminist equal rights blah blah group I cannot STAND people who are aggressive when forcing views upon others. Also using derogatory terms against people of colour? Is she ok?? Does she need some assistance?? pognoi and Ian-S 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whatever Posted May 3, 2015 Report Share Posted May 3, 2015 I've been going to a dancing school for nearly ten years now, which includes ballet on a Tuesday, Tap, modern and Jazz on a Thursday and mentoring the little ones on a Friday. It's only a small scale school with little opportunity and I gave up Saturday Stageworks classes to go to an Acting and Film agency in Windsor. Not only has this place got the opportunities to get somewhere, it also has the option for you to direct things and edit films and that rather than perform. Another reason was that the dance teacher who runs my dance classes has favourites and I had a feeling she didn't like me. Yesterday was a tight schedule, I had my class at the acting place until 1 and I had to race to Slough from Windsor in 15 minutes to extra classes with my usual dance school, preparing for a small show in the summer. And my teacher humiliated me in front of about thirty girls (pretty much the entire school) because I was wearing the uniform from the other place. She got super angry at me. She could have at least taken me to one side and asked me if next week I could bring something to change into. I barely managed to not cry. The day before she had a go at me for not having my hair up, and she didn't let me explain that I had to throw an Alice band into my hair because I was short on time getting there. And I don't have the heart to tell her that my performance of Bugsy Malone with the Windsor academy is the day after our summer show and that I may miss a few rehearsals. If I drop out of her show, she'd bad mouth me, I've seen her do it about another girl as well. I don't know what to do, I don't want to leave the few friends I have there (I'm not a social person) but I've just come to kind of dread my classes there. Sorry, I had to let it out. I feel really sad about it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerfuffle Posted May 3, 2015 Report Share Posted May 3, 2015 If I drop out of her show, she'd bad mouth me, I've seen her do it about another girl as well. TPF, I'm sure that it's your choice and yours only if you decide to drop out. They can't tell you what to do, especially if you're not enjoying it. If they have to moan, shout, scream and bawl at you for dropping out, then just let that blow straight over your head, because they are no longer your problem. lewumbrajumbos 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paige Posted May 3, 2015 Report Share Posted May 3, 2015 I've been going to a dancing school for nearly ten years now, which includes ballet on a Tuesday, Tap, modern and Jazz on a Thursday and mentoring the little ones on a Friday. It's only a small scale school with little opportunity and I gave up Saturday Stageworks classes to go to an Acting and Film agency in Windsor. Not only has this place got the opportunities to get somewhere, it also has the option for you to direct things and edit films and that rather than perform. Another reason was that the dance teacher who runs my dance classes has favourites and I had a feeling she didn't like me. Yesterday was a tight schedule, I had my class at the acting place until 1 and I had to race to Slough from Windsor in 15 minutes to extra classes with my usual dance school, preparing for a small show in the summer. And my teacher humiliated me in front of about thirty girls (pretty much the entire school) because I was wearing the uniform from the other place. She got super angry at me. She could have at least taken me to one side and asked me if next week I could bring something to change into. I barely managed to not cry. The day before she had a go at me for not having my hair up, and she didn't let me explain that I had to throw an Alice band into my hair because I was short on time getting there. And I don't have the heart to tell her that my performance of Bugsy Malone with the Windsor academy is the day after our summer show and that I may miss a few rehearsals. If I drop out of her show, she'd bad mouth me, I've seen her do it about another girl as well. I don't know what to do, I don't want to leave the few friends I have there (I'm not a social person) but I've just come to kind of dread my classes there. Sorry, I had to let it out. I feel really sad about it. Â Â I've had a similar-ish experience which led to me quitting it altogether and I feel much better for it! Sometimes it's better to take a step back and out of things. Â Â It may not be the choice for you, but if you would like someone to speak to you can PM me whenever Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CWOAfanMalcolm Posted May 4, 2015 Report Share Posted May 4, 2015 Oh That sounds Horrible No one Deserves to be treated Like That! I do not have any experience of anything like that But I do know There have things That I have wanted to quit In the past and If you're not enjoying it is better for you to give it up. It doesn't make you a failure and who cares what that teacher thinks she sounds like a really horrible person anyway!! Â Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerfuffle Posted June 29, 2015 Report Share Posted June 29, 2015 Next door to me, there lives a lad who's basically a total jerk. At first he wasn't any of my business...but all that changed when he bought a motorbike recently. Consequently, I've been awoken EVERY bloody night at a stupid hour (ie. 11pm) because apparently this jerk is too selfish to know a better time to go out and rev his goddamn motorbike!!! (which could probably be heard from over a mile) Â ...but hopefully in the next year the time will come where he drives his motorbike into a river, never to be recovered. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celia Mae Posted June 30, 2015 Report Share Posted June 30, 2015 Okay so I've worn glasses for reading and close up stuff for like a year now. In the past week my eyesight has deteriorated rapidly to the point where now I can't even send a text without wearing them without giving myself a massive headache. My mum also lost her eyesight at around my age when she was younger and I'm kinda worried I'm gonna end up like her and only be able to see shapes and colours without glasses. And the worst thing is I really don't like contact lenses and I don't know how my geekiness will survive with having to take off glasses and put them on again with every ride... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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