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  On 3/30/2010 at 11:07 AM, 'Marc said:

Yes he is, but we both enjoy thrill rides more, which is something Chessington is unable to offer, so it would be kind of pointless us 2 staying, had we been got hold of others there then obviously it would be a different story, after all its all about the company..

Sorry, a lot of that doesn't compute. Maybe it doesn't help that everyday you say "I don't want to go to Thorpe tomorrow" and yet everyday you end up there anyway. :mellow:
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  On 3/30/2010 at 11:27 AM, 'AeRo said:

It's not such a massive Park that you wouldn't have caught up with us eventually. Posted ImageWith 2 or more people, I would stay in any Park for the day. It's different if you are on your own though. Perhaps you guys just didn't want to go anyway.

You would think so but would also be very possible would miss you all day. As someone who favours thrill rides more, Chessington isnt my favourite park, but we had every intention of making an effort, I think the fact we drove all the way there proves this!
  On 3/30/2010 at 11:30 AM, 'Mark9 said:

Sorry, a lot of that doesn't compute. Maybe it doesn't help that everyday you say "I don't want to go to Thorpe tomorrow" and yet everyday you end up there anyway. :mellow:

Something to do isnt it =p Probably wouldnt have bothered with thorpe that day if it wasnt for some others there inviting me, and needing to sort out my annual pass would of probably stayed at cwoa abit longer..
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One thing I do not understand is you go all the way to Chessie, then go all the way back. You've driven there, so why go all the way back (well, to TP) when you're not likely to be going there any time soon? The chances are you would have found AeRo sooner or later (even if you had to ring him hundreds of times) and probably had a good day.Although you say you're a thrill person, Chessie has thrills to - of course, not to the same level of TP, but still. Forgive me if I'm being a bit rude, but I just ca 't see where you are coming from... :S

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I tried to call Peter around 10 times before giving up, its quite possible if we had walked around long enough would of found him, but its quite possible we wouldnt also! Where as going back to TP I could sort out my annual pass and ride rides we enjoy.Ill go back to chessington when its abit quieter.

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Marc - I know you are a big Thorpe Park fan boy and you know I am a big Chessington WoA one...Have you ever thought about trying to see the positives in Chessington WoA?!I mean, I still go to Thorpe Park despite me seeing loads of negatives. However, I dont voice them constantly like you do and look towards the positives I feel to Thorpe Park.No one is making you visit Chessington WoA so just dont bother tbh going if you cba! lol

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  On 3/30/2010 at 2:58 PM, 'themeparkmad said:

No one is making you visit Chessington WoA so just dont bother tbh going if you cba! lol

I think the problem here is Marc's contribution to global warming and increasing his carbon footprint. I don't care particularly if he doesn't lke the rides but deciding somewhere is to busy after 5 minutes is a bit to much for me to comprehend.
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  On 3/30/2010 at 1:57 PM, 'Marc said:

See it sounds it, thorpe had alot more than that too, but 40/50 mins for cobra, or 20 mins for Detonator I know which one I would choose!

40/50 minutes for a brand new ride is pretty good. I can think of Stelf, Shlamma, Roosh, Sore, Sore Aleeve and Fish all having much longer queues when they were new, so I fail to see your point.
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Kobra was only that at the start of the day as well, the rest of the rides had minimal queue aside from the usual suspects of Fury, Vamp and Bubbles...Of course, I sense that if someone else had turned round and said 'I spent 5 minutes at Thorpe, couldn't get in contact with anyone and left to go to Chessie, I park I much prefer anyways' there'd be uproar...And 6000 is a medium day... But it didn't feel like 6000 at all tbh... It was a nice, relaxing atmosphere... We felt able to sit down and have donuts/coffee, waste time in the lorikeets enclosure, and waste even more time standing by a talking tree for ages... Stuff Thorpe doesn't provide...

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  On 3/30/2010 at 2:58 PM, 'themeparkmad said:

Marc - I know you are a big Thorpe Park fan boy and you know I am a big Chessington WoA one...Have you ever thought about trying to see the positives in Chessington WoA?!

Read my trip report, you will see I said how I thought the new area looked pretty nice..

I mean, I still go to Thorpe Park despite me seeing loads of negatives. However, I dont voice them constantly like you do and look towards the positives I feel to Thorpe Park.

As do I when I visit, I havent said anything against what they have done this season

No one is making you visit Chessington WoA so just dont bother tbh going if you cba! lol

Thanks for the advice :mellow:
  On 3/30/2010 at 3:04 PM, 'Mark9 said:

I think the problem here is Marc's contribution to global warming and increasing his carbon footprint. I don't care particularly if he doesn't lke the rides but deciding somewhere is to busy after 5 minutes is a bit to much for me to comprehend.

I thought about this and drove economically from Chessington to Thorpe Park, I stuck to the speed limit and used my gears correctly.
  On 3/30/2010 at 3:09 PM, 'AeRo said:

40/50 minutes for a brand new ride is pretty good. I can think of Stelf, Shlamma, Roosh, Sore, Sore Aleeve and Fish all having much longer queues when they were new, so I fail to see your point.

Thats very true, but judging by what people have said about Discos its not really somthing I'm badly wanting to ride, and am happy to wait till it has a quieter queue.
  On 3/30/2010 at 3:36 PM, 'Michaela said:

Leave Marc alone, he can do what he wants!

  On 3/30/2010 at 3:36 PM, 'Benin said:

Kobra was only that at the start of the day as well, the rest of the rides had minimal queue aside from the usual suspects of Fury, Vamp and Bubbles...

Well it was at 50 mins when I got there around 12:30/1:00

Of course, I sense that if someone else had turned round and said 'I spent 5 minutes at Thorpe, couldn't get in contact with anyone and left to go to Chessie, I park I much prefer anyways' there'd be uproar...

Everyone aloud there opinion, this all started from a tongue in cheek comment to keith and has been taken way OTT!

And 6000 is a medium day... But it didn't feel like 6000 at all tbh... It was a nice, relaxing atmosphere... We felt able to sit down and have donuts/coffee, waste time in the lorikeets enclosure, and waste even more time standing by a talking tree for ages... Stuff Thorpe doesn't provide...

To be honest when I heard it was 6000 I was stunned, felt alot busier in the areas I went in. And yeah, there is much at Chessington what thorpe dont provide, but the stuff what interested me, Chessington didn't provide and Thorpe Park did. As I said many times would of been different had I got hold of peoples !
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Agree'd with Marc, our main aim was too look at Kobra and Meet with Aero, Kobra was ridiculous for a Disk-o and peter's phone played games! So it was a no win-no win situation, we decided Thorpe Park was the better option at the spur of the moment. Like Marc has already said we havent said its aweful there, as the area is spectacular! We just thought judging by the rides we saw it was best we left!

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  On 3/30/2010 at 4:46 PM, 'Ricky said:

Agree'd with Marc, our main aim was too look at Kobra and Meet with Aero, Kobra was ridiculous for a Disk-o and peter's phone played games! So it was a no win-no win situation, we decided Thorpe Park was the better option at the spur of the moment. Like Marc has already said we havent said its aweful there, as the area is spectacular! We just thought judging by the rides we saw it was best we left!

To be honest if I were personally in that situation I would have queued for Kobra, ridden it, then left for Thorpe.But at the end of the day its like Michaela has said, just leave him be. I dont *actually* understand why everyone is arguing as if Marc & Ricky have stabbed CWoA Right between the shoulder blades. :D
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  On 3/29/2010 at 10:51 PM, 'Holly said:

Reading by any chance?

Havant in Hampshire, sorry :D --------------Continuing on with the Chessington vs Thorpe discussion, I must admit that this year I'm slightly more drawn to Chessington due to the new area and the fact I haven't visited for a few years now. I still might do Thorpe as well but at the moment Chessington is top of my list.
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