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Aarron P

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Megafobia has been broken this week and still not reopened.. Pirate ship is still closed, as is Vertigo... Oh yeah and drenched hasn't opened for the season yet.

I could have coped with the other closed rides... But megafobia not open, it's not worth going on Sunday unless it miraculously opens tomorrow, otherwise I guess off to Thorpe park instead!

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Thinking I might go this weekend, does anyone know if Megafobia and Bounce are back up?

Really excited about Speed and Megafobia, from POVs they look like they probably have the best airtime in the UK so will be interesting to see how they deliver

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All back open except drenched. The website is updated everytime there is a change so the open and closed ride list is very reliable.


Megafobia was closed for essential track works which has since been completed. Drenched in closed as they are waiting on parts to complete it's winter maintenance.

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Yes, fortunately got to go today after megafobia being closed last weekend... wow so good to get back on it, arrived 15 minutes before park opening with noone waiting at the entrance, and literally like 10 people waiting once the gates opened, it did get a little busier but still no queues at all, the only waiting was for megafobia to have a minimum of 12 people which was odd and somewhat annoying, but was okay as I needed the rest, the rerides were taking a toll on my body lol, spent a while in the arcade and playing crazy golf... and the ride count while taking it steady just shows how desperate it is for the new area, which still hasn't really progressed at all!


Ride Count: 38

Megafobia: 12

Speed: 5

Bobsleigh: 4

Snake River Falls / Treetops / Bounce / Moon Landing (<< Does that one count as an attraction ride haha!?): 3

Skull Rock / Tinks Flying School / Pirate Ship / Spooky 3D / Boating Lake: 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

For anyone who went to an After Dark last year, did they keep the ride queues open until 10pm?  I'm thinking of going to one this year but I remember a few years back they closed the Megafobia queue at 8:30pm - so wondering if they still do this.  Thanks! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing, spoke to a staff member when I was there on Monday and they basically said they believe it's just Aspro being Aspro.


Took the long drive to get their purely to take someone on Megafobia on Monday to find out it was shut likely from Monday through Friday, having been open the day before.

Was then told I could use my ticket another day instead of Monday. Seem as though petrol actually costs money we just went in anyway and broke our necks on Speed.

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That's awful.  I wish Aspro would sell Oakwood, it used to be a great park but they are running it into the ground with lack of investment, shocking ride availability and it just feels neglected.  Sure, there have been some positive changes this year but in terms of the overall performance of the park, it seems worse than ever.

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Also perhaps worth noting (just remembered :D), the staff member I had spoken to said the new development (which they had no idea when would open) would be another coaster 'like Treetops'. How accurate this statement is could be another matter altogether.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Megafobia, Speed and Bounce have been closed for the best part of two weeks, fortunately Megafobia has reopened today after substantial track work but the other two remain closed.

Park attendance is apparently down again so far this year and the current financial records are somewhat concerning.


The park have apparrently purchased this.  I hate to think of the state it could be in considering that it's coming from M&D's, and I really don't see how the park will benefit from an already-tired Pinfari.



I'm really not sure what the future holds for Oakwood; it seems that the park has got to a point where it has some serious underlying issues, but no finances to improve them.  I'd say this largely comes down to Aspro's complete lack of interest in the park - when the previous owners installed Megafobia, Speed and Drenched it must have been a risk but ultimately it paid off as they have two very good coasters which at the time brought in crowds.  As far as I can remember Neverland is the only "new" investment Aspro have made, whilst the rest of the park has, to an extent, been left to decline.  The ride availability is a serious issue now and I can only see the Pinfari adding to this, as it's likely to be maintenance heavy and their resources cannot cope as it is.  It can't help matters that on the occasions when the park is busy, they cope badly with low capacity on the two big coasters.


Sorry for the moan-y post but it's just saddening to see the park in this situation; I genuinely love the place, it used to be a fantastic park to visit and the atmosphere was electric during After Dark back before Aspro, but a lack of care combined with poor ride availability seems to be taking its toll.


(Financial records in case anyone's interested: https://companycheck.co.uk/company/02042378/OAKWOOD-LEISURE-LIMITED/financial-accounts)

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I really enjoyed Oakwood when I visited a couple of years ago. The park seemed clean and well kept and a class above parks like Drayton. It's a real shame that the park is starting to decline; buying poor quality coaster like the one above surely won't help either :/ At least they've kept late openings in the summer!

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10 hours ago, Matt Creek said:

Oakwood sounds like they're in a terrible state right now. 


Why is it so many UK parks seem incapable of operating well these days, we never had this 10-15 years ago. 



Everything's getting old, and most parks (especially Thorpe and, as much as I adore it, Chessie) are too scared to get rid of older rides that are no longer reliable, and instead choose to leave them unavailable for long periods of time. 


(I think)

Edited by ChessingtonSam
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