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Sam P

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  • 3 months later...

I miss Hermione :'(We had to give her back to Cats Protection yesterday. For the past month or so she has been soiling outside the litter tray, despite having her own tray which is always clean, we've moved it away from Tango's, we've used the special stain/odour remover stuff from pet shops...but she carried on doing it (mainly weeing). We asked at the vets and they said it was probably stress from Tango. He has always been a bossy cat and not as tolerant as others, so whenever she playfully chased him etc he'd go to attack her, which was obviously stressing her out, causing her to wee on the floor. So we tried the Feliway diffuser, which we have used before for Tango and it was a miracle so we hoped it would help, but had no such luck. It either seems to work perfectly for some cats and not at all for others. And it would never change the fact that Hermione is an extra lively cat, more so than other kittens as she has possible Bengal in her, Bengal cats being a cross between a wild cat and a domestic cat! And equally, Feliway wouldn't turn change Tango. He is friendly and affectionate but bossy and short-tempered as well.So on Sunday while I was at the TPM meet, my mum phoned Cats Protection and explained everything. They said it was best to hand her back, seeing as we have tried everything and it didn't look like it was going to improve. The only chance available this week was yesterday morning, otherwise we would have had to wait for another fosterer to become available or she'd be put in a cattery, and the fosterer available yesterday is actually the lady we got her from, so even though it was very soon, it was a nicer option.It was the best decision for both Hermione and Tango but as I'm sure of you who have lost pets will know, people telling you "It's the best decision" does nothing to stop you being upset and devastated, it doesn't stop you missing them. Of course, this is nothing compared to when Poppy was put to sleep, but it is a similar feeling. I really hoped it would work out and it's been wonderful watching her grow up into a 6 month old kitten, and I hoped we'd see her grow into an adult cat and have her until the end -_- It's gut-wrenching, because I will never know what she will be like as an adult cat, what she'll look like, how long she will live, etc. One minute I had a beautiful kitten that has made me really happy and suddenly, it's all gone.They say things come in threes...end of season, end of CCR, end of Hermione :(I suppose the positive that comes out of this is, apart from it being better for her and Tango, that we (well mostly I) can focus on Tango. He's put on weight, probably from stress/comfort eating, and thats not good for any cat but especially not as he is 13! My mum says that a lot of cats get tubby in old age...well I'm not letting that be an excuse and having a higher risk of him getting health problems. If we are just going to have one cat then I want him to live as long and as happily as possible!

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  • 1 month later...

Aww I really do feel for you Sidders :( I came home from the last day at Thorpe and my mum sat me down in my room to tell me we had to give Hermione back the next day, so I got the chance to say goodbye but it was still sad enough. I can't imagine what it would be like not to have had the chance to say goodbye :(The kitten in the latest Whiskas advert, the Christmassy one, reminds us of Hermoine, aww.But I'm sure they are all happy and well loved in their new homes :)I found some more kitteh photos of Poppy and Tango earlier, shall have to upload them onto Facebook soon!

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Aww Sidders that is horrble! :wub: I'm sure that wherever they are they are in a kind and loving home, so you can at least find some comfort in that :)On another note, we have the same laptop :ph34r:I've had quite a few pets in my time, ranging from goldfish that we got when I was about 3 or 4, to our dogs and cats we have now! Unfortunately, we have lost pictures of my older pets, the ones who have now departed, particularly my guinea pigs. One of them, Samson, was an absolute trooper. He was ill for quite some time yet continued to battle on until a few months ago.I don't have any pictures of my dogs on my laptop, and I currently cannot be bothered to upload some (lazy I know!). They've recently turned two, and whilst they can be the most irritating creatures on the planet at times (they have a strong tendency to bark and howl for the hell of it, especially when they think no one is home), they can also be so adorable! They're Jack Russels, (J.R and Hartley) so they're very yappy, and get under your feet a lot, but still pretty cute :)I also have two cats, Toffee and Buttons. Toffee is four now, and he's our little ginger prince! Buttons was a stray that we adopted, so we're not 100% sure of her age but believe her to be around 7 or 8. Lately they've been having a war over who gets to sleep on my bed at night; originally Toffee was winning, but now Buttons has triumphed! :PToffee: Posted ImageButtons: Posted Image(Not sure why Button's pic is so much smaller than Toffee's!)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

My mate's mum got a Singapore cat about 10 years ago - it's the cutest thing ever with such silky fur, but she is flea-ridden and you wouldn't think so just looking at her with that innocent face. Makes me sneeze like a goodun! Although it's about 10 now, it still has the face of a kitten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is Fudge my Chocolate Labrador, can't believe he is 10 now, feels like only yesterday I got him from the breeders, he has been a key part to my life and has helped my through dark times with bullying and mental issues. I love him so much, and he's still got load of life in him yet :D .




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