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  • 10 months later...

Missy is there because fans liked her and the actress was available, she was eye candy for the dads and crazy amusement for the kids, she served no purpose to the story other than knowing how to strap Clara into the Dalek and bring along two vortex manipulators, even though I seem to remember Capt. Jack saying his was the only one that existed, yet they appear to be freely available when it's good for the plot.

Daleks were there because they have to be used at least once a season otherwise the BBC looses the rights for them.

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Yeah, his original stories were OK, but the longer he's been in charge the more outlandish he's been.

That Matt Smith storyline where he planted the jacket into a scene and various other stuff was genius, but as you say it seems he's running out of ideas, and every new story must one up the previous. Original Who had the same problem, there's only so many stories you can tell that involve time travel before you start contradicting yourself or creating/ignoring paradoxes.

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  On 9/27/2015 at 1:42 PM, Project LC said:

For example I thought davros was dead. Killed by the reality bomb. So how can he be on skaro dying of old age.


Mainly because he was never killed by the reality bomb, the bomb never went off. We saw him shouting at the Doctor but never found out what happened to him.

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Well the crucible was exploding because of the doctor Donna maximising the dalekanium power feeds causing the daleks and the crucible to be destroyed. Which davros chose to stay in. So without the tardis or the crucible davros, if he managed to somehow survive that explosion, would have been left in the medusa cascade which was a second out of sync with the rest of the universe.

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Who cares, this was a brilliant Davros story and one of the only episodes of Doctor Who I've kind of been overwhelmed by from a filmmaking perspective. I always loved Davros (I felt I could relate to him as an 8 year old) and it's great they didn't cheapen or 'experimentally' reinvent him for the new series, it was pure Davros

I still think most people's problems with new Doctor Who is will the outlandish, self satisfying 'screw you' style of storytelling. And the editing style that comes with that. Some great moments and characters can get lost in the series constantly trying to make you think it's 'clever'.

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  On 9/27/2015 at 1:58 PM, Project LC said:

Well the crucible was exploding because of the doctor Donna maximising the dalekanium power feeds causing the daleks and the crucible to be destroyed. Which davros chose to stay in. So without the tardis or the crucible davros, if he managed to somehow survive that explosion, would have been left in the medusa cascade which was a second out of sync with the rest of the universe.


In his first episode he was comprehensively, well and truly exterminated by his first Daleks. Which explains the earlier daleks like in Power, Evil, Master Plan and Invasion of Earth.


If anything, the way Davros's return wasn't explained is true to what has happened in the past.

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I think Peter's acting is fantastic, because he takes is so simply and is genuinly funny rather than the big, overly stylised performances with previous 'New series' actors. It's a breath of fresh air, although the acting doesn't seem to be at the forefront of the show anymore. I guess it never was, melodramatic/gauche acting had always been a part of the show for better or worse!


Still not enough to make me want to watch the show again though..

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My opinion on Capaldi is very different to my families. To be frank I find him rather boring, I found it really hard to follow the first episode because he wasn't nearly as out there as Matt Smith was, and he seemed to have a lot less energy which was something I really liked. Obviously this could've changed by now but I've found it hard to follow the series because it seemed an awful lot slower compared to Tennant/Smith doctor.

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  • 3 months later...

Good (depending on your opinion) News and Bad News everyone!




Moffat who has had some questionable episodes and was a polarising figure within the Dr Who Community is stepping down as head writer and being replaced by Broadchurch's Chris Chubnall, which I think is exciting to see a fresh face in writing new dr who stories.


The very bad news is we wont see a full series till 2017 and the only episode this year will be the christmas special :(

What do you guys think of the news?

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  • 4 months later...

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