Valentez Posted April 4, 2013 Report Share Posted April 4, 2013 I'm a big fan of Sci-fi & Alien invasion films and I loved Independance Day, so naturally I'm ecstatic to see pre-production start to gather pace on not 1 but 2 sequels! *Awaits comments on how ID is crap and the sequels wil be lame too* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted April 6, 2013 Report Share Posted April 6, 2013 I'm so taunted by the face they're making Finding Dory! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted May 9, 2013 Report Share Posted May 9, 2013 Star Trek Into Darkness Won't go into detail as I know many people probably have yet to see it, but OH MY GOD! Such a great film. If you can I'd recommend going to see it at an IMAX in 3D. I myself am not a trekkie, but I love both of these new films. They have just the right mix of sci-fi, action and comedy. I can see a whole new generation of trekkies Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted May 18, 2013 Report Share Posted May 18, 2013 Wreck-It Ralph Bit late to the party on this one (Student Cinema ftw though), but WOW. Brilliant film, original enough story line, humour for all ages. Just what Disney films are known for, at it's absolute best. If you didn't see it at the cinema, make sure you get the DVD when it comes out. 9/10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted June 3, 2013 Report Share Posted June 3, 2013 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted June 7, 2013 Report Share Posted June 7, 2013 The Purge AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH this film was frustrating. SPOILERS AHEAD: So the basic story for the film is that in future America, crime is legal for 12 hours on 1 day every year. So obviously everyone goes all crazy killing people etc etc. Now this was a pretty cool idea for a horror/thriller, it was something new the writers could explore and I was looking forward to it. It starts off with your typical rich businessman and his family, they have a posh house which is covered in security for the night, so they're locked in, 'safe'. But then bad stuff happens, someone gets let in, and a group of masked weapon-wielding mad people turn up. They basically want the family to give over the guy they let in, or else they'll kill the whole family. At this point I was absolutely loving this film, it had set up so well for a decent thriller/horror home invasion, but it turned into a really predictable slasher. I mean there were some good moments, one character gets their face smashed which is a really epic piece of the film. A lot of the second half of the film is predictable if you've seen a slasher film before, just keep an eye on what character's still alive in the house but not in that scene and you'll know that they'll come save the day, nothing new there. One massive positive this film had was Rhys Wakefield, now I don't know what it is about this guy, but I loved him from the start. This actor plays the main bad guy in the film and boy did he save it from being a dreadful film. His acting was top-notch, one of my favourite horror villains. In a way he reminded me of Christian Bale in American Psycho, but that may just be the way he kept brushing his hair back with his fingers. The film's probably worth watching for this actor alone. If you like films with a strong creepy psychotic villain (Scream, American Psycho to name a few) then check it out. Overall I think to sum this film up in 2 words I'd say "wasted potential" which is a shame really as the whole 'Purge' thing was a neat idea for a movie. 7/10 (Rhys Wakefield 10/10) Tom 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted June 13, 2013 Report Share Posted June 13, 2013 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted June 19, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 19, 2013 Film of 2014 confirmed... Fred, Matt 236, pluk and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubbles1 Posted June 19, 2013 Report Share Posted June 19, 2013 Please tell me that is not real! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted June 19, 2013 Report Share Posted June 19, 2013 Don't act like you're not impressed... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Posted June 20, 2013 Report Share Posted June 20, 2013 I'm looking forward to Grown Ups 2! Really enjoyed the first film, hope the second one will be as good. Also, B&M restraints FTW! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubbles1 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I thought I would add my thoughts on world war Z... Having read the book, I wasn't looking forward to this, due to the trailer appearing to be nothing like it. And, it has very little in common, however I actually found I enjoyed it! Acting was decent (except for those annoying daughters-someone infect them already!), visual effects often impressive, and the pace was always high speed. There was the odd decent jump, and several scenes stood out- the Philadelphia opening was fairly intense. Fans of the book will pick up on a few similarities and references, however I will warn you that the story and style of the book are all but gone. There is one problem which has stuck with me. The film feels like three different sections, with very different takes. The singular, blurry cgi enhanced zombies in act 1, the swarm of flailing arms in act 2, and the generally slow make-up zombies. It creates quite a stark contrast, which is quite odd. Overall, I would give it an 8/10. It has its flaws, but its not too shabby, not at all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liam T Posted July 18, 2013 Report Share Posted July 18, 2013 Basically let's do a catch up on the recent movie's I've watched! Star Trek into Darkness I watched this a few weeks ago, and I have been waiting so long for it (about 3 years since the 2009 movie came out)! As a huge trekkie, I was very excited and I was not disappointed, the movie just kept giving and giving, making every action scene bigger than the last, Benedict Cumberbatch was pure evil and fantastic, he made you love and hate the character at the same time, and his accent just added to the graphic violent nature of his lines in the movie. The special effects was beyond anything I've seen before, and the pure beauty of some of the scenes had me on the edge of my seat, my new favourite movie of all time. 10/10 Despicable Me 2 I was always a big fan of Despicable Me and those minions are the most adorable creations ever! So when I watched this a couple of weeks ago, I was very impressed with Despicable Me 2 and thought it was better than the first one, those purple minions though scariest things ever! It was a very good film and very funny! I was in stiches nearly all the way through and even crying! It's certainly a movie to be enjoyed by all ages! 8/10 And the most recently movie I've watched was... Man of Steel So I watched this in the Directors Hall yesterday (so may have bumped up my rating for it alot) but this certainly blew my socks off! When I first heard about it, I was very excited to see how an rebooted Superman would feel and knowing that Christopher Nolan will produced it (I'm a huge fan of The Dark Knight trilogy) I was brimming to see it... but then the trailers came out and I thought very meh of it, but how wrong was I... From start to finish the movie gives Superman a new lease of life! The new 'darker' Superman is truly brilliant (Henry Cavill ) and I felt the plot was very good! And the actions scenes were fantastic, I was left speechless and I'm very excited for Man of Steel 2... Did it beat Batman? Well honestly I'm not sure but is it one of my favourite superhero movies and sorry Marvel but DC for the win! 10/10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan9 Posted July 18, 2013 Report Share Posted July 18, 2013 I thought Man of Steel was good, but nothing amazing. Weirdly the action parts were more annoying than anything, which surely defeats the point? For me watching a group of people basically invincible fighting eachother gets tiring after about a minute. The last fight in particular felt very unnecessary and you can tell by the fairly anti-climactic finale: 'how will either of them win?! Oh...'. Less time should have been spent on samey fights and more time on character development, which was good when it happened but there just wasn't enough of it. The flashback parts and watching Clarke coming to terms with having to live and work in the real world were all great. Today I saw Monsters University, and having heard it may disappoint the more seasoned Pixar fan I wasn't expecting much, but I absolutely loved it! Tom and Smidget 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Posted July 18, 2013 Report Share Posted July 18, 2013 Today I saw Monsters University, and having heard it may disappoint the more seasoned Pixar fan I wasn't expecting much, but I absolutely loved it! Yes yes yes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark9 Posted July 18, 2013 Report Share Posted July 18, 2013 Whats a seasoned Pixar fan anyway? Someone who got Toy Story on video for Christmas in 1996, watched it twice before 6am that day and then ever since has been counting down the days till the next Pixar release and forever being blown away by A Bugs Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall.E, Up and Toy Story 3?! Monsters University is a great film, it's just not an outstanding Pixar film. And when its a company like Pixar, which has delivered utter perfection on every technical level, it must be slightly concerning when the Disney corner is trouncing them with Tangled and Wreck it Ralph, far superior films and more enjoyable and not relying on a sequel to bring in the dollars. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted July 18, 2013 Report Share Posted July 18, 2013 Today I saw Monsters University, and having heard it may disappoint the more seasoned Pixar fan I wasn't expecting much, but I absolutely loved it! YES! After having watched Despicable Me 2 and being a little disappointed in it (it was good, but had nothing on the first), I was a little worried Monsters University would fall into the sequel trap of being poor in comparison to the original. However, I was completely wrong! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and yes the characters are different to who they are in Monsters Inc., but in all honesty can anyone say that the person they were as a teenager they are still today? It was fantastic to give the characters a back story and to see how they developed into the monsters we adore in Inc. As a child Monsters Inc was one of my absolute favourite films and when the sequel announced I was super excited. I am so glad it lived up to my expectations. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan9 Posted July 18, 2013 Report Share Posted July 18, 2013 Whats a seasoned Pixar fan anyway? Someone who got Toy Story on video for Christmas in 1996, watched it twice before 6am that day and then ever since has been counting down the days till the next Pixar release and forever being blown away by A Bugs Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall.E, Up and Toy Story 3?! Monsters University is a great film, it's just not an outstanding Pixar film. And when its a company like Pixar, which has delivered utter perfection on every technical level, it must be slightly concerning when the Disney corner is trouncing them with Tangled and Wreck it Ralph, far superior films and more enjoyable and not relying on a sequel to bring in the dollars. I'm not sure what I meant by that, I just saw a trend in most film critics reviews that it was a considerable cut below other efforts - 'bland', 'tired', 'derivative', 'half-baked', 'forgettable' were some of the descriptions I read - yet after seeing it myself these seem like unfair brandings. I'm someone who'd rather Pixar made more new films rather than sequels, I even said so one page ago, but to me this film had all the charm and heart of the first, was clever in execution considering prequels can be tricky subjects, and helped broaden the monster universe. It definitely isn't as outstanding as The Incredibles, Wall-E or Toy Story, but I'm slightly baffled by some of the scorn aimed in its direction. Smidget 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark9 Posted July 19, 2013 Report Share Posted July 19, 2013 It comes from Pixar's reputation in the industry They famously said they would never do sequels unless they felt the story was strong enough and yet three years into the tennies and we've seen one film that isn't a sequel/prequel. I'm glad the majority enjoy it though because as I say its a good film and some of the new characters in it such as the Librarian and Art are brilliant. I just don't think it added anything to Mike or Sully's character. They couldn't go anywhere because they can only dovetail into Monsters Inc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted July 25, 2013 Report Share Posted July 25, 2013 Ooooooo... EC! and Sidders 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidders Posted July 25, 2013 Report Share Posted July 25, 2013 That looks absolutely amazing. Actually laughed out loud. I remember reading about it on Wikipedia but didn't get much from it. Looks exciting! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastergod Posted July 25, 2013 Report Share Posted July 25, 2013 not sure if you people are the musical type and from watching it in the cinema, buying the blu-ray was a must for me. Les Mis: A good remake of the west end musical, with the actors and actresses singing live on set, instead of having it pre-recorded. Funny bits in it as well- like the Saccha Baron Cohen (spelt right??) scenes. Great scenery with it being filmed mainly in UK, I particularly enjoyed the opening scene, which was simple but effective. An Easy 10/10. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 26, 2013 Author Report Share Posted July 26, 2013 I thought Les Mis was a load of tripe, especially when Amanda Burdenous appeared and the whole love triangle angle appeared... Also, Russel Crowe and quite frankly the worst attempt at a revolution ever... #uneducatedlout Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastergod Posted August 3, 2013 Report Share Posted August 3, 2013 hangover part 3. so after watching the 2 parts, I did not expect there to be another one, till a few months later, one had come out. I decided to watch it. so it is advertised as a comedy.(wrong). I did not really find much funny other than alan being alan. I would call it more of an action film this time round, some may agree other may disagree. A disappointing end for the series after following 2 good films, however it wasn't bad, and a good overall series. score: 7/10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitchada04 Posted August 14, 2013 Report Share Posted August 14, 2013 Finally got round to seeing Monsters University today and am pleased to say it was great! I was worried that I may be disappointed by it as I'm such a huge Monsters Inc. fan but I wasn't! First of all a bit of history. I remember seeing Monsters Inc. when it first came out in the cinema in 2001. At this time I was only 4 and it was the first film I went to see on the big screen. I remember sitting there with loads of people around me whilst these huge, magnificent, colourful monsters made everyone's day. It was and still is such a heart warming film with the right mix of everything; friendship, adventure, humour, love and so on. Monsters Inc. even made me cry when Boo's door was shredded (the only film I've ever cried at) and that wonderful ending where Mike has fixed the door, Sulley opens it and you just hear Boo. Perfection! It was my favourite film for years and is still very high up today. When I heard that they were making a prequel I was both excited and nervous as to how it would compare to the original. Many film companies just make sequels for the sake of it with no idea for a storyline. Monsters University doesn't feel this way though, it wasn't needed but fills an empty space in the story of Mike and Sulley. The beginning offers a lovely backstory to how Mike wanted to become a scarer. The audience is made to feel sorry for this little monster who is ignored by the others and pushed to the back so he can't see. But after a current scarer gives Mike a Monsters University hat he has the dream and drive to go to the school of scaring. His childhood life then flashes by in photos and suddenly he is embarking on his university adventure. We first meet Randall who is Mike's room mate and he is a shy, nerdy monster who wants to be with the cool kids, not the Randall we know from Monsters Inc. In lesson, we meet Sulley who is this arrogant monster who believes he doesn't need to work for anything as his dad is a famous scarer. To begin with Mike and Sulley are enemies as they don't like each others attitude, until they fail there test (Mike for not being scary and Sulley for not working out how to scare the child properly from there description) where they have to team up to try and win the Scare Awards. They work together and win the tournament against all of the odds. But, we find out Sulley changed the settings on the scare simulator to help them win. Mike is devastated that Sulley didn't think he could do it so goes to prove himself through a real door. Trouble occurs, Sulley goes in to try and save him where they have to work as a team (using Mike's mind to create physiological fear and Sulley to finish it off). Everyone ends up fine, the two get expelled and go to work in the mailroom and Monsters Inc. To end the film we see inside Mike's locker where he has photos of there progression through the ranks until they work on the scare floor. The film ends with the two walking onto the scare floor for there first day. Of course that's very summarised with humour, rivalries, friendships etc. occurring throughout the whole film. Overall, a great film that gives a great backstory to Monsters Inc. I could nit pick at how Mike and Sulley are meant to have been best friends from a very young age etc. but it really doesn't matter or affect the film. I still prefer Monsters Inc. and always will but that's helped by the sentimental value it has to me. I give Monsters University an 8.5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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